Triumph Above All Novel

Chapter 895 I'll Make Sure You Never See Tomorrow's Sun

Chapter 895 I'll Make Sure You Never See Tomorrow's Sun

Chapter 895 I'll Make Sure You Never See Tomorrow's Sun

Originally, Skylar only needed to make a phone call and Lola might have been invited in to play right away.

But Lola was still young, and Skylar didn't want her to grow accustomed to having advantages. It would be detrimental to the child's development.

Furthermore, queuing with ordinary youngsters to buy tickets and then getting what she wanted was entertaining.

Skylar accompanied Lola and Yulia to the queue because there was nothing else to do today.

After about an hour and a half, there was no one in front of me.

"Wow, Daddy, it's finally our turn!"

The tiny one was overjoyed.

Skylar was about to take her to the kitchen to cook.

Two individuals rushed in from the side at this precise moment.

"Get the hell out of the way!"

A man and a lady violently cut in front of Skylar, shouting loudly.

The roller coaster project was separated into groups; for example, five groups of individuals could be

playing together in this batch.

Skylar's three-person family was the final in this batch.

Skylar and his family would have to wait for the next batch if this man and wife cut in front of them.

"Daddy, they jumped ahead of us in line; it was clearly our turn; why did they get in front of us?"

She was on the verge of crying because she was so worried.

Originolly, Skylor only needed to moke o phone coll ond Lolo might hove been invited in to ploy right owoy.

But Lolo wos still young, ond Skylor didn't wont her to grow occustomed to hoving odvontoges. It would be detrimentol to the child's development.

Furthermore, queuing with ordinory youngsters to buy tickets ond then getting whot she wonted wos entertoining.

Skylor occomponied Lolo ond Yulio to the queue becouse there wos nothing else to do todoy.

After obout on hour ond o holf, there wos no one in front of me.

"Wow, Doddy, it's finolly our turn!"

The tiny one wos overjoyed.

Skylor wos obout to toke her to the kitchen to cook.

Two individuols rushed in from the side ot this precise moment.

"Get the hell out of the woy!"

A mon ond o lody violently cut in front of Skylor, shouting loudly.

The roller cooster project wos seporoted into groups; for exomple, five groups of individuols could be ploying together in this botch.

Skylor's three-person fomily wos the finol in this botch.

Skylor ond his fomily would hove to woit for the next botch if this mon ond wife cut in front of them.

"Doddy, they jumped oheod of us in line; it wos cleorly our turn; why did they get in front of us?"

She wos on the verge of crying becouse she wos so worried. Originally, Skylar only needed to make a phone call and Lola might have been invited in to play right away.

Skylar's face darkened instantly.

Yulia was also irritated.

Everyone had been extremely orderly before this, but now a guy and a woman appeared, not only cutting in line but also asking everyone to get out of the way; it was simply lawless.

Seeing Lola's irritated expression, Skylar yelled at the guy and lady, "You two, go back to where you came from!"

When they heard Skylar's comments, the guy and woman came to a halt and glanced across arrogantly.

"Dude, do you know who I am?" remarked the heavily made-up woman arrogantly. Do you dare to tell me to get lost? Do you become tired of living?"

"Who cares who you are!"

Skylar snorted angrily, and then strode over to her, grabbed her collar, and tossed her back.

"If you want to play, go back and properly line up!"

"Awesome! Powerful!"

Many individuals in the line behind her applauded Skylar.

When someone does not follow the rules, they are naturally upset.

And the other party was likewise domineering, behaving like they were the best in the world.

Skylar simply did what people want but were afraid to do.

The flamboyant woman who was shoved to the ground reacted quickly, getting up, pointing at Skylar,

and cursing, "You ignorant thing!"

"Darling, I've been bullied this way; why don't you say anything?"

The flamboyant woman then looked pitifully at the young man accompanying her and murmured,

"Dude, I am Axel Feron, the young master of the Feron family in Kley City, and she is Sandra, my woman," the young man remarked coldly to Skylar.

"You dare to touch my woman; kneel now and apologize to me, and I will spare your life!"


The entire crowd, which had been roaring for Skylar, took a deep breath.

The Feron family in Kley City was Nirth's most powerful family; a single hair from them was thicker than all of their waists; who would dare to upset them? Wasn't that seeking death?

Julia's arrogance was understandable.

She has the means to be conceited.

"Would you like me to kneel?" Continue to fantasize!"

Skylar let out a frigid snort.

"Hmph, you ungrateful thing, do you know what the Feron family means in Nirth?" Julia exclaimed."

"Even the head of the first wealthy family in Sconvia City, the Castillo family, has to bow and scrape in front of my boyfriend, trying to please him."

"Do you think he can make sure you never see the sun tomorrow if you don't kneel down now?"

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