Trial Marriage Husband : I Am CEO's Plaything

Chapter 61 - Coming Home Late Again

Chapter 61 - Coming Home Late Again


Three days later, Lisa and Oscar returned to Indonesia. This morning, Lisa got back to work as usual, compiling reports and correspondence. Nothing new, nothing changed. Only the size of Lisa's stomach was getting bigger and more difficult to cover.

Oscar was not in the office as usual. He was busy following meetings with the president of other companies in collaboration with Petersson Communication. Even though the president director was out, Lisa's work was still piling up as before.

The woman was sitting staring at the computer screen. Papers and folders were scattered on her table. So this was how it felt if you skipped work too often.

"This room is very quiet without Oscar..." she said softly as she stared blankly at her computer screen.

In the break time, Lisa ate together with Andien as usual. Her best friend hugged Lisa tightly and screamed, "Say, Lis! I haven't seen you at the office for a week! Where have you been? Must be really good to skip work,"

"My husband took me on a vacation," Lisa said in a whisper.

"That's crazy! You're looking prettier and more sparkling like this after vacation, eh? Where were you last week?"

"My husband took me to Syracuse!"

"Are you crazy? The Syracuse in Italy? Wow, your husband is really rich, isn't he?!"

Since her pregnancy, which was now reaching its third month, Lisa had been unable to cover up the reality to her other coworkers. Lisa was forced to lie when a coworker asked. She did not name Oscar, but instead used a pseudonym she coined herself to keep her relationship with Oscar secret.

Andien tapped Lisa's shoulder firmly with a jealous expression on her face. "I swear that you are very lucky to have a husband like him. I'm so jealous, you know! What's that dude lacking? He's handsome, tall and rich too!"

Lisa almost grabbed Andien by the collar if her best friend mentioned the word 'foreigner'. If Andien made this mistake, her career at Petersson Communication will be over!

"Trust me Ndien, having a husband like him is not as nice as it looks. Yes, I am spoiled with money and luxury items, but he often goes out now," Lisa sighed and put down her cutlery. "Until now, I still have a doubt whether he really married me out of love or just because I am pregnant!"

"Hey, don't talk like that. Be grateful, won't you? The important thing is that your money flows smoothly, right?" Andien glanced flirtatiously, trying to convince Lisa that her marriage to Oscar wasn't just because of an accident at the Sky Lounge.

"And if your husband didn't love you, you wouldn't be able to go to the doctor whenever you were sick. Or when you had a hard time like when your mother's divorce papers were hung by your father. You wouldn't have found a lawyer if your husband didn't love you. Yes or no?" Andien continued convincing her friend.

"Try to think about it again. How come you think your husband doesn't love you?" She added quickly.

Lisa sighed, her eyes closed before she spoke up, "Do you know why my husband invited me to vacation in Syracuse?"

Andien shook her head as she became more and more curious. Her eyes were sparkling with impatience to hear the story. "Tell me!"

"So, my husband invited me to vacation abroad because I met with my mother-in-law!" Lisa said, her voice rising a little.

"Huh!? You just met your mother-in-law?"

"Yes, my mother-in-law is really worrying, Ndien. The witch really dared to say that I'm poor and don't have any dignity, not suitable to be a member of her family. She even told me to divorce Oscar!"

Lisa stirred the noodle soup in her bowl. "I think my husband will divorce me after my child is born. My hunch has been telling me that!"

"Eeeeh, don't you say that! Whatever comes out your mouth is a prayer, Lis! What about you and your family?"

Lisa stopped eating. She folded her hands and said, "Yes, like it or not, I have to get out of this office and find another job,"

Andien put her hand on Lisa's shoulder. She tried to encourage her friend. "Lis, trust me, as long as your husband is still spoiling you, it's a sign that your husband still loves you and he won't divorce you just because your mother-in-law doesn't accept you!"

Lisa's feelings were a little relieved to hear Andien's words. In the past, Lisa did not love Oscar and an accident at that bar forced her to marry him. But Lisa gradually started to love him. Even though her husband changed attitudes so often, Lisa believed that her husband really cared about her health and the child she was carrying.


That night at Oscar's residence, Lisa was about to sleep with her husband, but the man still hadn't come home from meetings with other partner companies. Lisa was worried, where would her husband have gone? It was almost midnight and the man didn't send her any messages.

A few moments later, her cell phone rang. Lisa grabbed her cellphone from the nightstand and glanced at the screen. Finally, Oscar called her!

The woman picked up the call and said, "Hey Oscar! Why haven't you come home yet?"

"Lisa, you haven't slept yet? Sorry I'm still busy at the insurance office. We are currently discussing cooperation for next year's project," his voice was very soft and deep. The vibrations of his masculine voice made Lisa's back tingle as if he was caressing her on the phone.

Lisa piled the soft pillows on the mattress and leaned back on it. Her lips trembled a little, she was nervous and didn't know what to say.

"So what time are you going to come home, Oscar?" Lisa asked shakily.

"The meeting with the insurance company is not over yet, dear. Please don't wait for me to come home tonight. You must sleep and rest immediately. Remember you are pregnant now, our child will get sick if you sleep too late!"

"But I still want to chat for a while, before I go to sleep. I'm having a hard time sleeping tonight, Oscar," Lisa straightened her back and let out a deep breath.

Lisa didn't think that Oscar would be so busy with his job as president director. She understood that Oscar was very hard working and the results were evident! As a president, Oscar deserved to be made as the ideal role model, but his busy life made his wife feel a little lonely lately.

"Sorry, dear. I have to hang up, the meeting has started again! Good night dear, sleep tight," the man immediately hung up.

Lisa was stunned, she hadn't even had time to reply to her husband's greetings. The woman took the initiative to send an instant message to her husband. She still couldn't sleep!

'I haven't had time to say goodnight honey. Good luck with your work, but remember don't overdo it or you'll get sick'

Lisa put a kiss emoticon at the end of the sentence and hit the send button.. She then put her cell phone back on the nightstand, plugged in the charger and rushed to sleep.

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