Trapped in a Webnovel as a Good-For-Nothing

Chapter 258

Chapter 258

When three Demon Kings descended simultaneously, the decision to evacuate Seoul posed a challenging gamble for Yu-Seong as he organized personnel. Therefore, he had initially planned to relocate the Hidden Team to Seoul in case of emergencies.

However, just before departing for Paris at the eleventh hour, he received a crucial message from Woo-Jae.

- Don't worry about me, no matter what you do. Did you really think your father wouldn't be prepared for a situation like this?

After Woo-Jae's initial arrogant statement, the subsequent messages that followed were truly shocking. In Seoul, players from various countries were gathering, including Japan, despite strained relations, and India, known to have the second-highest number of players after China.

Additionally, formidable players from South American countries such as Brazil, Colombia, and Argentina were also present. Among them were the top-ranking members of various guilds, including players with S-rank or higher rankings.

'...What on earth has Father been preparing all this time?'

In fact, Yu-Seong had anticipated that Woo-Jae would gather players and soldiers from various locations, but the scale of the gathering exceeded Yu-Seong's imagination.

Flustered, Yu-Seong inquired about the situation only to discover that, despite operating under different names and corporations, all of them were funded by a common source known as 'Comet.' In other words, Woo-Jae had not only formed a guild in Korea but had also established global organizations capable of seamlessly joining the Comet Guild whenever needed.

Naturally, Yu-Seong couldn't help but acknowledge the incredible and terrifying nature of Woo-Jae.

‘So, he had been concealing this immense force all along, disguised under the pretense of contingency planning.’

In some ways, the most terrifying character within the context of this world might not have been Eveheim, but rather Woo-Jae.

‘If it weren't for me causing him to be defeated by Kim Do-Jin in the original novel, he would have gone on to create an even more astonishing history.’

Having a dependable backup alleviated the fear of moving forward. Consequently, Yu-Seong could issue continuous orders to the Hidden Team, which had a substantial number of personnel stationed in the United States and the UK, where the activities of the Demon King Worshipers had recently been most rampant.

The objective was to sustain control and stability in those regions, and the outcome was a direct result of those tireless efforts.

"This seems like a clear victory for me," Yu-Seong said.

- …

For the first time, Yu-Seong beheld Eveheim's visage, twisted and contorted like that of a wrathful demon. As Yu-Seong stared into Eveheim's distorted face, his mind instinctively pondered what Eveheim would ultimately choose in the climactic moments.

"You'd be wise not to meddle with the members of the Hidden Team in London," Yu-Seong remarked, his voice resolute. "Once the Hexagram Masters disperse, I will personally focus solely on you, activating teleportation swiftly."

- While you're dealing with me, won't many people end up losing their lives?

"Don't be arrogant. I know you well, Eveheim," Yu-Seong stated firmly.

As a matter of fact, there was no longer a necessity to rely on the original novel.

"You're a coward who prioritizes your own life above all else," Yu-Seong added.

It was clear that Eveheim couldn't afford to risk his own life by engaging in a confrontation. Yu-Seong's observation was indeed accurate.

- You're right, Yu-Seong. I hate to admit it, but I have lost to you in our game so far.

However, Eveheim was a bit more of a coward than Yu-Seong had initially presumed.

- So, I had prepared this kind of measure just in case.

Once again, as Eveheim extended his hand, the holographic map of London unfurled, displaying the entire city. Numerous red dots were scattered across its expanse, indicating various locations. It was evident to Yu-Seong at first glance.

"Seems like the locations of the Hidden Team members. However... I did mention that a hostage threat wouldn't be effective, didn't I?" Yu-Seong remarked.

- You better listen to it until the end, as I'm currently not in a very good mood.

With Eveheim's stern voice, another wave of his hand revealed a large hexagonal magic circle set up around London city.

- This is a spell that I have personally constructed, investing a significant amount of time into its creation. The instant I snap my fingers, the entirety of London will be obliterated.

"You... What...?"

Only then did Yu-Seong's eyes widen in realization of Eveheim's true intention.

- Here's a proposal, Choi Yu-Seong: Enter this location alone. If you refuse, I will detonate the entire city.

In truth, Eveheim's target wasn't solely the members of the Hidden Team. He posed a threat to the lives of the entire population of London. In such a scenario, countless individuals would face death, including even the Demon King Worshipers who followed him.

"You're truly insane..." Yu-Seong's eyes reflected his bewilderment as he clenched his teeth.

'London is definitely a trap.'

How many diverse methods could the cowardly Eveheim have secretly deployed within his territory? Just the thought of it caused an imminent headache.

- From my perspective, it is irrelevant whether you retreat from this situation. The complete annihilation of a city as significant as London would undoubtedly unleash unimaginable chaos.

Furthermore, the ensuing chaos would eventually transform into vast karma, accumulating within this world.

- With the accumulated karma, I will unleash the most devastating Catastrophe upon this world, affecting it in its entirety.

"...Superbia, Demon King of Pride."

Eventually, chaos would beckon even greater chaos.

Yu-Seong felt dizzy as he pictured that horrific disaster in his head.

'He wouldn’t be taken down easily.'

Watching Yu-Seong gritting his teeth, Eveheim's avatar slowly blurred out with a wicked smile.

- The choice is yours, Choi Yu-Seong.

After Eveheim disappeared, all that remained before him was the Parisian sky. Yu-Seong had no option but to clench his fist and grit his teeth.

'That bastard...'

At this moment, a single thought emerged in his mind.

'What if he is just lying?'

A large-scale magic capable of obliterating all of London—essentially, from Eveheim's perspective, it meant he was willing to destroy his very own stronghold. In reality, such a decision was not something that the inherently cowardly Eveheim would typically arrive at.

'But just in case it's real...'

Now, the tide had shifted. Eveheim, too, possessed a profound comprehension of Yu-Seong. Regardless of whether it was a ruse, Yu-Seong found himself compelled to yield to it, fully aware of the truth. While Yu-Seong did not regard himself as a hero, he lacked the ruthlessness to idly witness the sacrifice of countless lives that he could have rescued. As a result, any variables or irregularities would prove ineffective.

‘From the very onset, upon observing the anomalous situation unfolding in London, I embarked on the journey here. He must have possessed unwavering confidence that I would indeed come.’

Yu-Seong sighed heavily and thought.

‘I'm sorry, Kim Do-Jin. I had intended to join you once you arrived, but…’

Now, even if Yu-Seong had to face Eveheim alone, he was determined to stop him.

'I have to confront this head-on.'

With resolve in his heart, Yu-Seong opened the portal, signaling the beginning of his ultimate battle, and fearlessly plunged into London.

From a distance, Eveheim observed the emergence of the green portal in the London sky and nodded his head in acknowledgment.

"You had no other choice," he remarked, acknowledging the inevitability of Yu-Seong's decision. In truth, even for Eveheim, employing London as bait was a desperate last resort.

'Thinking about the money and time I've poured into this country, it's such a pity.'

However, the threat of London's destruction from the beginning was not to be taken lightly. It was a plan that Eveheim had meticulously prepared for an extended period, intended for employment in the direst of circumstances.

‘I had expected the adversary to be Superbia, but…’

However, in the face of Yu-Seong, who proved to be significantly more formidable and meticulous than Eveheim had anticipated, he found himself compelled to resort to this strategy.

'If I don't take him down, there will be no next time.'

Above all, Eveheim's instincts were screaming.

'This is the last chance.'

His instincts told him that this was his final opportunity to eliminate Yu-Seong. Also, there was evidence to back up this instinct.

'Kim Do-Jin and Bernard Yoo haven't been seen for the past few months.'

Based on the experiences thus far, there was a strong likelihood that Yu-Seong was preparing something. Eveheim was particularly wary of the growth potential exhibited by both individuals. Given this situation, no matter how he contemplated it, prolonging the time appeared to be an unfavorable choice.

'I will stake everything and end it here.'

It was around this time that Eveheim's eyes shone coldly. A divine form appeared beyond the green portal. It was Yu-Seong.

"You're here!" Eveheim exclaimed.

Without hesitation, he extended his arms wide, and simultaneously, vibrant purple mana erupted from six buildings situated across the city of London. The mana intertwined through the empty air, creating a colossal magic circle that hovered above Yu-Seong's head.

As the immense surge of mana materialized before him, Yu-Seong's eyes widened in sheer astonishment.

‘You didn't think all I had in London was a mere self-destructive magic circle, did you?’

Eveheim harbored an unwavering confidence that Yu-Seong would be incapable of evading the mana cannon fueled by the energy harnessed from the six purple mana stones.

'Because the moment he dodges, countless citizens of London will die.'

Indeed, in a swift response, Yu-Seong activated a defensive skill, wielding his spear to erect a formidable barrier that successfully intercepted the onslaught of the colossal mana cannon.

'It's fine.'

Eveheim never entertained any doubts that Yu-Seong would be incapable of withstanding an attack of such magnitude. After all, Yu-Seong had directly confronted Ira, the Demon King of Wrath, displaying his unwavering resolve and formidable strength.

‘This is what’s important.’

While Yu-Seong valiantly blocked the onslaught of the swirling mana cannon, Eveheim extended both hands behind him, the purple aura enveloping him like repulsive tentacles.

Confronting the relentless mana cannon from the front, Yu-Seong found himself facing an attack that did not appear to pose an immediate threat. After a moment of hesitation, Yu-Seong reluctantly prepared himself and accepted the blow.

Observing this, Eveheim chuckled with sadistic delight.

'Is he trying to tie up both my arms with this?'

At the very moment that Eveheim, exultant with his initial strike, wore a triumphant smile, Yu-Seong swiftly dispelled all the descending mana cannons. With his back turned toward Eveheim, he locked eyes with fiery determination and shouted vehemently, his voice resounding through the air.


"Come, my adversary."

Responding with a radiant smile, Eveheim outstretched his arms wide. Simultaneously, Yu-Seong descended like lightning, hurtling toward the very building upon which Eveheim stood.


Upon arriving in London, Yu-Seong was immediately met with a relentless barrage of mana cannons, and he could feel the foreign energy clinging to his back. Nothing came easy for him in this dire situation.

'For now, the second one is the problem...'

Eveheim’s purple aura had penetrated Yu-Seong’s body, disrupting his senses beyond the realm of his five senses and reaching into his sixth sense. It was one of the abilities that Eveheim was proud of—Sensory Distortion.

‘Adding Perception Distortion to this.'

Yu-Seong was certain that Eveheim stood right before his eyes, but suddenly, his figure vanished from sight. If his senses remained intact, he wouldn't have fallen for a deception of this caliber. However, he had lost track of Eveheim's movements, akin to playing a game of chess without a Rook and Cannon.

'I need to quickly drive out this nuisance...'

Was it due to the fact that his adversary was none other than Eveheim himself? Even the Chakra, which wielded a power several times greater than ordinary mana, struggled to easily dispel Eveheim's skill.

To compound matters, five opponents materialized simultaneously before him, each emanating a formidable energy. Although the visual distortion caused by the Sensory Distortion made it challenging to discern their individual faces, deducing their identities proved relatively straightforward.

"Hexagram Masters."

The man on the far left nodded. "I didn't expect to see you again under these circumstances.”

At the sight of the man pounding his chest like a gorilla, Yu-Seong smiled and said, "So you're Jackson."

Similarly, Yu-Seong could discern the distinctive aura of the woman, who sat upon a broomstick like a cat, licking her hand, even though her face remained unseen to him.

"And you're Olivia..."

Similarly, the other Hexagram Masters, such as Talia, Jacob, James, and others, were all revealing their unique characteristics.

"Amazing. You're the first one to distinguish opponents beyond standing still from the Sensory Distortion of Godfather," Talia said.josei

Indeed, she was right. This was no easy feat. And to add one more thing, Yu-Seong actually didn't think this level was a major problem.

'Although my physical condition is somewhat messed up...'

At present, Yu-Seong possessed a sensory organ surpassing his already impeccable five senses.

'The Final Form of Third Eye. Open the Eyes of God.'

Fearlessly surrendering his sight and shutting his eyes, a divine blue eye, radiating with brilliance, emerged on Yu-Seong's forehead and illuminated the world.

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