Triumph Above All Novel

Triumph Above All Chapter 507

Triumph Above All Chapter 507

Triumph Above All Chapter 507

Chapter 507 What Are You So Arrogant About

An entouroge of expensive cors could be seen gothered ot the hotel’s entronce. Every single cor thot lined the hotel’s entronce were either Mercedes, Ferroris, or Rolls Royces. Of course there were still some overoge looking cors, but were oll odorned with speciol seriolized number plotes. Those plotes were so rore thot no omount of money could guorontee o purchose. Everyone including the possersby were stunned by such o disploy.“Good gosh, I con’t believe thot Mr.Ookley hos driven himself here!”“A Rolls Royce? Could thot be Mr. Lorson’s cor? Isn’t Droke Lorson the weolthiest mon in the world?”“Whoo, isn’t thot Elder Wilkins? Woit, the driver is his son? Did they both come together?”Since the security personnel ond the bell boys were not used to meeting such weolthy people, oll of them were gothered in owe ot the hotel’s entronce.“I con’t believe oll of these weolthy people ore here in our hotel. I wonder whot’s going on?”“I hove no ideo. I meon, it’s not our ploce to osk, right?”“Stop speculoting. You know, while I wos helping the monoger with something yesterdoy, I octuolly leorned something. I leorned thot the person responsible for killing Porker is here in Troiz County. Apporently, this bonquet wos orgonized by Mr Wilkins for thot mon!”

An entourage of expensive cars could be seen gathered at the hotel’s entrance. Every single car that lined the hotel’s entrance were either Mercedes, Ferraris, or Rolls Royces. Of course there were still some average looking cars, but were all adorned with special serialized number plates. Those plates were so rare that no amount of money could guarantee a purchase. Everyone including the passersby were stunned by such a display.“Good gosh, I can’t believe that Mr.Oakley has driven himself here!”“A Rolls Royce? Could that be Mr. Larson’s car? Isn’t Drake Larson the wealthiest man in the world?”“Whoa, isn’t that Elder Wilkins? Wait, the driver is his son? Did they both come together?”Since the security personnel and the bell boys were not used to meeting such wealthy people, all of them were gathered in awe at the hotel’s entrance.“I can’t believe all of these wealthy people are here in our hotel. I wonder what’s going on?”“I have no idea. I mean, it’s not our place to ask, right?” “Stop speculating. You know, while I was helping the manager with something yesterday, I actually learned

something. I learned that the person responsible for killing Parker is here in Troiz County. Apparently, this banquet was organized by Mr Wilkins for that man!”As the group of security guards gossiped, Skylar and Yulia had arrived at the hotel’s entrance with a cab. However, before the door was opened, they were stopped by the security guards as they shouted at the cab driver. “Leave right now and don’t obstruct traffic here! An extremely important event is being held in our hotel today and every single car here is extremely expensive and I don’t think any of you can afford to pay any damages if you even scrape the car a little!”The cab driver panicked as soon as he heard that, so he said, “I’ll leave as soon as my passengers get out of my car.”However, one of the security guards yelled, “Get the f*ck away from here! Don’t you understand what I was saying? I want you to leave with your passengers!”Apparently the hotel was a five star hotel and even during normal days, cab drivers were a rare sight. So, the security guard assumed that Skylar and Yulia were not even qualified to enter such a grand event. He knew that he would not be able to bear any responsibilities of any of his wrong doings if he allowed them to be dropped off at the entrance. However, the cab driver happened to be an honest man and he was stunned by the security guard’s actions. It was his responsibility to drop his passengers off at their location. He knew that he could not drop Skylar and Yulia off elsewhere when they requested to be dropped off at the hotel at the start of their journey.Suddenly, Skylar lowered the window and told the security guard. “Scram! I can’t believe people like you are even worthy of being a security guard at a five star hotel!”Hearing this stunned the security guard for a brief moment as he snapped at Skylar. “Are you out of your mind, brat? How dare you tell me to scram! My cousin is the assistant manager of this hotel, so tell me, am I worthy enough for you right now?”Skylar scoffed and said, “So what? Even if your father owns this hotel, you should scram when I tell you to!”“You… What are you so arrogant about?” The security guard did not expect Skylar to be that arrogant.Skylar decided to ignore the security guard and led Yulia out of the cab.“Yulia? What are you doing here?” Suddenly, a familiar voice could be heard calling out to them.

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