Triumph Above All Novel

Triumph Above All Chapter 377

Triumph Above All Chapter 377

Triumph Above All Chapter 377

Chapter 377

Skylar looked up and saw it was Adam Currey. Skylar simply nodded, looking like he couldn’t care less, while Adam stood obediently to the side.Everyone else was shocked. They had never seen Adam, one of the most influential people in Cloudtopia, let anyone disregard him like Mr. Stone. Who exactly is Mr. Stone?Someone spoke, and everyone turned to find Lucas Currey, Adam’s elder brother, walking toward them. “Look who’s here. Is this the guy who tries to threaten you, Adam?”Lucas glanced at Skylar and looked at Adam, “From what you told Grandpa, I thought it was someone intimidating. However, I don’t think he is as scary as you described.”Before Adam could reply, Lucas turned to Skylar and continued, “You killed Harper and his wife Ava, didn’t you? Did you know they were under my protection? Have you asked for my permission before killing them?”“I do not need anyone’s permission to kill anyone,” said Skylar with a smirk. It was Harper who had first attempted to kill him and Lola using a truck with Lev, so it was only natural for Skylar to order Dianne to kill Harper and his wife in revenge.Skylar thought it was interesting Lucas would question his decision to kill the two. Sensing the tension between the two, Adam tried to fix the situation, “Harper had disrespected Mr. Stone, so he was merely reaping what he sowed. Lucas, please behave in front of Mr. Stone.” Adam bowed apologetically to Skylar, “I am sorry for how my brother behaves. Please forgive us, Mr. Stone.”Lucas smirked and pushed Adam aside, “Adam, don’t be such a pussy! Let me deal with this the manly way.” He glared at Skylar, “If you think you can bully the Currey family, you are wrong. You have killed Harper without my permission, and you should pay for it!”People were drawn toward the scene and began to whisper among themselves. “Is that Lucas Currey, the eldest of the Currey family? Their family is one of the four great families, isn’t it? What brings him here?”“See that guy in front of his brother Adam Currey? Lucas is here because of him.”“Offending a Currey? Has he gone out of his mind?”“Adam seems oddly scared of him though.”“Lucas is the eldest and the most influential person in the family. I don’t think he would let anyone who disrespects him go so easily.”Miles was also watching among the crowd. He grinned, knowing Lucas would give Skylar a hard time if Skylar offended him

publicly. This is not going to end well.A young woman walked over from the Shepard villa and scowled, “How dare anyone try to threaten Mr. Stone!”

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