Triumph Above All Novel

Triumph Above All Chapter 415

Triumph Above All Chapter 415

Triumph Above All Chapter 415

Chapter 415

Suddenly, a loud bawl was heard.”Fuck off!”The guests were shocked, and inexplicably fear rose in their hearts. They felt as if they had been targeted by a bloodthirsty beast.The next moment, a loud smack pierced the silence.Boom! Boom! Boom!More than 30 bodyguards were thrown backward on the ground about 7 to 8 meters away at the same time.They all spat out blood and whined.Obviously, they had suffered serious internal injuries.Seeing that, the guests gasped.“He’s so terrifying!”After all, those bodyguards were not ordinary people. They were the special force army with fighting experience.Otherwise, they would not become bodyguards of the big shots.However, they could not fight Hellhound even when they attacked him in a group. The gap between them was huge.One had to admit that what Hellhound said was right. The bodyguards were nothing compared to him.At that point, everyone looked at Skylar.“Mr… Mr. Stone…” Homer muttered.Right then, Leon and the rest began to feel nervous.As for Nimrod and his men, they began to sneer imperceptibly.“Skylar, you’re too arrogant, and you’ve offended someone you shouldn’t have offended! This man comes for you. You can’t escape today!”Seeing Hellhound approaching, Yvonne screamed with fear.“H-he is Skylar… the person you’re looking for. The woman and the girl next to him are his wife and daughter. We don’t know how and why he killed your brother. He has to pay for what he had done. You can kill the three of them but don’t kill innocent people like us.” Yvonne then pointed at Skylar. She did not care about his life at all. In fact, she wanted Skylar to die.Nolan ditched her because of Nimrod, and she blamed all that on Skylar.It was Skylar who ruined her dream to marry a wealthy man, and she always wanted Skylar to pay for it.“Yvonne!”Glaring at her, Leon berated angrily.“Dad, why are you still protecting him?” Charles was exasperated. “He killed someone’s brother and ruined your birthday party. We’re all going to die if you keep protecting him!”Caleb also chimed in. “That’s right! As a man, why is he hiding in the Sue family? He should be responsible for what he has done.”Caleb was slapped by Homer because he spoke ill of Yulia. For that, he hated Skylar too.He did not care what Leon thought. He turned around to Hellhound and said, “Hey, you can take revenge on whoever kills your brother. The Sue family will never stop you.”Madam Sue, who was sitting at the next table, sneered, “Leon, I think that’s the bottom line. You

can’t always protect Yulia and her family. Go ahead if you want to risk your life, but don’t you dare put our lives at risk too!”Since Leon took charge of the Sue family at her birthday party last time, she resented Skylar. Seeing how determined Hellhound wanted to kill Skylar, she knew it was a chance for her to take revenge.She knew Skylar would be doomed judging by how Hellhound fought just now. She then glared at Skylar as if he was going to die soon.

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