Trial Marriage Husband : I Am CEO's Plaything

Chapter 511 - Accused

Chapter 511 - Accused

The sunlight that entered Lisa was the only thing that told her that she was late. Because she was too lost in her thoughts last night, she forgot to turn on the alarm on her cell phone.

"I'm so dead!" Lisa grumbled as she got up from the bed.

This morning, she could only sleep at 2. Feelings of guilt and regret don't want to leave her alone. 

The woman only slept for about 4 hours, so the bags under her eyes were getting darker and darker. She had thought about wearing sunglasses to the office because her concealer was no longer able to disguise the bags under her eyes. But as soon as she saw her reflection in the bathroom's mirror, Lisa decided to just show up as she is. If she went up to the office wearing sunglasses, Cicilia wouldn't stop teasing her.

Before pressing the elevator button in the already bustling office building, Lisa took a deep breath. Her mind was still in turmoil and she knew that her current appearance must have looked pathetic. Even though she felt tired and frustrated, Lisa didn't want to let people know what she was feeling right now.

It did feel weird, but every time Lisa stepped into the office building, her body felt like it was being burned by the fire of passion. And that's how she feels now.

"Good morning!" Lisa said whenever she passed a colleague or even a cleaning service who was already hanging around the office.

"Lisa, you've arrived?"

Suddenly, when Lisa had just put her tote bag on the table, she heard a very familiar man's voice. She turned and saw Aaron looking left and right, probably looking for her.

"Yeah, whaddup?" Lisa said quite loudly.

Aaron immediately turned and looked towards the source of the woman's voice. The look on his face that morning was restless, as if he knew what had happened but didn't know what to say. His loafers looked shiny under the office lights that sometimes made his eyes sting so brightly.

Aaron rushed to Lisa's desk and said, "Lis, code red, code red!"

Code red is a sign to let someone know that they will probably have trouble in the office. It's no secret that at least employees will hear this code once every two days. Honestly, Lisa never thought that she would hear that code. She always finishes her work on time and never causes trouble.

"Huh? Why, what's the problem?"

"You'd better hurry to Mrs. Maria's room!" Aaron replied quickly.

His order immediately made Lisa stand in front of Maria's door. As soon as she heard a tone of panic mixed with worry escape Aaron's lips, the woman knew something was wrong.

The cold air coming from the air conditioner gave her goosebumps. Her heart was shaking wildly and her palms were flooded with sweat that would never stop.

"Miss Maria," said Lisa in a slightly trembling voice. "Are you looking for me?"

In this company, Maria is her superior whom she must respect. Even though she really wanted to slap Maria's arrogant face, Lisa tried to suppress her annoyance because she still has to be professional. She must be able to distinguish between personal and work problems.

Maria let out a laugh that was able to make Lisa's hair stand on end, "Lisa, you still ask me why I called you here? Don't pretend to be stupid!"

Without letting her stop right in front of her desk, Maria immediately shouted incoherently. The woman's face turned red and if eyes could kill, Lisa would be dead by now.

Lisa was instantly astonished to hear Maria's words in that high tone. She frowned, and couldn't understand what her boss was so angry with her about. Indeed, ever since she found out that Maria was looking for her, Lisa knew that something was wrong. But until now, she doesn't know what she did wrong.

"Mrs. Maria, I really don't know what I did wrong. Could you please tell me what made you so angry with me?" Lisa asked again in a polite tone. 

Actually, she had already guessed that this day would come. The day that she would be scolded or perhaps, accused by Maria had come sooner than she expected. 

Lisa frowned, trying to remember what mistakes she might have made this week. As she recalled, all the work she had to finish this week was done. She'd also submitted the proposal for their company's cooperation with the High Creative Ads the other day.

"Wow, you really like to pretend, huh! Don't you know what you did wrong!? Do you want me to throw this paper in your face!?" Maria snapped, waving the brown envelope.

Lisa was increasingly confused by her attitude, which looked like she was possessed by the demon. Suddenly, her heart felt bad when she saw the brown envelope that Maria was holding now. 

'Don't tell me it's…'

"Ma'am, I really don't know what you mean. If you hadn't been angry earlier and immediately told me my mistake, I would have understood by now!" Lisa's reply was no less harsh than Maria's. Her patience is running out!

Maria slammed the brown envelope on the table and shouted again, "Lisa, I think you are a competent employee and able to do a good job. But it turns out you're playing behind the company and me! You dare to steal someone else's proposal for our company's big project!"

Lisa blinked a few times, not understanding what Maria meant.

"I stole someone else's proposal?" Lisa's eyes fell on the two envelopes lying helplessly on Maria's table. "As far as I know, I don't copy paste someone else's proposal! I only saw references on the internet!"josei

"Don't you have eyes!? Do you think that I or Mrs. Indri won't find out that your proposal is someone else's work? Do you expect us to believe that it's purely your hard work? Don't try to fool me!"

Maria pointed to one of the brown envelopes, "This is a proposal made last month," then she pointed to the other one, "And this is the proposal you gave me a few days ago. Anyone with eyes can tell that these two proposals are similar, even exactly the same!"

Then she laughed dryly, "I shouldn't have wasted my time by choosing you to work on this project!"

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