Twin Reincarnation: Epics Of The Worldline

Chapter 206 206 House of Clubs

Chapter 206 206 House of Clubs

Chapter 206 206 House of Clubs

[El's POV: ]

The bastard that called himself (NNN) even though he had no relationship with Nuts or Novembers since he was an asexual being was a pretty fun one, but not as much as my bastard.

He wasn't as soft as him so there was no great fun breaking him, and since he was actually a little like me as well, there was no greater fun in using the less painful methods on him.

We needed him to… well, I needed him to completely belong to me and me alone, and for that, I needed to affect his very mentality subconsciously, which I knew pretty well. But still, he wasn't as fun as Lucy.

'Breaking his strong mind was fun at the start, a little more fun than when we tortured that pig basted back when we were younger, but, this wasn't as fun as what I wanted my first ever 'fun' torture play to be.'

I wanted it to be my bastard Lucy on that torture table where I slowly break his unbreakable mind, peal every layer of his skin slowly while kissing every inch of his body, touch the parts of his body that he did not want me to touch, cut his flesh with my nails and lick him off… lick his sweet blood off.

I wanted it to be that level of fun where I could break the unbreakable for the first time and make him my puppy and make him do me in the style that he would become.

'He becomes quite wild when he loses control, and hellllllllll… that is one hell of a fun state of him.'

But, it sometimes gets out of control kind of wild, and he ends up destroying things or hurting me a little more than what I can handle.

He isn't that difficult to tame even in that state, but, he doesn't like being like that. Like, he really, really hates when I push him past that second line.

'I did my worst once and he stopped talking to me for an entire year. He even moved out of our home for three months and I had to live without him… fucker. And that was when it all happened inside of the game as well.'

This is reality, so I don't want to try doing something like that again… well, not intentionally at least, but, I do want to see that side of his. It's unethically lovely.

'But, welp, I wasn't torturing my bastard. I was torturing a different bastard that was fun for the first few minutes, but, he soon gave in and started enjoying thighs like some hard-core maschochist. And then, it became so fucking weird that I almost ended up killing him.'

He was a fucking bastard that pulled a string he shouldn't have but thanks to Lucy, Anna, my useless Cary, and Raz being present there, that bastard survived, albeit barely.

He was recovering in the medical facility even after an entire day had passed, so, he was the only one that wasn't present with everyone here today.

"So… you are saying we would be working as a team and we are only allowed to refer to others with the code names? Is that right?"

"Yes. And I will give you some training personally before you bunch do your first mission together."

"Ummm. Miss-"

"You will be referring to us as White and Black from now on. And of course, I am Black. Anyway, Miss Queen. I have a very simple training method in mind for you, however, before we get to that, I want everyone to introduce themselves. Just the names, the ones you will possess when you are wearing that outfit from this day forward."

Darling and I went around the Northern Alliance and demonic plains to pick up the remaining ones of the House of Clubs and now we had everyone with us present right here, except the bastard who was in a critical condition.

A condition so critical I had to use my own medical knowledge to treat him with Anna's skills, Cary's powers, and Raz's artifacts. josei

'But it was his own fault he wasn't here with us and instead of in a near state of coma with his entire body paralyzed.'

Some of my needles damaged his brain circuits, some knives went past his skin layer and pierced his spinal cord, and because of a sudden spark caused by the rusty knives around his neck, his entire body that was covered in a unique solution lethal to his vampiric blood, he was half burned.

He survived thanks to Cary's quick response and Mana controlling ability but, well, that bastard might have died yesterday. But, thankfully, well, not thankfully but hopefully, he will make it out of that coma.

"Alright. Shall we start with the introductions?"

In this completely empty and endless white room somewhat resembling the Workspace, Lucy was writing down something in his diary while observing the people standing before her. Most of it was a sad attempt to improve his writing abilities, but, half of it was his evaluation of the people present in this special room.

[ "Hey, El. You know the thing that I told you about when you were almost going to castrate that bastard yesterday?" ]

[ "Hmm? That he doesn't need his thing and we can sell it for a good price?" ]

[ "Ah, no. The other thing." ]

[ "About how we can also use his seeds to create unique children and sell them?" ]

[ "Not the thing about selling, dummy. The thing about him being unnecessary!" ]

[ "Ohhh~. That? What about it." ]

[ "He's useless. So, why him?" ]

[ "Don't you know that better than me since you allowed it after my simple suggestion?" ]

[ "That was my reason, girl. What was your reason? Why recommend a bastard you Knew would turn out to be a piece of useless shit?" ]

Why was he asking this kind of question out of nowhere like this again?

What possessed him out of nowhere?

[ "I suggested him because having a known figure that the world knew was in federal custody not long ago might give us some leverage in some certain situations. And since he knows how to make things look as shitty as him, isn't he just great to cover up the Pope assassination incident?

Using him instead of my Queen or King would be far better in that situation, right? Like, he's gonna die anyway, might as well die taking blame for something the world will hate him for." ]

He was a bastard and a perfectly replaceable number. Difficult, certainly, but replacing him won't be impossible. Just that getting the one we had in mind as his replacement was something that required us to clear the dimensional dungeon that we had scheduled for the next month or something.

'We aren't clearing that place anytime soon, so it's better to keep him for now. The other things would be taken care of later.'

However, did my answer answer his question?

[ "Hmmm… I see. Alright." ]

[ "You got the point?" ]

[ "Yup." ]

[ "And you don't have anything to ask anymore?" ]

[ "Nope." ]

He glanced at me, smiled for a moment, and then went back to his scribbling, definitely not something indicating his satisfaction.

He was thinking something, or suspecting something… just like I thought he would.

"No one wants to start?"

All of them were here now, in this special place that they had no worldly idea where it actually was or who we were thanks to our disguises that I loved quite a lot this time. Black and white went pretty well with our eyes.

"We just have to say our 'code' names, right?"

"Yup. Just that. It's pretty easy to guess from the outfits but still, say it. Introduce yourselves."

We gave them special outfits, an artifact that can turn into these specific outfits that Anna and I created together in our free time yesterday, but, these outfits were pretty unique and represented their affiliation to the group of Clubs and something that was pretty fasonable with masks unique to their roles, they looked like a perfect secret organization's special task force.

Although, they were nowhere near prepared for what things we were going to do together.

"Then, should I go first?"

The one asking was the captain, the Ace of Clubs, the one known as the white rouge, and I knew he was going to go first anyway, so I simply nodded lightly.

"Hello everyone… I don't know what the reason for your presence here is, I know it's something as absurd as mine. I am Ace of Club. I hope to have a harmless, mutually beneficial relationship in the future."

"I wish the same~. Ah, I am the so-called Queen here, not some real queen, I am more of a mother kind. But yes, it would be better to have a simple working relationship and keep our boundaries."

That was Miss Susean, the Bugbreeder. She will be quite the helpful one in many ways.

And, since her specialty is insects of all kinds, she will be quite compatible with their King.

"Hello. I am 'King'. I suggest we don't do anything more than what is asked of us and do what we want since as Miss Black said, we are 'free' to do whatever we want when we aren't following her 'requests'."

He was good.

"Joker. Hello."

But not as good as my Friday. He was doing much better than this bunch.

"I-I am No. Two. U-hello!"

She needed the most work here but when this little girl we picked up from a simple-looking antique shop gets ready, she will become the best Handeler of any scenario out there.

She was destined for it anyway.

"No. Three. If any of you want help with understanding the shit that is going on here, please come to me. I like talking."

We picked her up from the outskirts of the demonic plains and she was a Witch that we call Miss Monica. That's not her name of course, but, this name means the world to her and she knows we know it. That's why she was here.

"Then I am No. Four of Clubs. And since we are only talking about the names, I must say this whole thing of naming people by a type of playing card and all means a lot of things that we should think over."

"Crrrrrr… no need. Crrrrrrr. We follow Black request. We do that only. We get stronger. I No. Five. I am a worrier. I get strong!"

The No.4 was the so-called 'Happiness Bringer' and a master of manipulation, as well as a handy healer while on the other hand, No. 5 was an Awakned unique breed of half troll, half orc that we picked up from the demonic plains as well.

His tribe wasn't affected by the demonic energy since they had built immunity against it, so, he was special in many ways. And quite an easy one to control.

"Huhu, he looks like an Orc or something. This means this 'organization' isn't all about humans and things related to humans but something much greater on the scale. No. Six liked it~."

She was a high-ranking official but she was having fun here. I like her for this personality the most, lol.

"Miss, you should keep your eyes to yourself. As No. Seven, I do not like them checking something they shouldn't."

"Oh my. Apologies Grandpa."

No. 7. I called him Master T. A martial master from the eastern continent who lived in the Northern Alliance. He was pretty strong but after being utterly obliterated by me in the game he loved the most, he was my servant now as per his values and promise.

"Sup folks. Name's No. Eight. Looking forward to learn from y'all."

No.8 Gwen… a genius tech junkie that had created things used all over the underworld for most of the high profile crimes, as well as counter crimes by the security agencies.

She was a genius, but, she was here as my student now. And, I know teaching her would be the easiest since she was like a sponge.

Anyway… that was the team. The house members of Clubs.

And, it's time for school's first day now so, I should finish this here.

'See you people later~.'

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