True King's Ecstasy

Chapter 33 Chief's Meeting I

Chapter 33 Chief's Meeting I

Zion village had a cheerful nature after the taste of their first win in a battle. Most of the archers and warriors who took part in the battle were more than happy to fight these ferocious monsters and win. Another part was happy because of the materials they got from the monsters.

Velian and Daphnia were heading toward the Meeting tent which was temporarily built for the chiefs of the villages to monitor the battle. Unlike other days the attention Velian got was doubled in the village. Most of the villagers looked at him with a thankful look while some girls looked at him with hearts in their eyes. Their ages ranged from 14-35.

Even though Velian was 5 years old his mental age and his physical body didn't match his age. His mentality was more of a young man while he had a body that didn't match his physical age. Even with this condition, he felt chills being observed like this by different people. He felt like calling the FBI to arrest these paedophiles.

Daphnia also felt their gaze on his son and quickly glared at them.

"Hmmph~~How bold are they to look at my son with those lustful eyes in my presence,"

In between those lustful eyes, some people looked at this young boy with admiration. Most of them were who knew how hard it is to control magic like that and use the sword with those swift motions.

In between all these Daphnia and Velian reached the tent where they would decide the future of the village.

The moment they entered the tent went silent. The chiefs of the other villages were also present there and Asumi was discussing a few things.

"You two came at the right time we were just starting to discuss our future course," Asumi said and showed us two chairs two sit on.

"We will start our first meeting after the monster outbreak to discuss our future paths," Asumi was already like a leader to all of the other chiefs.

Even though others were not lacking in the department of controlling their people Asumi was the most talented among the chiefs and she was the youngest among them.josei

"First we will talk about what we're going to do for our alliance of the villages built to deal with the monster outbreak," She said and looked at the other chiefs

"Yeah, now the main question is are you guys going to stay and keep this alliance or go back to your old villages,"

Every one of them looked at each other simultaneously and went silent for a minute. The first one to break the silence was an old man,

"Child, I'm already past my prime and my village was supposed to go down from that attack but because of you and this white-haired child we were able to survive I think you are suited to control my village than me so I decided to remain here, I already talked this with some of our villagers and they all agree to it if you child promise to treat us just like your own people," He said and went silent for a minute.

Asumi waited for the other's reply before answering him,

"I also don't have a problem with that we would rather stay here and die than rot in that God-abandoned place," this time it was an older woman who gave her opinion.

Just like this except for one all the others agreed to stay here and develop this village since the majority of them decided to stay the one who wanted to leave also had to reluctantly agree to this whole deal.

"Well that's one problem down and now the next is deciding the control structure in our village,"

All of them nodded while Asumi also finished this and looked at Daphnia,

"Sister Daphnia, these people would have a light heart attack if they knew who you are," Asumi thought in her mind with a little chuckle.

"So young child, you think you are the most suitable one to lead this alliance," The first old man ask genuinely because he knew how talented this young girl was at least in his eyes.

"No~~ I won't say my name this time I propose our alliance leader to be Velian," She said with a confident tone which gained surprising sounds from everyone present. The most surprised was the victim himself.

"Child, I know this boy is more talented than anyone else here but still he is too much younger to be a chief," He said which gained approving nods from all the others present except Daphnia. Velian was also nodding to this old man's words because they made sense.

"Please don't misunderstand me, I said Velian was the one who is most suitable to lead us because he is the one who proposed this alliance in the first place and the walls which prevented monsters from entering the village were also made by him," Asumi didn't stop talking and she was talking like without stopping about his nephew.

Other village chiefs were more than surprised by this because they thought this whole idea of an alliance was Asumi's idea.

"This young man is so remarkable, but even still he is too young to be a chief at least alone"

"I have an idea, why don't we appoint him as the leader and Asumi as the overseer of his work until he becomes an adult,"

Asumi was more than happy to accept this proposal. Velian also thought for a few minutes about the disadvantages and advantages of being a leader for this alliance. No matter how he sees if he wants to use his unique skill to its full potential he will have to be a leader of some group at some point so he decided to accept their proposal.

Even though the majority was ok with this idea the same man who opposed staying here was making a grim face.

"Dammit, do I have to give my position to a child," He cursed Velian from inside.

"I will accept your proposal,"

"From today onward the Leader of this alliance will be Velian and his overseer will be Asumiko,"

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