Triumph Above All Novel

Triumph Above All Chapter 476

Triumph Above All Chapter 476

Triumph Above All Chapter 476

Chapter 476

Hailey had witnessed Skylar’s strength back then at the beach. She knew that he was not an ordinary man when he was able to gain so much respect from the director of Cloudtopia University. However, this scene still shocked her.

Hailey had witnessed Skylar’s strength back then at the beach. She knew that he was not an ordinary man when he was able to gain so much respect from the director of Cloudtopia University. However, this scene still shocked her.She knew that most people there were extremely powerful and wealthy people according to Seth.“Please, sit down.” Dudley said as Skylar greeted the others.Not a single soul dared to sit down as they watched Skylar cautiously. This drew the attention of the opposing powerhouse from the local city.“They call that kid Mr. Stone?”“Don’t tell me he’s Skylar?”“Isn’t he too young and frail looking? How did he manage to kill Toxic?” Everyone from the local city stared at Skylar in disbelief.Suddenly, Barry sat up straight as a man was next to him.That man was not tall, but the muscles on that man would scare any common folk.When Skylar approached him, the man glared at Skylar with an incredibly menacing look. “So, you’re Skylar?” Barry removed his cloak and asked Skylar that.“So, it was you who had killed my brother, Parker and my second best assassin, Toxic?”“That is correct.” Skylar replied calmly.However, before Barry could say anything, Skylar continued, “I am here to kill you today, Barry? How do you want to die?”Everyone was shocked to hear that.This man is bold enough to storm the arena alone? Gosh, he’s crazy!Seth and the others looked pale when Skylar said that. Especially Seth. He was there to watch him embarrass himself, but he did not expect what Skylar claimed was true.“Hehe. Quite the tongue you have! We shall see about that then!” Barry sneered and said, “Go get him, Silence!”Silence got up and immediately made his way to the podium. As soon as he landed on the podium, the entire stage shook. Everyone was on edge then.Although Silence was not tall, he was incredibly menacing.“I’m sure you’ve heard of us. Today will be a deathmatch between the both of us. If you win, you are free to kill whoever you want. I am none

other than the leader of Barry’s assassins, Silence! If you lose, you won’t be able to leave this podium!” Silence said.Skylar glared at Silence and said, “Do you think you’re able to win?”

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