Tsuyokute New Saga (LN)

Book 10

Book 10: Chapter 22

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A few months had passed since the end of the war. Even the existence of it slowly began to change from reality to a historical event. As a major participant before and during the war, Kyle received plenty of attention from major countries like Zilgus and Galgan, but most of his days were spent doing nothing in his home over at Rimarze. Although he wasn’t particularly burned out, there was nothing for him to do other than train every day. And since his allies and family knew how hard he’d worked over the past few years, they didn’t say a word about it, either. The only one who didn’t really know what to do was Alessa, since up to this point, her brother had barely been home.

“…And so, it seems like both Galgan and Zilgus are trying to strengthen their militaristic power.”

“I see.”

Even as he listened to Minagi’s report, Kyle seemed like he was somewhat above the clouds. Although that attitude might not be very wise considering how they both felt about him.

“It seems to be the case for Taihon and Gilbol, as they were all ran dry during the war. Though, since Foken from the duchy of Ristan had gone missing, he has been treated like a hero who died in battle, and there are no complications with the inheritance, either.”

Minagi explained like this was to be expected, and Kyle also just nodded along with “That’s good.”

“No changes over at the forest of Evenro, either. However, it would prove difficult if they remained as secluded, so they’ve attempted to keep contact with the outside,” Urza happily exclaimed the change that had happened in her hometown.

“I heard the dark elves have opened up themselves. It’s not much, but they are keeping contact with the outside here and there. It seemed like Basques took great liking to them, so she would show up regularly. Where they would’ve just kicked her out before, they at least seemed to reluctantly accept her now. Erina explained all that in a letter to me.”

“So they accepted her strength…Well, there must have been meaning to her recklessness,” Kyle murmured, which earned a smile from Lieze.

“Father said that things are coming down over at the holy ground. During the war, countless people arrived to offer up prayers, but I’m glad the fighting is finally over,” commented Sakira with a sigh of relief.

As of late, she had been living in this home, fully used to this lifestyle. She’d regularly play with Alessa, getting along with the others. This, in turn, allowed Kyle to not having to worry too much about her. Either way, hearing the reports from his allies, Kyle could also sigh in relief that, although the war had left some scars, most of the wounds had healed. But that is why he couldn’t quite find a new path for himself. Presumably because he still felt a small regret in his chest.

“You look pathetic. Even though I get why you’re acting like that, unable to finish off your revenge at the very last step,” said Seran with no mercy, bringing up what Kyle’s other allies tried to avoid.

As a matter of fact, the black-winged one was still in hiding, somewhere out there alive.

“But he wasn’t there, so what was I supposed to do?”

“You let him escape, so it’s your fault.”

Kyle tried to protest, but Seran only saw that as an excuse. That said, it wasn’t the best possible timing since Lieze, Urza, Minagi, and even Sakira all glared at him in the process.

“Ah, well…How are things over on your end? Since Luiza definitely took a step toward us with the conditions for the cease-fire, she must be struggling quite a bit, right?”

Seran changed the topic to get the blame off him and looked over at Yuriga. For once, she was not hiding her face when she traveled through Rimarze. But instead of having to be careful she would get struck down, she was treated like a savior of Rimarze. Since the ceasefire, demons would regularly show up as ambassadors, and Yuriga was one of them. Although the future was uncertain, she could walk through a human town without being shunned. It was a historical success.

“Yeah, all of the responsibility has been pushed on the black-winged one, after all. His name will remain as one of the worst leaders in history, I bet,” Yuriga spoke with a positive tone, but Kyle wondered about something else.

“You still can’t find him though, right?”

“Sadly, no. We’d love to find him and hold him accountable…but is there really any need to be so concerned about him?”


Kyle couldn’t respond. He understood what Yuriga was trying to say, and Kyle’s desire to finish his foe was only his own.

“There’s no chance he can make it back to become the Demon Lord. What danger does he pose?”josei

Even if he may be powerful on his own, he wouldn’t be able to instigate another war like that, and Kyle knew she was right.

“I know it’s true that we can just leave him be, but why not leave this to the demons?” Lieze asked with a worried tone.

Even though she couldn’t tell what he was thinking, she knew that he was pondering about something.

“That’s right, you did your best, Kyle-sam…Kyle-san. You can take it easy now,” Sakira nodded with a gentle tone.

They were all right, he had accomplished his goal of saving the world. None of his friends and family died, still doing fine now. For Kyle, everything should have ended, and he should be freed from his duty. He knew this was just a personal grudge . But even so, he couldn’t forget about the Demon Lord.

That night, Kyle had a dream. It was an empty room overflowing with light, seeming almost surreal. He immediately understood that this was a dream, and that this was different from the ones he was used to.

“Where am I…?”

“It’s been a while, Kyle-chan. And…congratulations.”

Kyle was greeted by a gentle voice. When he turned around, he saw Sakira.

“Sakira? No…you are…”

Something was different, yet familiar about her.

“Yes, I’m using Sakira-chan’s appearance. You really worked hard.”


It was the Goddess Mera. In the human realm, she was regarded as a vile goddess who looked down on any race who isn’t human, but in reality, she was just too full of love.

“I’ve been keeping quiet since you told me to…but now that it’s over, I decided to check up on you.”

“Ah, well…I’m sorry for that. I was too impudent.”

She was so kind.

“It’s fine. I realize I was being too invading of your affairs. But…you’ve managed to pull it off,” she said with tears in her eyes, letting Kyle know that her feelings were genuine.

“So will the future be okay?”

Controlling time itself was impossible, even for gods like her, but she could see how things would turn out.

“…Yes. I can’t go into detail, but you won’t have to worry about anything anymore.”

Knowing that what he had done wasn’t for nothing, Kyle felt his muscles relax.

“…And, I have a message from my younger sister.”

There, Mera’s smile froze up. The Goddesses Cairys and Mera were always known to be on bad terms, but it was a lot worse seeing them in person.

“She’s praising you, too. And so, she’s giving you a [Blessing].”

“The Goddess’ [Blessing]…”

This surprised even Kyle. A blessing from the Goddess would allow any wish to be granted, as long as it was in her power.

“Yes. Normally, you would have to take a [Trial] like last time, but you’ve saved the world so that much would be allowed to a hero like you.”

Kyle had already received a [Blessing] from Mera, but he just used it up by saying “Shut up and watch.”

“I…I’m sorry, this is so sudden that I can’t think of anything.”

“Of course, yes…We can grant it to you later as long as you offer a prayer. Also, please look after Sakira-chan, she’s a good girl, after all.”

Seeing her in such a good mood, Kyle hesitated for a moment but still decided to open his mouth.

“So…could I ask you something?”

“What is it? Just ask and I’ll tell you!”

“Do you happen to know where the black-winged demon is?”

Hearing that question, Mera’s expression changed, depicting sadness and grief.

“…I will have you know, I know where he is and his identity, but honestly, even I don’t know what to do about him. You’ve accomplished your mission, so you can just leave him alone, you know? Do you still want to ask?” Mera asked with a serious expression, directly showing her kindness.

However, Kyle wouldn’t be able to rest easy if he didn’t know. He knew he’d regret it, but he still nodded.

“Fine…I know I might be asking for too much considering everything that happened, but…the one you call the black-winged demon…that child, won’t you save him?”

Mera wished for the black-winged one to be saved, coming from the person who loved humans more than anything. But before Kyle could ask what exactly she meant by that, everything around him lit up. And although he was still in his dream, Kyle lost consciousness.

Upon waking up, his surroundings were dark, telling him it was right before dawn.

“A dream…? No, that’s not it.”

What he discussed with Mera…and his information about the black-winged one was still present in his mind.

“…So that’s how it was.”

Thanks to Mera’s power, all of the information regarding the black-winged one was directly sent to Kyle’s mind, making him feel with regret that he shouldn’t have asked. But at the same time, he knew what had to be done, so he jumped up.

“Hey, wake up,” he said and shook the sword next to his bed.

‘What do you want? It’s still late.’

A sleepy voice responded. Although she could project herself just fine to look like a regular human, Shildonia’s true body resided within the sword.

“…Something serious?”

The very girl in question then materialized in front of Kyle, seeing his determined expression. He spoke of what happened in the dream, to which Shildonia’s eyes shot wide open, and she crossed her arms to think. She then let out a deep sigh.

“What do you think?”

“If I had to guess…It’s most likely true. It would explain everything.”

“I see…”

Then, both of them went silent.

“…So, are you going? I think we can leave him be. You, of all people, have no responsibility to deal with him.”

“Now that I know the truth, that’s a bit…”

Shildonia had already known his response, she just wanted to have one last confirmation.

“What a stubborn fellow you are. Well, that’s your decision, but will you tell Seran and the others?”

“…No, I’ll have to deal with this myself,” Kyle responded after thinking about it for a while.

Up to this point, he had forced himself through countless challenges by himself, for which he had proper reasons. But this time, he wanted to fight because his will told him so.

“I understand how you feel…But you’ll get an awful earful once you’re back. Still, fine by me. I will just join you for a lecture then. Though make sure you’re properly prepared.”

“Are you sure?”

This was just Kyle being selfish. Of course, he would need Shildonia as the sword she was, but it still meant getting her involved.

“I am not an innocent bystander in this. In fact, I will get angry if you leave me behind.”

“Yeah, that’s true…Guess it’s time to prepare,” Kyle said, his determination solidified.

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