Trapped in a gacha game, I will steal all the heroines.

Chapter 40 Duchess Marian

Chapter 40 Duchess Marian

The maid in front of the door opened it, revealing that Duchess Marian would be standing, awaiting her esteemed guest.

"How was the journey, Mr. Dantalian?" josei

The duchess exudes an imposing presence. Her blond, curly hair is meticulously arranged, emanating an air of sophistication and superiority. Her intensely red eyes capture everyone's attention, conveying a piercing gleam and unwavering determination.

Her attire, with a touch of grandeur, is a true reflection of her position of power. Red, in all its splendor, dominates the ensemble, symbolizing her influence and authority. Every detail of the fabric reveals careful choice, highlighting her unique personality.

The duchess's dress is a masterpiece of fashion, combining elegance and seduction in a subtle manner. Precise cuts enhance her curves, conveying an image of mastery over her appearance. Exquisite embellishments and intricate embroideries adorn the attire, adding a touch of refinement that attracts curious gazes.

Her accessories are chosen with precision, accentuating her status and air of superiority. A necklace adorned with sparkling red rubies graces her neck, radiating an aura of wealth and power. Gold bracelets embellished with precious gemstones adorn her wrists, enhancing her elegance. Every detail of her ensemble is meticulously planned to convey an image of distinction and control.

The duchess, with her unmistakable style and enigmatic charm, captivates everyone around her. Her magnificent and seductive appearance is a reflection of the complexity of her personality, making it clear that she is a figure to be feared and respected in society.

Which only makes it even more difficult to deal with her, so I have to do something that doesn't directly connect to me. She must not know that I caused her fall from the pedestal, at least not until the final act.

"It was a very relaxing trip, and I have to thank you, miss, for giving me an excuse to escape the boring part of work."

'Freytan, so that's the reason for your disappearance...' Marian thought.

"I can imagine the size of the paper pile," Marian smiled gently, then added to her statement, "Come in, I have tea and cookies for us to discuss that matter."

"Of course, and in advance, I thank you for the hospitality."

I glanced around, Amanda and Freytan were acting as I had instructed, silently avoiding drawing any attention, although Freytan was almost making her hand bleed.

"No use staying silent if you're going to attract attention in another way," I whispered.

Hearing that, Freytan sighed, closing her eyes and slowly opening them again, gradually relaxing her fist.

'I should have stayed in the carriage...' Freytan thought.

Freytan looked at Amanda, noticing her static expression as she walked a slightly slower pace than mine, seemingly having nothing on her mind, completely overshadowed by the person who called her master. With this scene, Freytan thought, 'I don't feel anything, even though she's on Dantalian's side, which makes her emotions clear to anyone...'

'This is just an assassination, a mission...'

Freytan's steps began to synchronize with Amanda's, making her typically imposing presence fade away, completely covered by the same shadow as Amanda.

'Marian, you'll pay,' Freytan thought, now expressing all her hatred and bloodlust through scattered thoughts.

Seeing this whole scene, I just smiled. This way, I can talk to Marian without worrying about a spontaneous outburst from Freytan, as the Duchess knows exactly what her greatest desire is at the moment.

And with that, I think it's time to move on to the real focus of Chapter One.

"If you personally called me, it means that the attackers were not just common thugs, am I right?"

Since I prevented Fiona from giving her grand speech, only the royalty knows the true reason behind that attack, as they have been going through it for a long time.

"Perceptive of you, Mr. Dantalian. I thought you would go unnoticed, considering your accomplishment was great."

'In the game, of course, no one paid attention to it.'

"And even though it was something significant, the usual procedure would be for one of your servants to deliver the reward to me, not to receive an invitation letter."

"A good line of reasoning," Marian glanced briefly in Freytan's direction.

"It seems we have arrived."

Marian stopped in front of a door, opening it and pointing inside, saying, "Let's go in and continue our conversation."

'Huh, she dismissed the maids' services. The treatment is so different compared to the game; it feels strange.'

As I was about to enter the room, Marian said, "I think it's better if your servants stay outside."

'Are you pretending not to know me, you bitch?' Freytan thought, suppressing all her anger.

'What do you mean? I want to know more about what the master said,' Amanda thought.

"Could you do me this favor, miss? They were excited to meet you."

From the table, Marian picked up a cup and positioned it in front of her lips.

"I'm sorry, but the subject cannot be heard by servants."

"I'm sorry, girls, but you heard it. There's nothing I can do."

I quickly looked at both of them, placing my hand on their shoulders, activating the Divine Hand as weakly as possible to avoid emitting any strong light, causing the golden energy, now almost transparent in color, to rise up to Amanda and Freytan's ears, covering them.

"Don't worry, master, we'll be waiting here," Amanda said, while Freytan remained silent.

Looking at Marian, I said, "So, can we start now?"

"Of course, come in and enjoy this sweet tea in the meantime," Marian smiled, showing me the cup in her hand.

Entering the room, I would see an elegant and refined environment. Two comfortable sofas occupied the space, symmetrically arranged. In the center, there was a small table with a plate of cookies, a cup, and a transparent teapot. The decoration was subtle, with a floral arrangement bringing a touch of color to the room. The atmosphere was welcoming, inviting visitors to relax and enjoy the company of the Duchess.

"With your permission," I said as I sat on the couch in front of Marian, picking up the cup of coffee that was already full.

"Don't worry, I made this tea myself just a moment ago," she said with a smile.

"I see..." I replied.

Marian finished drinking her tea and placed the cup back on the table. She held the teapot handle and began filling her cup.

"Are you thinking it might be poisoned? If you want, I'll take the first sip," she chuckled.

"No, it's not that. It's just that I didn't expect a duchess to do something like this," I said.

"Are you referring to that? I do have some friends who don't brush their own teeth, but honestly, I don't think anyone who does that is fit to rule a region," Marian said, taking a sip of her tea.

"Well, this region is lucky then."

"Now, getting straight to the point, the group that attacked your guild's city is called the Hunters. According to the investigation, they are said to be from another world. We don't know their exact motives, but we've been dealing with them for a long time, over ten years to be honest. We've never managed to capture one of the fifteen, not even their attacks. So when I heard about your accomplishment, I had to call you because a great ally of ours is in trouble," Marian explained.

This long and expositional speech made me nostalgic, but it's a shame that the characters have their true voices but not rather the voices of voice actors. Marian's voice was amazing.

"Was it too much information all at once?" Marian asked.

"No, not at all. Please continue. Tell me who this ally is," I replied, knowing already.

Marian took one of the cookies and continued speaking.

"I ask you to help them, the elves, because I've been informed that many people in your kingdom are being affected by an unknown disease, and all of this is happening due to a strange magical energy circulating in the kingdom. So far, none of the elves have been able to discover who is the carrier of this energy, but the fact that you noticed it and prepared a counterattack before they even started makes you the perfect person to find them. Am I wrong?" she explained.

"So the sentence was changed from me having to pay for the damage to me being the perfect guy for this? Being fawned over like that, I liked it," I thought, smiling.

"Of course, but what will be the reward?" I asked.

"From what I've heard, it didn't seem like the reserved master of the guild was a greedy man," Marian replied.

"I'm just not foolish. I'll have to give up my time as the guild master, which could tarnish my reputation. Besides, the elven kingdom is far from here, so it won't be a short journey. Plus, I'll have to face something that even the elves couldn't handle," I said, finishing my tea and placing the cup back on the table.

For a brief moment, it seemed like Marian was about to express contempt. As she placed the cup back on the table, she leaned towards me, resting both hands on the surface and fixing her gaze upon me. Her red eyes seemed to emanate an intense heat, as if they wanted to scorch me with a single glance.

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