Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 232

Chapter 232: Produce Conflict

Ye Ziliang and the others continued to film while Liu Man went to the storage room next door.

Today was Monday.

With her past experience, Mondays were the busiest days because the customers loved to order on the weekends. Liu Man thought that Liu Chengyu would come help Zhang Pei but as she entered the room, she only saw a few workers with Zhang Pei.

“Man Man, perfect timing. Can you help me check over this account, I checked multiple times but the calculations were incorrect at the end. I don’t know what’s wrong.”

“Why isn’t dad helping?”

“Oh, I forgot to tell you, he has a new job.” Zhang Pei sounded as if she didn’t care about Liu Chengyu.

“What job?”

“Probably working as a minor office worker,” Zhang Pei had a hint of disdain in her eyes.

Liu Chengyu had already finished his first week of work, his new job was very relaxed. Arriving at 9:30 didn’t count as late and coming back home at 4 didn’t count as leaving early either.”

In the past, Zhang Pei used to think that these kinds of jobs were great. She wanted Liu Man to find the same types of jobs, no pressure, quite relaxed, and it provides a stable income. The only down is that the salary isn’t a lot.

But now that her husband finally found the “dream job”, she disliked him more and more.

Since Liu Chengyu was new, he was busy giving a good impression to everyone in fear of them knowing what he had done in the past.action

Obviously, he knew that Zhang Pei worked even later than him, yet, he never thought to help out in the storage room.

Zhang Pei mentioned the business she and Liu Man made to him, he also knew that Zhang Pei’s job was to manage a few migrant workers.

Did he really have to help out with the low level labor here? Liu Chengyu was a graduate of a prestigious university in his early years. Before the accident, he was still a small cadre. He still holds the temperament of a cadre and disdains working with migrant workers.

Not to mention that he saw Zhang Pei’s energetic face every day, so he thought that her work must be easy. Since when she was still a full-time mom, she didn’t even appear this happy.

The most urgent thing on his list was to build up a good reputation in his new job and think of ways to get promoted! Instead, not dealing with manual labor.

When Zhang Pei thought that Liu Chengyu didn’t not go to work on weekends, and would rather sleep at home than come to help, her anger was pent up. But, she didn’t show her dissatisfaction with her husband in front of Liu Man.

After all, in the beginning, she was the one who used everything and had debts everywhere. She even made Liu Man suffer with her to finally save this man.

But Liu Man didn’t know what Zhang Pei was thinking, she had already checked over the account and looked over the income of the month. It had only been half way through July and they had already made 70k in profit.

Now, Zhang Pei was also mentioning that she wanted to expand the storage room, “The room is too small, we always sell out all the goods that arrived in Hong Kong every Friday on Monday. We are always out of stock from Tuesday to Thursday. “

Looking in the room, it was true that only a few cardboard boxes remained.

“But, we don’t have enough money,” Liu Man said, “We still have to pay Lawyer Li hihs fee of 150k.”

She didn’t forget her promise with Li Shuhua saying that once Liu Chengyu came out, she would pay him back at the end of the month. The 70k plus the 20k for the theme song recording was only 90k. They were still missing 60k.

If business went well, then they could definitely gain the rest of the 60k at the end of the month.

Hearing the words “lawyer fee”, Zhang Pei laughed coldly,

“We don’t have to pay for your father, he has the ability to do that himself and he’s too stubborn to change his mind.”

Liu Man furrowed her brows. She felt that Zhang Pei was angry. She seemed to have had a quarrel with Liu Chengyu.

Therefore, she didn’t think that Zhang Pei meant what she said, since Liu Chengyu had no chance of paying back the 150k fee.

Yet Zhang Pei said, determined, “Really, you don’t have to worry about him. Just use the money you have right now to rent a bigger storage room. With a bigger room, we can eventually earn more money and broaden our career.

The filming continued for five days and Ye Ziliang gave everyone a one day break since he had to return to the television company. He had to report back his work progress to his boss.

To be honest, his boss was always dissatisfied with Ye Ziliang’s topic. The other three contestants had topics like “Daily Life in the Live News Room”, “600 Years of the Forbidden City”, and “City Light”. These topics were all noble and broad, compared to them, Ye Ziliang’s “Cutie’s Veterinary” was a bit out of place. Why would he ever film pets? The topic captured too little grand ideals.

TL Note: I have forgotten how to translate 萌宠医院 so I’m just going with Cutie’s Veterinary haha.

But Ye Ziliang stood by his ideas.

After he left his boss’s office, he saw the producers of the film “600 Years of the Forbidden City”, Guo Nan. Guo Nan said, “You were the latest to start, why did you choose such an unpopular topic after sooo much thought?”

Guo Nan sounded a bit sarcastic.

Ye Ziliang followed his sarcasm and said with self-deprecation, “I had no choice, I don’t have as many connections as you to be able to walk directly into the Forbidden City. You are so awesome!”

Guo Nan genuinely thought Ye Ziliang was truthfully complimenting him and said with pride, “Heh, it’s not that hard to be in the Forbidden City. Thanks to my uncle’s connections, I only have to gain permission from the dean.

Among the four of them, Ye Ziliang had the thinnest background. Although Ye Zian was a well-known director, he achieved his success by himself. In fact, Zi Zian is sheltering his younger brother with his own hard work. In truth, Ye Zian had the most pressure.

Did Ye Ziliang really didn’t want to film the live news room? Or the Forbidden City?

But would the leaders even let him film?

When those well-known news reporters see low-level staff of the TV station like Ye Ziliang, they look up to the sky in pride. But Guo Nan could go around filming their daily lives.

Not to mention that he got in the Forbidden City that many big film directors couldn’t.

Guo Nan really did have a strong background!

You really can’t compare one person to another or your pride will break.

“I think that you shouldn’t waste your time. How about you spend the one month to film on something else? For example, you could find connections, or stabilize your job, or even switch departments.”

Guo Nan said this out of good intentions. He thought that Ye Ziliang’s documentary had no chance of beating them. If Ye Ziliang and the position of assistant producer in the documentary department are absolutely unmatched, then he should definitely hurry up and find his brother or other People to give him another way out.

But these suggestions were absolutely humiliating, Ye Ziliang said coldly, “Thanks for the advice. Now, I have more business to attend to.”

He didn’t give Guo Nan another chance to speak and turned away.

Guo Nan looked at the figure leaving. Heh, his kind advice was completely thrown out. Now, he just wants to wait until all the documentaries released online to see Ye Ziliang’s film at the bottom.

Translated by: Yutong

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