Trial Marriage Husband : I Am CEO's Plaything

Chapter 409 - What Kind Of Man Are You !?

Chapter 409 - What Kind Of Man Are You !?

Lisa paled at Rangga's words, feeling a strong anger rumbling inside her. Looking at Rangga's expression that looked like he had no guilt made her feel so furious!

"What kind of guy are you!? My sister is pregnant with your child and you told her to abort it as if it was nothing!? Are you crazy? Dude, it's your child! Like it or not, it's still your flesh and blood!" Lisa snapped, pointing her index finger.

"Lisa, just calm down. If Bella has any objections to aborting her pregnancy, it doesn't matter to me. You can be a mother for the child and I will be fully responsible for the cost of her life. I'm not that cruel to let Bella and my future child suffer without my help. I'm ready for anything," Rangga casually said that he wanted nothing but Lisa to not leave him and cancel their marriage.

The words that Rangga just said made Lisa wonder again; Is the person in front of her still the same man she used to know?

From all the sentences that Rangga spat out, this man was clearly a bastard in an expensive suit!

"I've been underestimating you all this time. I didn't think that you could be this calm and ruthless with my sister and me. Why don't you marry my sister and take responsibility instead of throwing responsibility on me? What you are doing is evil! You are not human! You are a devil! You changed, you're not like the man I used to know…"

How shocked was Rangga when he heard the sentence that Lisa said just now. He was surprised, looked at her without flinching and said, "You… If you don't believe me, okay, I'll admit it. It was my fault that night at the hotel but I didn't mean to destroy your sister!"

Lisa was silent, she looked at Rangga closely and then asked, "You mean Bella took the initiative to seduce you!?" 

In an instant, she felt incredibly guilty for accusing Rangga of wanting to destroy her sister's and her life. 

It was very possible for Bella to do everything she could to get Rangga, even seducing him when the man was clearly drunk.

However, no matter how much Lisa hates her hateful sister, she still thinks about Bella's life.

Fortunately, Lisa is still not married to Rangga. Their wedding plan is still pending for various reasons. Really, the universe has sided with her!

"Lisa, please believe what I said, I didn't mean to destroy your little sister. I really can't remember what I did at the hotel. I'm really drunk! I don't even know how I got to the hotel with Bella!"

In her heart, Lisa believed Rangga's explanation, but what had happened could not be undone. It doesn't change the fact that Bella is pregnant with Rangga's flesh and blood now.

"Stop, there's no point in debating this. Bella is already pregnant with your child. You better think about what you should do as a responsible man. Bella is still in her early 20s, I don't want her future to be damaged," Lisa said, her tone slowly turning calm.

Rangga was silent and bristled. He lowered his head so that the curls of his hair fell onto his handsome face and said, "Lis, I'm sorry. I will be responsible for financing Bella and the baby she's carrying, but I still can't marry her. I only love you."

Lisa clicked her tongue. "You rich bastard, you think every problem can be solved just using money? Do you think your money can fix everything? All your bad deeds? No!"

"But Lisa! I can't just marry Bella! I don't love your sister as much as I love you! I can't marry a girl who is pregnant because she took advantage of me while I was drunk!"

"I don't care, you should still take your responsibility and marry her," Lisa sneered as she turned her face away and forced herself not to show any angry expression.josei

"Lis, please... I'm just doing what I can to correct my mistakes towards your little sister. I can only help Bella financially, but not inwardly and outwardly." 

"Yes, if that's the case, just marrying Bella won't be really difficult, right?" Lisa's tone was flat and firm. How could she not feel the pain in her heart after finding out that her fiancé was cheating on her with her younger sister. Intentionally or not, it still hurts.

Even if Lisa doesn't really fall in love with Rangga to this day, a long, sincere relationship isn't something that can just be broken.

But Bella is already pregnant. Even if Lisa doesn't think about it for her sake, Lisa worries that if her mother finds out about this, the middle-aged woman might pass out. 

Rangga looked at her coldly, full of anger and guilt, "Do you want to kick me out of my own house? By telling me to marry your sister, it's clear you don't love me at all! "

"No, it's not like I kicked you out, but you have to take responsibility for your actions. You're an adult, you will definitely understand what I mean. From now on, we're OVER. I want to move out of here quickly. I don't want to bother you with Bella. Thanks and yes, I've never loved you."

"Lisa, are you kidding me? Even if you leave here, I won't marry Bella!"

Rangga's words clearly made Lisa upset, her face pale and grim. "Rangga, whatever happened, Bella is still pregnant with your child and so you can not get married to me. You should marry my sister and don't ruin her life again!"

"Lis, I can only financially support her and the baby she is carrying! If you want me to marry Bella, of course I can't!" Rangga replied firmly without any doubts.

Today is the last day Lisa tries to be patient with him. Lisa is not a woman who is willing to drop her self-respect just for the sake of a man with money and an expensive suit. She is already determined, she will not want to have anything to do with Rangga again. This is the best for her and her sister's life.

"Rangga, you have to trust me. The best solution is to marry Bella. I'm tired, you think again and mature a little if you think you're really a gentleman." Lisa turned around and went back to her bedroom, slamming the door angrily.

Rangga, who was still standing in silence, stared at the door with an uncomfortable feeling. He did not expect things would turn this way at this point. His good days with Lisa just vanished like sand swallowed by the waves.

All he could recall from what happened at the hotel that night was getting drunk and Bella dragging him to a hotel. The illusion was so strong when he got a hangover that he thought Bella was Lisa. He didn't know about the rest. He only found himself waking up with a very heavy head and Bella sitting next to him wearing her office clothes. 

How Bella became pregnant with his flesh and blood, Rangga didn't remember at all.

After closing the door, Lisa sat on the edge of the bed stunned, staring out the window which was decorated with a neon light, bright and dazzling, but she did not feel alright.

First, Lisa was bullied by her own sister. Second, she was betrayed by a man who would soon tie the knot with her. 

Why doesn't the universe ever give her a chance when it comes to romance? Why does Lisa's love life always fall apart like this? 

After a night of not sleeping peacefully, Lisa lay on the bed without feeling sleepy, and all she could think of was the fact that Bella was pregnant with Rangga's child.

Lisa then got up and opened her suitcase, packed all her belongings and planned to leave Rangga's house. She'd find a boarding house and try to move as quickly as possible.

The bright sunshine fell right on the side of her left face, illuminating the silhouette of her beautiful face, which looked tired from lack of sleep. Suddenly, her cell phone rang on the nightstand. She turned to her cell phone and picked up the call.


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