Tsuyokute New Saga (LN)

Book 6

Book 6: Chapter 8

Kyle was guided to Maizer’s private room by the priest, where two individuals waited for him inside.

“Been a while. Guess you’re doing all right.”

Maizer sat on the sofa, legs crossed, as he nonchalantly greeted Kyle with one hand in the air. However, Kyle’s attention immediately moved toward the individual standing next to Maizer. He definitely wasn’t human. He was more of a beastman. He had the head of a cat growing on his human body, and yet his eyes emitted sharpness you wouldn’t expect from a beast. And even more than that, he wasn’t wearing armor local to the Empire, but one you’d regularly see to the east.

“This person here is Prime Minister Korodes.”

“You must be Kyle Lenard, right? It’s a pleasure to meet the one awarded the title of ‘Dragon Slayer’. And thank you very much for saving Angela-sama, too,” he delivered a greeting with a calm and relaxing voice that would give anybody listening a relaxed mind.

On top of that, he showed a polite bow, which emphasized his courteous personality. In fact, you wouldn’t expect him to be from the Empire. And the fact that a beastman like him could achieve such a high rank truly shows that the Empire values strength and achievements over anything else.

“He might seem docile, but I’d be careful. He’s definitely the nastiest person in the whole Empire as far as I’m concerned.”

“You honor me. I’m but a small follower…who can be a bit too faithful,” he showed a faint smile as he responded to Maizer’s introduction.

But in reality, Kyle knew that Korodes was extremely strong and skilled, and he had struck down multiple political enemies in the Empire to reach his position.

“Then, if you would excuse me, Maizer-sama. Kyle-dono, please make yourself at home.” Korodes announced his departure to the two.

However, his smile during that occasion looked like a wild beast licking its tongue. Naturally, Kyle wished he was just imagining this.

“It has been a while. I’m glad to see you haven’t changed much, Your Highness Maizer.”

Once Korodes had completely vanished from the room, Kyle greeted Maizer.

“I don’t need any stiff greetings. But I have to say, you actually have changed quite a lot. And so have the achievements on your back,” Maizer said as he seemed the same as always, but also a bit more gloomy than usual.

“I called you here in order to thank you. You saved Angela, after all. I heard that someone planned to assassinate her, but I couldn’t move.”

“Haha, I didn’t do much,” Kyle could only laugh this off.

He may have saved her, but he inadvertently brought her to the demon territory, involved her in a chaotic incident involving demons, and she even had to fight a demon herself. If Maizer knew of that, Kyle’s head would roll. So to not let it go that far, he quickly changed the topic.

“More importantly, I’m sorry for getting in the way of your discussion.”

“Don’t mind it. Korodes came here to probe, nothing more. Namely, if I was interested in inheriting my father’s position. And to make sure that I had intentions of helping the Empire. He only swore his loyalty to my father. If he believes that I would bring harm to the Empire, he would cut me down without remorse,” Maizer said with a shrug. “Though, one more thing. It’s your freedom to believe what you want, but I didn’t have Brother Eldorand assassinated.”

“I see,” Kyle nodded, never even having assumed that this was Maizer’s work.

“And it wasn’t Brother Konrad either. It’s part assumption, part confirmation. Though I don’t know what he thinks,” Maizer spoke with a jesting tone, but Kyle could clearly see Maizer being dejected for a split second.

“Well, we’re in a bit of a predicament. Everything moved under the assumption that Brother Eldorand would become the next Emperor. And without him, the Empire’s gonna fall apart. Doesn’t matter whether I or Brother Konrad will succeed.”

“Do you have any intention of becoming the Emperor?” Kyle asked him a straight question.josei

Depending on the answer, Kyle’s actions would have to change, so he had to know.

“Before Brother Eldorand had passed, I genuinely didn’t…” Maizer showed a wry smile. “I just pushed this whole country onto Brother Eldorand. That’s why I’d love to push it onto Brother Konrad and keep on living as the debaucherous prince…But I still love my country, and I love the work my father has done. Brother Konrad can’t become the Emperor. That is the greatest danger for the country.”

He seemed very confident in that statement.

“And it’s not that he’s not fit. He is too indecisive. If he becomes the Emperor, then I’m certain the Empire won’t collapse during his rule. He is careful and does not overdo it in any way…but it’ll weaken the Empire. To an irreversible level, no less. Because he’ll stray from the aggressive expansion to focus more on dialogue, and I guess that’s to be expected.”

Imagining the future of the empire, Maizer sighed.

“Of course, I’m not saying that any dialogue is bad. However, the Empire has far too many enemies. Countless other countries resent us. So what if we turn that around? They’ll just swallow us whole.”

Just like Maizer, Kyle could easily envision this kind of future. It was Emperor Benedix’s charisma that built this empire from the ground up, spreading its wings everywhere to create the current Galgan. He had a lot of allies, but that was mostly because of the strength of the Empire, and they were simply benefiting from each other.

“He’s too kind…Brother Konrad, I mean. Especially when it comes to people close to him. He can’t easily cut off those who will hurt him.”

Kyle had nothing to say to this statement of Maizer. Kindness is a trait often desired. But at times, this can change into naiveté. If you don’t know where to draw the line, you’ll only fall into a worse situation. If this was a small country in a peaceful time, then it would definitely be beneficial, but the Empire works on absolute strength, and the Emperor needed that trait.

“That being said, if I inherit our old man, that’ll bring its own share of problems. For the most part, I don’t have followers. And who could blame them with a debaucherous prince like I. They wouldn’t want the Empire in my hands. If I were to forcefully rise to the position, I could already see the rebellion in the shadows,” Maizer looked up at the ceiling, sighing.

It almost sounded like he was complaining, revealing his weakness.

“Half of the people would probably swallow it and follow me either way, but the other half will cause trouble. And just thinking about it makes my stomach act up. If I follow my father, the Empire will be split in two, and if Brother Konrad becomes Emperor, it will weaken the Empire…Really, what to do about this…Hm? What’s wrong?”

“No, it’s nothing. Please excuse me.”

Kyle’s face tensed up as he tried his best not to smile. After all, Maizer and his father the Emperor said the exact same thing.

“Worst case, I was thinking of just throwing everything away and running…Anyway, sorry to burden you with my grumbling.” This time, he showed a self-deprecating smile.

It seems like the death of the brother he always relied on sure hit him hard.

“No, don’t mind me.”

“I may have said a lot, but there’s no going around it. From now on, Galgan will fall into chaos, so I want your help. I feel bad for imposing this on you in such a dire situation, but I’d like to strike up a contract.”

That was an unexpectedly straight invitation. He must be putting his hopes into Kyle’s title of being a Dragon Killer.

“…Personally, I want to avoid the worst-case scenario that this country falls into a civil war. And for that, I’m willing to help with whatever.” Kyle carefully chose his words as he responded.

His personal preference was for Maizer to become the Emperor, but the person himself hadn’t decided yet, so he couldn’t blindly agree to anything.

“Well, that will do for now…” Maizer smiled faintly, cutting the conversation.

Leaving the imperial palace, Kyle sighed once and then reorganized everything he had learned today. And once that was done, he was forced to accept that resolving all of this would not be a walk in the park.

“However…it’s also not the worst it could be. This…is doable.”

As for the events after this, Benedix should choose Maizer as his successor, so he had to simply watch that unfold.

That being said, Maizer seemed oddly hesitant. Then again, it’s only been five days since his brother Eldorand passed, so it makes sense that he’s not fully back to it. I’d love for him to make up his mind…Maybe I should give him a push. As for Konrad, it depends on his own actions, but in the worst-case scenario, he’ll have to disappear.

Kyle wasn’t dead set on making things go the way he wanted, but he would have to push things the right way. And right as Kyle was thinking that, a shadow appeared in front of him. Kyle knew without having to look who he was dealing with.

“How was it?”

It was Minagi, who went to check out Eldorand’s dead body.

“…I could find a faint scar at his ankle, barely even visible.”

“Ankle? Why at his leg?”

Seeing Minagi’s gloomy expression, Kyle couldn’t help but think that something bad was coming.

“There’s a thick vein on your ankle, so if you poison that area, it spreads throughout the whole body, slowing your heart rate, until it comes to an abrupt stop. You won’t even suffer as you just collapse.”

“…A method like that exists?”

Kyle would have never guessed this was possible. And with that time frame, it was easy to leave the Empire before the lockdown.

“Yes. Souga is skilled at this type of work.”

“So it’s confirmed…”

Learning that it was indeed Souga who killed Prince Eldorand, Kyle looked up at the sky.

“But, he’s not in the Empire any longer. He never stays around for too long after he completes his mission.”

“Are you sure about that?”


“That’s a saving grace, I guess. I really would rather not have Souga as an enemy right now.” Kyle sighed in relief.

Right now, Minagi was hired by Kyle. Even if they were master and pupil, a match-up at work would still force them to fight.

“Seriously…I’m so glad…”

And at the same time, Kyle still kept up the lie of having met Souga before, so if they were to meet now, that lie would become apparent.

That’s at least one problem avoided…But, who could have hired him?

If Souga were to come for him instead, would he be able to protect himself…That’s what Kyle was thinking at that moment.

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