Triumph Above All Novel

Triumph Above All Chapter 366

Triumph Above All Chapter 366

Triumph Above All Chapter 366

Chapter 366

The owner of the voice identified herself as she appeared in front of Skylar and Yulia, on the arm of another man. It was none other than Kareem Fashion’s previous CEO and Yulia’s cousin, Yvonne Sue. However, the man that Yvonne had her arms around was not her previous beau, Harry Chase. It seemed like Yvonne had ditched her previous man after he crossed Skylar back then.Yulia’s eyebrows furrowed as soon as she spotted her cousin sister. She was in no mood to deal with her right now.Yvonne shot daggers at Skylar as she continued speaking. “Yulia, isn’t it working hours now? Shouldn’t you be busy running a company? How do you have the time to be shopping here on Antique Street?” she asked sarcastically.“I’m here to buy Grandfather a birthday gift,” Yulia huffed impatiently.“Oh, is that so? What a coincidence! That’s what I’m here for as well,” Yvonne drawled. “I heard the company’s new anti-blemish cream sold out before it was even fully launched. Congratulations! You must have made a killing on those sales! My gift will look very plain next to yours, I suppose.”Yvonne knew she sounded like a sour grape in front of her cousin. If Yulia Sue had not robber her of her position as CEO of Kareem Fashion, the company’s glory and achievements today would be hers. In fact, she was paying her cousin a backhanded compliment. Yulia would now be pressured into buying a grand gift for Grandfather, for fear of being mocked by Yvonne. However, if she bought something too opulent, Yvonne would accuse her of embezzling the company’s funds to be able to afford such a lavish gift. Either way, she was not going to give Yulia an easy way out.Yulia recognized the jealousy in Yvonne’s voice, but she could not be bothered to entertain it. “It’s a gift from the heart, not a competition,” she said without a hint of warmth. Skylar remained silent by Yulia’s side. Yvonne, who had provoked Yulia and Skylar in hopes of garnering some form of reaction, was disappointed that her jabs were met with indifference. It was as if she had just laid a powerful punch on a bed of cotton. The man next to Yvonne did not seem to be all too pleased being sidelined as well.At this moment, a middle-aged man walked out from a room inside the shop. He sported a well- maintained handlebar mustache, had narrow eyes that twinkled under the light and looked exactly like the owner of an antique shop. He had been quietly observing Skylar and Yulia from the comfort of his

office, but decided to make an appearance as soon as he saw the man who came with Yvonne.“Well, well. My shop rarely gets so many visitors in a day! I see you’ve decided to pay our humble establishment a visit too, Mr. Oakley!” The shop owner greeted his guests.Nolan Oakley took a quick glance at him and nodded politely, his expression warming up. At least someone around here knows who I am, he thought to himself.Skylar and Yulia did not mind escaping the limelight at all. They happily perused the various paintings and calligraphy works around the shop as the shopkeeper fawned over Nolan Oakley. Not long after, an antique piece of artwork caught Skylar’s attention.“Excuse me, how much does this piece cost?” he called for the shopkeeper. Nolan and Yvonne sauntered over as well, curious to see what Skylar had picked out.“Sir, you have a good eye indeed!” the shopkeeper gushed excitedly. “This painting is called Mountains in the Fall, a one-of-a-kind authentic piece by none other than the art prodigy Leonne Fontaine! Seeing as you are acquaintances with Mr. Oakley, I could give you a very special price for this painting. It’ll only cost you $2million dollars.” The shopkeeper raised two stubby fingers, indicating his price offer.

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