Twin Reincarnation: Epics Of The Worldline

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: 2 Inside our game

Chapter 2: 2 Inside our game

Opening my eyes, I tried feeling my body…

I had just asked for her hand in marriage a short while ago, and she quickly accepted in her typical playful manner.

We both already knew something similar would occur one day, but... what happened after that?!

When my vision went blank, I did recall hearing a peculiar, metallic sound, but what followed?

Where am I and where did she go?!

My mind was a mess as I made a valiant effort to experience my surroundings.

But what was this odd, constrained sensation?

As if I were enclosed by something...

I made an effort to move, but there was nothing I could do at the time.

This was one of the few moments in my life that I had felt so helpless.

'Where in the world am I!'

I tried to take in my surroundings when nothing seemed to be working.

My neck was immobile, so the only way I could gaze was up.

Yet I could only make out a ceiling.

A wood ceiling that appears to be pretty new—something we wouldn't typically see.

'What the hack is going on here?'

I didn't have any idea what this might be.

It could be a joke, an assassination attempt, or a kidnapping. This can be anything but... I had an even worse feeling about this.

I was in deep thought but after a brief moment, I heard light footsteps approaching me.

While I waited to see what would happen, my heart was racing. Then suddenly, the wooden ceiling gave way to reveal a fat man's face!

It was big, so big that it seemed like a giant!

'What is this... no! Is that actually big? Or...'

Something flared inside of me, leaving me stunned.

The huge man appeared to take up something else with his other hand while 'lifting' me up with one hand.

The expression on his face was that of greed, and it seemed like he was 'delighted' to see me.

I wasn't sure at first but, that disgusting smirk made me certain.

'Fuck the world!'

I died. After being accepted by her and experiencing one of the greatest joys of my life, I kicked the bucket.

My eyes began to shine with tears, and my vision became hazy.

We loved each other.

We loved each other ever since we first met when we were just kids.

We stayed together and did everything as ONE.

As unique as we were, there was no greater joy for us than just being with each other.

We were unique yet also the same. Like the two sides of a coin.

And all of that… all that... ended?

'Why the hell did I even pick that fucked up place?!'

It was my fault! It was my fault that... she was dead.


I died and now... I was a baby.

I was a baby without my second half!

I was alone, left in some shitty place, and most probably... they abandoned me just like the last time.

I sobbed and yelled in agony, and when no more tears could be shed, I finally managed to calm myself and begin scanning the surroundings.

From what I could see, some things looked very different from my previous world. And sus was this fat scumbag.

Although I was unable to grasp what he was saying, this was not a language I had heard before.

His facial expressions throughout the time he carried me were all suspicious.


He slammed open the door and stepped inside the dimly illuminated space.

He yelled, and someone rushed over to us.

Handing 'us' over to the lady-like person, he gave her a lustful look and whispered something in her ear.

I was merely a baby at the time even though I understood what was happening, therefore I had no power to stop this awful situation.

The woman simply shivered in terror without making any noise and just acted normally.

After some time, he closed the door with another loud thud and left the room.

The lovely middle-aged woman sighed and cast a glance at me and the being beside me.

There was someone else in this place with me and... I didn't know what to expect.

My new life had no use to me at this point.

There was nothing to do, nothing to work for, or nothing to live for... without her.

The lady seemed like a nice person as she smiled warmly at 'us' and said something.

She then released me from the warm, smooth blanket that seemed like a jail and placed 'us' in a little baby bed.

That wasn't the only such bed in this room as there were numerous and most of them were occupied with newborns like 'us'.

They were all alone, but... not me.

Taking out another baby from a basket, she put (him) beside me.

It seemed strange to see her grinning at us as if she were envious.

Now that I was free, I turned my head to gaze beside me.

A young child with bright red eyes that possessed a special glow and ash white hair lies near me with a serene expression.

It wasn't something a normal baby should possess, so I was thinking of an almost impossible scenario at that moment.

I blinked my eyes and tried saying something to them.


Her red eyes initially showed a very astonished expression, but she quickly became calm, reminding me of someone.

'What is the world?' She asked while blinking her eyes in morse codes. josei

My inner flame was slightly sparked by this.

'A bitch?' I replied with the same expression of amazement.

With a fresh brightness filling her eyes, she asked the second question, 'what are people?'.

'Fools who think we are simple!' I answered with a smile and without waiting, I asked the last question, 'what are we?'.

There were tears in my eyes and now I knew... this life was at least not meaningless.

Her baby eyes were also tearful as she answered... correctly, as I hoped.

'We are 'ONE'.'

She cried, and I was the same.

We had been together, and... not even death did us apart.

This was a ridiculously romantic and bizarre situation that defied rational explanation.

The cries continued, and I had to be the one to put an end to this one.

I moved my body with all my might and somewhat hugged her.

Fortunately, she stopped crying, and I was able to breathe a sigh of relief.

This little one was a handful.

From the looks of our bodies, we were almost six months old.

The fact that this place resembled an orphanage was understandable. Though, I was still worried about one issue.

'Hay... remember your third game that was mysteriously destroyed during the power cut?' This was a long sentence, almost took me a minute to slowly ask her.

'My dumb buddy remembered?' She asked with a pleased smile, just the way I knew.

She was a talent that the world would have envied if they knew about her prowess.

And before her... I was nothing more than a worker.

In our previous world, virtual reality was a common subject in high schools, colleges, and work, but... she was something else.

She was almost like a supercomputer that could intake, process, and handle a shit ton of data all at once.

She loved creating VRMMOs in her free time, and... yes, she 'created' them.

That was something even the brightest minds in the world couldn't accomplish on their own. But she did just that, and with no difficulty as well.

She was a genius and... I was her playmate.

I played those weird games, experimented with them, tested things, found loopholes, and... loved them.

Some of those things might have had a profound impact on the globe, but who cared about the pathetic world that abandoned us whenever we needed it?

Well, all things aside, I remembered her unexpected failure.

Failure was a rare thing for her and as her lazy personality went, she would just drop anything boring.

And... what was more boring than doing everything all over again?

So in light of this, this world was probably that very failure.


Like some fantasy novel where the MC gets transported to some book he read, we were inside the game she started making and... I played for months.

I wasn't sure before, but now that she confirmed it, the bastard pig we saw a while ago was the same minor villain that the storyline's MC might kill.

'Another fucked up world. At least this is significantly better than that hellhole.' I sighed as I blinked at the cute baby beside me.

'Hay! Wait! If it's the world we created, though partly, there should be 'that' thing, right?!'

She was overexcited and she said it so fast that I couldn't quite get the whole thing, but I understood what she wanted to say.

'Together? Like old times?' I asked, with an evil baby smirk on my face.

'On the count of three.' She said with her warm baby smile.

'Three.' I started, without giving her an answer.

"Awaaa!" she angrily groaned… and sobbed.

'Two.' I didn't stop and continued my count with a smile.

'One!' She ended the count, and we both looked before us and thought...

'World link! Complete registration. Generate Status window!'

A world that had a 'will', a game that had no rules or particular script, and a place where only mattered.

A world we created but never got the chance to finish.

And a world… that we strangely loved.

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