Triumph Above All Novel

Triumph Above All Chapter 281

Triumph Above All Chapter 281

Triumph Above All Chapter 281

Chapter 281

After hanging up the call, Skylar grabbed Yulia by the arm and went back into the car without another word.

After hanging up the call, Skylar grabbed Yulia by the arm and went back into the car without another word.He pushed the start button.The engine roared.The savage Range Rover transformed into a beast letting out a mighty growl.It was a mean machine, ready to pounce and crush the old man in its path.Frightened, the crowd on the scene burst out in screams.“He’s a lunatic! A psychopath!”“Two million dollars in exchange for human life. That’s one cocky man!”“Oh, sh*t! By the looks of his eyes, he’s not kidding!”The old man, who was lying down, felt his heart sink.Two million dollars was a lot, but he might not live to spend the money!Without second thought, the old man leaped to his feet and nimbly tumbled to the side of the road.Before the old man could make a safe landing, the front tires of the Range Rover rolled past the earlier spot he threw himself down on.Vrooom! Vroom!The engine rumbled.All that was left was the marks of the Range Rover’s burnt tires.The old man broke out in cold sweat.He would have been crushed by Skylar’s car had it not been for the public’s timely warning.The old man cussed in his mind. From past experiences, the driver of the luxury cars would usually pay him hush money to make the accident go away. Things were not going his way today.The guy would rather spend two million dollars to kill him than settle amicably.“That was absurd!”A woman in uniform took quick paces over.She bent over to help the old man up against the curb before asking with concern, “Are you alright, mister?”“I… I…”Unable to look the woman in uniform straight in the eye, the old man was lost between nodding and shaking his head.“Don’t be afraid. I’m a cadet with the Northville Police Station. Please come with me to the station, so I can take your statement. “I can’t believe the guy tried to knock you over in broad daylight. He must be sued for murder and being a menace to society!”The woman in uniform exclaimed furiously while keeping her eyes on the receding Range Rover.She then pulled out her phone to make a note of Skylar’s license plate.Only, she picked her head up to find the onlookers giving her strange looks.“Officer, it’s not what you think it is,” A middle-aged man remarked.It

was the same man in a tracksuit who spearheaded a public outlash on Skylar.The uniformed woman furrowed her brows. “What do you mean it’s not what I think? I saw the guy trying to run the old man over!“Are you even a man? You didn’t stand up against injustice. Your sarcastic comments are least than helpful.”The mention of standing up against injustice put the middle-aged man in the spot.He tried to play the hero just now. Alas, he was on the wrong side of justice.Instead of replying to the woman in uniform, the middle-aged man turned to the old man and curtly asked, “Weren’t you hit and couldn’t stand up?“How did you manage to get out of the way?”“I…”The old man tried to refute, but the burning gaze from the surrounding crowd could skin him alive. Pulling back in fear, he tried to make a run for it.By now, the woman in uniform got an idea of what was going on.Red in the face, she chided the old man, “Don’t move! Come with me to the station and confess to your crimes!”The old man’s heart sank.That backfired on him.All he wanted was to stage an accident and get some money out of the owner of a luxury car. It never crossed the old man’s mind that he would come across a lunatic who nearly ran him over for real.Not only did he fail to make a dime, but he put himself on the police’s radar as well.A life behind bars was waiting for him now.Pulling up at the gates to Ocean Hill, Skylar went to register the license plate at the security office while Yulia waited outside with Lola.“Yulia?”The surprised voice of a woman echoed from behind…

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