Trapped in a Webnovel as a Good-For-Nothing

Chapter 117

Chapter 117

After he started using the Dancing Electric Doll, the speed difference between Choi Yu-Seong and Bernard Yoo became smaller. Noticing how close Yu-Seong was getting, even without using ancient relics, Bernard smiled bitterly.

‘I’m using Orc Hunt, but his speed is still similar to mine?’

Many people were mistaken about Yu-Seong’s ability. To Bernard, Yu-Seong was probably the best among the D-rank players right now.

“Not to mention, he’s overwhelming.”

Still, Bernard Yoo was considered a genius. He had a bitter smile, but his expression soon hardened.

'I mean, I didn't have a choice from the beginning. I had to put my own conscience aside and use the ancient relic.’

Others used to say that Bernard Yoo's greatest advantage was his family or natural talent. However, Meghan, who was his teacher and had been watching him the closest and longest, used to tell him that his unique strengths were actually quick understanding and ready acceptance of himself and his circumstances.

'I have to accept it. Choi Yu-Seong is stronger than me right now.’

Ironically, it was only at this point that Bernard Yoo's real talent began to emerge. It was sparked by a simple reason.

Bernard Yoo had trouble concentrating for a long time. Perhaps it was due to overconfidence or his relaxed personality. Therefore, the longer the battle, the more minor mistakes or useless movements he made. However, all these shortcomings disappeared when his concentration increased to an extreme.

That was why the S-rank hunter Meghan used to say this.

- Bernard, if you can keep your concentration for more than two hours, you will be called the strongest D-rank player ever.

Of course, Bernard Yoo didn't really care about that. As Meghan said, he was quick to acknowledge his own strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, he knew very well that he could never concentrate for more than an hour.

'Choi Yu-Seong, I'm sorry, but I'm not in a position where I can lose you.’

Bernard Yoo's concentration began rising to the limit. Soon, he fell into a trance. He smashed and moved past the Orc Warriors without looking back and quickly reached the entrance of the boss room.

Bernard appeared to be unstoppable. Even until the moment he reached the entrance to the boss room and grabbed the giant doorknob, Bernard Yoo was excited about the battle and his victory.

Distracted by his own thoughts, Bernard did not hesitate to turn around and send a punch flying when he felt Yu-Seong urgently grabbing his shoulder. His fist was strengthened by his will to break the head of anyone who interfered. He delivered a powerful punch that tore Yu-Seong’s ear in the process.


Choi Yu-Seong swayed side to side as an explosive sound rang out.

"Are you deaf? Why aren't you listening to me?” shouted Yu-Seong, who turned around with a groan.

It wasn't until then that Bernard Yoo realized that he had done something quite dangerous. His gaze softened, returning to its normal state. He then asked, "What do you mean...?”

Choi Yu-Seong was lying on the floor and wiping the blood flowing down his ear. He said with a sigh, "Dang it. I'm so dizzy. I'll try to recover so you stop the Orcs from rushing in.”

"I don't understand. We're still competing, and there seems to be no reason for me to help you make up for your mistake."

"Look at the sky, you idiot."

Bernard Yoo raised his head while frowning at Choi Yu-Seong's words. He tilted his head in confusion. “A gray sky is nothing special.”

"That's not what I meant... The drone…" Choi Yu-Seong's words came out slow and heavy because his head hurt too much for him to continue speaking. He sat down in place cross-legged while clutching his head. The God’s Chakra was activated, and red and blue energy soon enveloped his body.

After watching Yu-Seong for a while, Bernard Yoo widened his eyes as he blocked the fist of the rushing Orc Warrior.

'There isn’t a single drone?’

Since it was a competition between the two big groups, the match’s process and conclusion had to have clear evidence.

As soon as Bernard Yoo first entered the dungeon, he had plenty of reporters following him and many drones that filmed his every action. It made him feel quite strange. But now, there wasn't even a single one when drones had been swarming him like bees everywhere.

At that moment, Bernard Yoo snapped back into reality. After struggling with an Orc Warrior who blocked his punch, Bernard lifted the monster and threw it at the others. Then, he looked around.

‘There are pieces of a broken drone lying there. Seems like the drones all collided with one another.’

Bernard Yoo quickly got the picture. He muttered, "Someone attacked from the outside.”

He was soon boiling with anger.

"How dare they... Bastards!"

It was a competition between the two biggest groups in Korea. It was a game that thrilled Bernard Yoo so much that he even gave up on his pride and chose to cheat. However, the game was now messed up by outside interference.

'Who the heck did this? Grandpa and Chairman Choi wouldn't have made a mistake.'

If it was not a mistake, it would be a conspiracy. Someone must have betrayed the two chairmen. The traitor would certainly be caught once this situation was over, but Bernard himself wouldn’t be able to vent his anger over the situation.

It seemed like Choi Yu-Seong had figured out the situation quite early on. In fact, the drone had suddenly exploded overhead, so he would be a fool to still not understand the situation.

However, Bernard Yoo had become a fool while in a trance and had hurt Yu-Seong, who had tried to stop him. It was certainly his fault.

Once he began adopting that perspective, Bernard Yoo’s anger soared to the highest point. He went ballistic. But thankfully, he managed to calm himself after a moment. He caught his breath and remembered what he had to do.

'It's definitely the villains. I don't know how many of them can get inside the dungeon, but…I have to stop them.’

If possible, it would be best if the villains did not enter the dungeon. Forces from the Cheon-Ji Group, Comet Group, and the Player Association located outside would do their best to achieve that. However, as it was an unexpected attack, there would definitely be a window allowing the villains to enter the dungeon.

In fact, the attacking Orc Warriors that prevented Bernard Yoo and Choi Yu-Seong from entering the boss room gradually decreased. This was because the monsters that unconditionally rushed towards them were now running in the opposite direction.

‘The villains came in.’

After noticing the situation, Bernard Yoo clenched his fist and readied his body for battle.

'I'm protecting Choi Yu-Seong.’

Choi Yu-Seong was injured because Bernard Yoo had run wild without even looking around. If Yu-Seong were to get seriously injured or killed by a villain, Bernard Yoo would feel unbearably remorseful.

Moments later, two villains wearing black masks that resembled demon faces appeared in the distance. Bernard Yoo immediately recognized who they were.

‘Demon King Worshipers!’

They were the only villains who wore black masks that resembled demons. It was not difficult to understand why such a global terrorist group had entered this dungeon.

'Crazy bastards! They are trying to make money by kidnapping the two of us...!’

Smiling through the gaps in the masks, the villains quickly approached Bernad Yoo who ground his teeth in anger. The villains easily slaughtered the approaching Orc Warriors around them, so they were most likely above D-rank.

‘They are C-rank or higher. For the weapons: one has two daggers, and the other one… Is he a Projection skill type?’

Looking at the villains who might be B-rank, Bernard Yoo bit his lower lip and stood in front of Choi Yu-Seong.

"You're not going to run away? You're fearless, young man!"


The two villains talked leisurely with loud voices. However, they got it all wrong. Bernard Yoo wasn’t fearless; he was very much afraid.

‘They are definitely stronger than me.’

And since he was up against more than one villain, Bernard Yoo believed that he was going to die.

'No, I won’t die. They're gonna have to take me alive somehow.’

The experience wouldn’t be a great one, but Bernard Yoo thought it wasn’t a bad thing to keep in mind the fact that they could not kill him.

'If I use that to my advantage, I'll get a chance to get out of this.’

At that moment, Bernard Yoo's mind was filled with determination to risk his life. Again, he felt someone urgently grabbing his collar. He turned around in surprise and saw Choi Yu-Seong’s urgent expression.

Noticing how tense Bernard was, Yu-Seong shouted, “Are you crazy? What are you doing?! We have to go inside.”


"They are obviously B-ranks. If we fight here, we will definitely lose."

Would entering the boss room offer them a different and better situation? Bernard Yoo thought back to what he knew, remembering that the boss room with the Orc War Chief inside was a huge cave.

Bernard Yoo could only think it over for a second, because he didn’t have too much time. Before he knew it, the villains were going to reach them in about 30 seconds. He quickly made a decision, turning around and following Yu-Seong. He ran toward the boss room.josei

“But how come you don't budge when I pull you?”

Bernard Yoo contemplated for a moment at Choi Yu-Seong’s question. Then, he suggested, “Maybe you are weak?”

"No way."

With a chuckle, Bernard Yoo leaped in front of Choi Yu-Seong and yanked hard on the boss room’s doorknob.

Once the huge door opened wide, Choi Yu-Seong and Bernard Yoo looked at each other and nodded lightly. They quickly threw themselves inside. Ten seconds later, the two villains followed them through the entrance to the boss room.


If a normal Orc was about two meters tall, an Orc Warrior was about three meters tall. Then, what about the Orc War Chief, who was the raid-level boss monster?

‘At least five meters. No wonder people said it looks quite like an Ogre…’

They were right. As soon as Yu-Seong entered the boss room, he looked at the giant monster that had bloodshot eyes and gulped. In fact, looking at that huge monster in front of his eyes, he seemed to understand why it was given the special title, ‘the Raid Boss’.


The giant Orc War Chief started running towards Choi Yu-Seong and Bernard Yoo with a roar.

"Don't attack for now and spread out! We need to make things difficult for the villains.”

Before he could even finish speaking, Bernard Yoo was already running deep into the huge cave. Choi Yu-Seong also ran quickly.

Following them, the two villains entered the boss room and frowned when they saw the Orc War Chief in front of them. A huge ax then fell overhead, and the villain armed with two daggers leaped up on the jumping Orc War Chief’s thick arms.

The villains looked for Choi Yu-Seong and Bernard Yoo, who were scattered in both directions.

'You think we don’t know your ulterior motives?’

Just as the dagger villain laughed and contemplated who to prey on first, Choi Yu-Seong activated Magic Spear and quickly struck forward with his spear in succession.

Three blades of wind cut through the air and flew across space.

‘He has Projection skill?’

The dagger villain was shocked by Choi Yu-Seong's unexpected ability, but he soon hardened his expression. He stared at the Wind Blade that was approaching him.

For the Projection skill types, especially those with the natural element attributes, they had considerable power. However, since Yu-Seong was only at the level of D-rank, his skill could simply be defeated with the physical force of a B-rank hunter.

As if to prove such a fact, the villain ripped the Wind Blade apart with his daggers.

The Wind Blade that brushed past the dagger villain scratched the Orc War Chief’s face, since the monster was standing right behind the villain.


Naturally, sticky blue blood dripped down the dagger villain’s back.


The Orc War Chief’s angry roar could be heard from behind.

‘Why am I caught in the crossfire?’

The dagger villain slowly raised his head and met the huge eyes that stared at him. He had no choice but to moan bitterly.

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