Triumph Above All Novel

Chapter 800 Why Go to Such Extensive Measures?

Chapter 800 Why Go to Such Extensive Measures?

Chapter 800 Why Go to Such Extensive Measures?

Don't let Dracovia and Midtown fool you; Nirth was also a part of the Eastern Alvonia area.

However, Dracovia is the most noticeable presence in the Eastern Alvonia region.

Today's individual at the top of the tower is from Dracovia.

As a result, the leader of Dracovia wields considerable power in the entire Eastern Alvonia region.

With the quick advancement of The Perez Clan in recent years, the whole Perez Clan has recognized him as the family's backbone and deciding factor.

"Who are you?" Skylar asked, glancing at Giovanni.

"I am Giovanni Perez, the eldest son of The Perez Clan's head, Skylar, and I am currently the governor of Dracovia Province," Giovanni boasted.

"Do you also want to remove me from my position?"

Since Skylar talked, the military officers who stood by him have also spoken, terrifying Skylar.

"We are the commanding officers of the troops stationed in various divisions of the Eastern Alvonia region; Skylar, if you dare to remove Governor Giovanni's position, you must ask whether we agree or not."

No matter how remarkable his martial arts skills are in the eyes of these military commanders, they are no match for the weaponry under their command.

Skylar's removal of Kingston from his post with only a few words surprised them and did not scare them.

It didn't matter if Skylar knew the leader of Midtown Province. They were the military region's power brokers, independent of the municipal administration.

Even Giovanni, as governor of Dracovia Province, would not be able to command them if they didn't have a tight relationship.

Skylar couldn't help but scowl when he heard Giovanni's claim to be the governor of Dracovia Province.

His territories included Dracovia and Midtown.

It seems that he and The Perez Clan were fated to be adversaries.

At this point, he looked at Skylar and stated calmly, "Why go to such lengths?"

"Today, all of you from The Perez Clan will perish, whether you resign or not."

"Skylar!" Giovanni yelled angrily. He'd even stated his job, but he hadn't expected Skylar to be so haughty.

Meanwhile, Skylar's focus had switched to the military officers.

"How about you, just like Kingston, take off your uniforms and flee as far as you can!"

"What did you say? How dare you tell us we have to leave?"

Several military leaders were enraged.

They were all well-known figures in the region of Eastern Alvonia.

Could they be cited in the same sentence as the Capital General Administration's director?

Skylar actually urged them to take off their uniforms and leave, implying that he, like Kingston, wishes to abolish their posts.

Arrogant. Too conceited!

Skylar was admonished by one of them, a man with a square face and dark skin: "Skylar, who gave you confidence?"

"It is illegal to use the death penalty indiscriminately and intentionally cause harm."

"Abusing your power to oppress law enforcement officials"

"Do you really believe that no one can hurt you?"

"I'll give you one minute. Apologize to me with your female subordinate; otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite!"


Skylar cocked her brow. "How impolite do you want to be?"

"Do you think you're powerful just because you removed Kingston from his position with a phone call?" scoffed the man with the square face.

"Let me tell you right now, with a single phone call from me, I can gather 20,000 troops."

"Yes, you and your female subordinate are formidable, but can the two of you withstand a 20,000-man artillery attack?"

The members of The Perez Clan were ecstatic after hearing the words of the man with the square face.

"Skylar, I strongly advise you to lay down your weapons and surrender immediately!"

Austin and Leo both started taunting him right away.

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