True King's Ecstasy

Chapter 47 Scary Kid

Chapter 47 Scary Kid

"W-what? What are you talking about you pervert!" She shouted while blushing.

At first, Velian was confused about why she called him a pervert but later he realized she misunderstood his purpose.

"Aren't you a kid? Why are you asking such a thing?" She kept talking while observing the young man from top to toe. Now only she realised after carefully watching him,

"This kid is so cute and more beautiful than me, If not for his behaviour I would even hug him like a pillow," She thought about the 'Cute' kid in front of her.

"What are you talking about? I told you to come under my rule, I think you misunderstood something," Velian said while maintaining his composure outside but he was laughing inside because of her reactions.

"Look at you people, Most of your people are malnourished and sick, The basic hygiene in this village is neglected, If you live in this environment anymore more of your people would die,"

"Look at you and this old man, You two are hidden gems in this village, I can see your strength and power, Serve under me and I will let your people live inside our village and work," Velian said while looking at them simultaneously.

Juno was stunned by his request and looked at the old man asking for help,

"How can we be sure you won't enslave our people or mistreat us and do you really think we can coexist with humans," He asked distrustfully trying to understand Velian's objective.

"Good question, it's truly foolish if you believe me right off the bat, According to what I heard Beastkin and Human used to fight and Empire and Kingdoms enslave beast people and don't forget the same thing happened to humans too,"

"So why don't we establish a soul contract, I hope you know about it old man unlike other beastkins you have magical knowledge too, don't you?"

The old man was really scared of this kid know because even his granddaughter didn't know about such things.

"You! How do you know all this? You really are a scary youngster," The old man said while caressing his head.

Velian knew all this information using his (Apprisal) skill. He apprised both of them before the fight began. The result was more than what he expected,

Name: Juno

Sex: Female

Age: 17

Race: Tiger-kin

Overall Rank: B

Blessings: -

Elements: -

Magic skills: -

Martial art skills: Beastification(B), Tigerfist(C), Flash Step(D), Beast Arts(D)


Velian was surprised by Juno's status because normally seventeen years old girl won't be this powerful If she didn't train like Delvi or had innate talent.

"She must be from a fairly good family to have this type of talent," Velian thought while analysing her.

Name: Gin

Sex: Male

Age: 58

Race: Tiger-kin

Overall Rank:A

Blessings: -

Elements: Wind

Magic skills: Boost(B), Wind Shot(D)

Martial art skills: Beastification(A), Tigerfist(C), Flash Step(D), Beast Arts(D)

After appraising these two only Velian saw the old man's rank and power. He can be called more powerful than Daphnia because he has Magic and Martial art both but his spells are really simple.

Unlike humans, most of the beastkin use martial arts as their fighting technique. Mages among the beast people is a rare occurrence. Humans mostly master both magic and martial art in the same amount while Elves solely depend on magic.

"Believe me Juno, Come under me and I will take care of your people, You and this old man are not normal beastmens, Don't worry I won't ask anything about your past, All I can say is think about the present and future of your people"

"So what's your answer? Do you want to suffer in this forest or provide a better life for your people?" Velian wanted to finish this and go back home before Daphnia gets worried about him.

Delvi and the other warriors were listening to Velian but they didn't have a favourable opinion of his proposal. It is a well-known fact that Beast people attack humans while humans attack them even though they were not in a war they had no friendly relationships either.

"I have a question young man, what do you expect to do with us if we come under your control?" Old man Gin was the one who broke the silence asking a question from Velian with a serious look on his face.

"Nothing old man, I'm interested in you two and isn't it sad if skilled people like you two die in a forest starving,"

Juno and Gin-old man when silent for a minute thinking about the proposal,

"If you make a soul contract with me under my conditions, we will accept your proposal," Juno said while showing a confident look.

"What's your condition?"

"First, You should treat beast people the same as you treat humans, No enslaving, No unwanted violence," She put forward her first condition.

"No problem,"

"Second, Just like you promised you should provide a suitable lining environment to us in return we will serve you,"

"That's also ok," Velian agreed to her second condition.

"Third, You should not order us to do something against our will just because we are under you,"

"So you're basically saying I should provide your people home and food while you won't give me your full service," Velian's brows twitched a little hearing the third request.

"Are you taking me for a pushover? I won't accept the third request, I guess then our talk is over" Velian said while turning his head toward Delvi.

"Let's God back sister, these people are shameless enough to take advantage of my request, I guess no friendship with people like this then," Juno was visibly shocked because of how easily he withdraw his proposal. She thought this kid was up to something and tried to take full advantage but now she regrets her action a little.

"Wait kid, We accept to form the contract with only two conditions, We're sorry for trying to take advantage of you, It won't happen again," Juno nodded at the Old man Gin's words.

Velian looked back at them gave them a little smile and took a paper and dropped a little blood on it and gave it to Juno. She looked at her grandfather and after getting his approval she dropped the blood on it. The contract paper started to burn with a purple colour flame until it became nothing but soot.

"I look forward to our friendship and don't call me a kid from now on call me Velian," He said while giving his hand for a handshake which Juno accepted wholeheartedly.

"Same here, Velian," She gave a slight nod at his words.

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