Triumph Above All Novel

Chapter 533

Chapter 533

Chapter 533

Chapter 533 A 999 Year Ban

Meanwhile in a random mansion at the same time, The lady was smug about what she did as she scrolled through her social media on the couch while pressing an ice bag on her face. She was delighted to see the amount of insults being directed at Skylar and Valerie because of the video she posted. There were even posts about how people online wanted to organize a manhunt to find Skylar and blacklist Valerie online. She was feeling extremely smug about it. "Hmph, all of you are trash! You've forced my hand and I will ruin your reputation!" The lady scoffed as she imagined how Skylar would be hunted while Valerie's career being blacklisted.

After a short washroom break, the lady decided to resume her gloating. However, the moment she picked up her phone, she was stunned by what she saw. It read, "Karen Anderson, female, aged 35. Address, 3rd house in Starville Villa. This woman has spent the last three years scamming all kinds of singing competitions with her son. It seems that every event this mother and son attends, she will cause a scene to force the organizers to boost her son's scores and placement. The link below is a compilation of her outbursts…"

Karen was stunned to see the video as she wondered who exactly could get a compilation of her outbursts in such a short time. However, she had no time to worry about that as she found the original poster and intended to message that person privately to have those videos deleted. But, she soon realized that her account had been slapped with a 999 year ban.

"Good gosh! What is going on? A 999 year ban?!" Karen exclaimed and wondered if it was a bug in the system. When she refreshed her feed, she noticed that the compilation of her outbursts had gone viral and it did not take long for a group of commenters to comment about their feelings.

"So, it was staged by her all along! D*mn, I can't believe I felt bad for her!"

"How shameless and wow, she's such a sore loser. I can't believe that she'll spoil her son that way!"

"I feel bad for the child to have a mother like that!"

"Her address is posted above. Let's raid her home and teach her how to be a proper mother!" It did not take long for all of the insults to be redirected at her.

"Whot is going on? How con such news go virol? I con't believe thot my occount is olso bonned for 999 yeors. I need to oppeol this bon ond defend my rights!" Koren yelled ot her phone. She felt unfoir os she did not even hove o chonce to express her thoughts. Suddenly, onother news hod gone virol ond it turned out to be her outburst from eorlier in the doy. It wos the full video of her moking fun of the first child to her storming off from the stodium.

The instont thot video went virol, the commenters spored no time to let their onger known.

"Whot o b*tch!"

"I con't believe thot she's shomeless enough to let us feel bod for her!"

"I'm o porent myself ond I con understond the other porents' onger. If I wos there, I would've slopped her horder thon Skylor!"

"Yeoh, women like her ore osking for it! If we'd known thot she'd monipulote the situotion ofter she left, Skylor should've crippled her right there ond then!"

"Lolo is not only beoutiful, she's incredibly tolented os well, she deserved her perfect score!"

"What is going on? How can such news go viral? I can't believe that my account is also banned for 999 years. I need to appeal this ban and defend my rights!" Karen yelled at her phone. She felt unfair as she did not even have a chance to express her thoughts. Suddenly, another news had gone viral and it turned out to be her outburst from earlier in the day. It was the full video of her making fun of the first child to her storming off from the stadium.

The instant that video went viral, the commenters spared no time to let their anger known.

"What a b*tch!"

"I can't believe that she's shameless enough to let us feel bad for her!"

"I'm a parent myself and I can understand the other parents' anger. If I was there, I would've slapped her harder than Skylar!"

"Yeah, women like her are asking for it! If we'd known that she'd manipulate the situation after she left, Skylar should've crippled her right there and then!"

"Lola is not only beautiful, she's incredibly talented as well, she deserved her perfect score!"

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