Trial Marriage Husband : I Am CEO's Plaything

Chapter 417 - Shameless

Chapter 417 - Shameless

Hearing Oscar's cold yet firm voice stopped Lisa's hand from moving. She saw his broad shoulders and the man's back, which looked solid and tall, like a brick wall. Oscar seemed to spread an aura that could make Lisa feel comfortable.josei

But not long after, Lisa's face suddenly turned red. If Oscar had said that he would take care of her until he died, why would he want to divorce her?

Men are the biggest hypocrites on earth!

"Dear Mr Oscar, I know that you are now the leader of Petersson Communications. You must be very busy right now, right? Then go, take care of your company. Let me take care of my personal problem with my daughter." Gatot said in a tone full of ridicule.

But Oscar didn't budge at all. He remained standing beside Gatot as he continued to grip the man's wrist.

"Get out of the way before I finish you off." Gatot continued.

A wide smile adorned Oscar's sensual lips. He stood up to cover Lisa from Gatot's sight. His posture seemed to say that Gatot would die the second he made a mistake.

"Please try." 

There are no words or sentences that can explain what Gatot is feeling now. Of course the feeling of fear and panic was growing inside him when he heard Oscar's answer. He was so scared, the man was sure that he would wet his pants in a matter of seconds!

Everything that Gatot said was nonsense. How could he dare to touch Lisa now? He didn't even dare to approach her.

Seeing her father who didn't budge and kept a frightened expression on his face made Lisa chuckle a little. She walked over to them, stood next to Oscar and saw the man who was worse than her real father.

"Listen to me, Gatot! Veronica and Karina deserved to be jailed! After all, the punishment for them is not commensurate with what they did to me. Just be thankful they were only jailed for 6 months, not sentenced to death! It's better for you to go and visit them after this. Just ask them what they did to make them go to jail now!"

"The police aren't stupid either, how come they arrest innocent people? You have a brain, so use it, Gatot! Once again, never appear in front of me if your only intention is to help them get out of prison!"

"Hey bitch, don't be so brave now. Just because Oscar is here, you are so brave with me, your own biological father! Do you think I don't know your scheming? A plan to destroy the futures of the two people I care about the most?"

"Don't tell me…." Gatot continued with a smile that looked disdainful, "You're jealous because I didn't give you the same attention I gave Karina?"

"Don't talk nonsense. How can I be jealous of that bitch Karina!? I'm actually grateful that I've never been in the care of someone like you!"

"Well, I'm just guessing, so don't get angry. Who knows you might actually be jealous? If you're jealous, come on, I'll give you more attention—"

"Enough." Oscar interrupted coldly. The CEO's aura that usually only appeared when he was in the office now came out, filling the narrow alley.

"I just wanted to ask if there's a chance for Veronica and Karina to get out sooner. As a father, I can't bear to see my daughter languishing in a prison cell." 

"There's no way," Lisa replied quickly, "I think their punishment is too light! If I can persuade the judge, I have asked them both to be imprisoned for life!"

Lisa actually dared to face the disgusting man alone. But knowing that Oscar was beside her now, the fire of courage blazed from within her heart!

"You bastard girl! Just wait! If Veronica and Karina are treated badly when they get out of prison, I will not hesitate to destroy your future!"

After saying that, Gatot forcibly released his hand from Oscar's grip. He spat down and hurried away from the narrow alley. Maybe because he was in too much of a hurry, the man accidentally hit a lamppost. 

"Damn it!" Gatot mumbled angrily.

The man nearly fell backwards from colliding with the street lamp. He touched his forehead which was now sore. He was sure that he would look less handsome after this.

Even though his vision was now blurry and his head dizzy made it difficult for him to walk straight, Gatot still wanted to leave the narrow alley immediately.

Seeing her father in pain and unable to walk straight didn't make Lisa feel the least bit sorry. Since she was a child, her father never gave her any attention. 

To her, Gatot does not deserve to be called a father or husband. All his life, the man only spent time hurting her mother and wasting their savings.

Instantly, Lisa's heart ached, as if she had been stabbed by a thousand daggers as she recalled what her father had done to her little family. 

Karina is not his biological child. What's more, Lisa was sure that there wasn't a drop of Gatot's blood flowing inside Karina's body. But why did her father actually prefer to defend Karina rather than her, his biological child?

That's enough. She had suffered enough thinking about her father's incredibly inhuman behavior for twenty years. Indeed, Gatot is fated to have Veronica as his partner in this world, and not her mother.

Still, even if that man wasn't truly destined to make her mother happy, Gatot shouldn't have done that to her mother! What kind of man would have the heart to attempt to kill a woman, not to mention his wife?

Seeing the expression on Lisa's face that changed, from being in pain to now boiling with rage, made Oscar take the initiative to fill the growing silence between them.

"Come on, let me walk you home." He said.

Suddenly, Lisa was distracted from the dark memories that were increasingly eating away at her mind. She looked up and saw the owner of the voice that made her want to fall to her knees.

"Thank you, if you hadn't come or came later, I probably would've been beaten to death."

Lisa knew Gatot, so she was sure that he would kill anyone who tampered with his family. That man wouldn't hesitate to kill her even if she was his own child.

The corners of Oscar's sensual lips automatically lifted upward at her words. According to him, if he managed to save Lisa from all harm and also protect her from the evil that the world has to offer her, his mission in this world has been fulfilled.

The sunlight shone on Oscar's handsome face, making his two light blue eyes glow. His golden yellow hair looked messy, showing that the man had run far enough to reach her here.

"It's fine now. Now I'm taking you home okay? Who knows Gatot will appear again."

"Huh, how could that be? That bastard won't have the courage to appear in front of me again!" Lisa replied confidently.

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