Twin Reincarnation: Epics Of The Worldline

Chapter 110 110 Her punishment*

Chapter 110 110 Her punishment*

Chapter 110 110 Her punishment*

[El's POV: ]

"Kekeke. I don't know how you know all those things about me but rest assured, I will take good care of your bodies when you are in eternal sleep. Kekekeke~!"

The common look he had changed into a serial killer's with his tongue licking his blade and his skin pale like he hadn't touched grass in his lifetime.

'But the bastard was strong.'

The shockwave created by that clash of attacks was strong enough to destroy the nearby rocks and shake the entire cave area.

He a psychopath who loved killing innocent people, especially young and talented ones. And of course, just like any third rare shit, he took the highest degree of pleasure in rapeing the pretty targets before or perhaps after their deaths.

In the game, after passing with a high score and selecting a number of targets, he later killed many of the students who had failed to get into the academy, and then, in many scenarios, he even became a full demonic human, and openly ran rampant in a small kingdom.

'In general, he should have been killed by either Ras or Rex later on but he met Nes this time, and I can't let him escape from here.'

He was here as a student right now so he was under the protection system so he could not be killed by normal means, which meant I had to bypass the system interface to kill him.

But for that, I first had to get my hands-'



Nes tapped my shoulder just when I was about to proceed with what I planned, and when I turned back, I saw a look in her eyes that even though familiar to me, I hadn't seen even once during our time together this time.

"Did you say he is a bad person and he has killed many people?"


A sudden surge of pink energy exploded in the area, time stopped, and a sudden pressure fell on all of us.

"And he tried hurting you as well, didn't he?"

Her pretty pink eyes which always contained her usual timidness or happiness were now more serious than ever, and, there was anger in them.

"Doesn't that mean he has to be punished?"

Pink energy containing white stars that had filled the surrounding area gathered and took the form of chains and shot towards the basted who was feeling the greatest fear of his life.

'He made the biggest mistake of his life when he thought this pretty looking girl was actually 'normal' or 'weak'.'

I had Lucy's [Six Walls] and could still feel the pressure that was dominating the area so it was unimaginable just what kind of dread that bastard might be feeling right now.

"He has to be punished, right?"

The chains bound his limbs, wrapped around his head, and even his middle body.

The blank look in his eyes as he looked down at the two of us, especially at the girl that he had 'protected' all this time, was the funniest thing I had seen in a while.

"El? It's ok if I punish him, right?"

She looked at me with the anger still present in those eyes, the glacial melting warm smile on her face that she was giving me being one of the greatest presents I had received in a while.

And she was asking me an obvious question.

"Of course, you should."

If I had done it myself, I would have had to disconnect him from the personal system of the academy. Only then would I have been able to actually kill him. But if it was Nes and her special space attributed 'Dust' powers…

"Alright then~."


She lifted her hand and aimed her palm at the bastard floating in the sky after nodding at me happily.

"You shouldn't have done all those bad things, sir."

She slowly started folding her palm and at the same time, the chains wrapped all around his body started tightening.


He must have felt an excruciating amount of pain from just that much, kekeke, but it had just begun.

"You should have done good things and lived a normal life instead."

She continued folding her palm and with each passing second, the pressure on his body increased exponentially.

"If you had that much strength, you should have helped others and lived happily."


The pressure on his body reached the allowed threshold of the system so his entire body was suddenly covered in a layer of green light.



[The pressure threshold has been triggered by a test participant in area <W>!]

[The preservation measures have been applied!]

"You were a healthy person but you hurt others, and you even tried hurting my friend. You shouldn't have done that."

Her hand was almost in a holding position and it seemed like she was holding a glass, but it was only a glass. She had more than enough strength to shatter it. Which she did…


Cracks appeared in the green system sheet covering his body and within moments after they had appeared, they shattered completely and revealed his body.


[Someone has broken the system barriers!]

[Reporting to the Guardian!]


[Due to the instructions from the original administrator, further investigation is canceled.]

[Recording the achievements of the targets into the data logs.]


The chains started pressuring his skin now that the system restraints were lifted and just like a watermelon being pressured by hundreds of rubberbands tied around it, his entire body started squeezing.

"I'm sorry… but you were a bad person. I hope you find peace."

Blood was flowing out from all the holes in his body already, his skin red, all the blood vessels jammed, and his eyes had already lost their lights long ago too. And Nes was a good person so she ended his suffering as soon as she could and completely closed her fist.


And, as soon as she did that, the chains enveloped his body completely and, he popped like a balloon, raining blood in the place he had died.


And he had died so, the chains continued shrinking and squeezing his body with so much pressure that by the time the chains were done with their task and Nes had finished giving her punishment, the bastard who had killed many until now… not even his existence remained in this world anymore.

"Haaa. So~. How are you doing, El~."

And since the source of her anger was taken care of, she turned back to me with her usual happy smile, asking me that question like the usual her always would. josei

But fuck… what she did with him was sexy!

'I love this girl man. Really~.'

She genuinely obliterated someone from existence and then she was asking me how I was with the purest emotions anyone could!

'The diabolical pureness.'

That title suited her perfectly. I can't wait until she gets it this time lol. And I would be with her, watching her do many things like she just did with that unique innocence of hers, smiling like I'm doing right now from the side, patting her head just like I will in a moment afterwards.

She was the purest person in this world. And this genuinely happy reaction was the reason for that...

This girl was the best!

"Hehehe~. You are amazing, Nes~!"

So amazing that I would have kissed you right now if my first kiss hadn't belonged to that bastard~.

'But rest assured. You will get a kiss someday too, hehe~.'

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