Twin Reincarnation: Epics Of The Worldline

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: 22 #Skewers

Chapter 22: 22 #Skewers

The chapter contains scenes that might not be appropriate for general readers. Please be cautious.


[El's POV: ]

First, I started with the THICK needles that he used to eat the meat on his lavish table.

These skewer sticks were an excellent tool for slow torture. A gooooood slow and painful~ one.

When pierced at some special acupuncture points, the pain one might feel would be so extreme that even their soul~ would want to escape the body.

Start of a five-phrase torture method that I created in the world we came from, the sharp piercing hell, aka Needle.



One could say that my affinity for these things did not stem from a malevolent or devilish nature, though admittedly I possessed such traits. Rather, it arose from a deep-seated disdain for individuals who resembled this pig-like bastard.

He was the worst of the worst for doing things that were so abhorrent that even I, someone with a strong stomach, would recoil at the mere thought of them. Fucking disgusting fucking piece of trash.

'Well, this was not important right now~.'

Turning the wheel located on the other side of this unique torture table, I straightened his body.

The table was now standing vertically, and I can see the disgusting face of this powerless, demonic pig.

He was the worst so, even with my blue crown, I was feeling disgusted to see him, those black eyes that weren't pretty even while being black, and his shitty body covered with demonic energy.

So, looking at the now-standing bastard in the same place he tied other kids and did far more designing things than the ones I will do to him, I started shoving the sharp skewer rods into his most painful-inducing parts of the body.

Starting with his hands, his legs, and his fingers, were among the lesser pain-inducing areas. But the less from my point of view was hell from his... hehe~.

"Aaaaaaa! You bitch! What do you think you're doing?!"

His bloodcurdling screams echoed as each puncture tore through his flesh, fueling my rage at the thought of how many innocent children he may have harmed in this place.

"Hehehahaha~ you piece of shit. You can't even endure this warm-up?" I replied while shoving the thick needle in his head. Specifically, in the middle of his two disgusting eyebrows.

This was now something more painful than you might think and the sensation of this thick needle piercing your skin... than your flesh... and then, the very skull that protects the brain, and then that tinder, sweet membrane of the most precious part of an intelligent being... ahh~. Exotic.



'This time, from the side of his head which might have been the same as being shot by a bullet, aka headshot~!'

He was a better sniper than me but, when it came to shoving the bullet into the precise spot at close range with a revolver and shotgun, I was the one.



This sensation of your body being holed, the sensation of you being pierced by something you used to eat your favorite meat, the sensation~ of seeing blood splash all over and flesh fly all around... agh~! It's ineffable!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Khaghhhhhhh!"

And the heightened senses from the curse amplified the pain by so many folds that, even with the physique of a demon noble contractor, he was feeling insurmountable pain. And considering this was the starting, hehe, this was pretty decent.

It wouldn't have been this effective without that curse concoction we gave him. But this sure was getting fun~.

-Khacch! Khacch!


Thanks to his foolishness, he was now a helpless fool, feeling the sensation of his brain membranes being torn apart.

'Just imagine something is being shoved into your head. You are awake and on top of that, you feel the pain of a simple cut is comparable to cutting off a limb.'

This was brutal, and this was fun~~!

"Y-you. Stop tiiiiiiiis! Aghhhhhhhh! I-I will give you anyyyyyy-aghhhhhhhh t-thing, y-you wantttttt!" he was feeling the pain and that expression was all the things that I needed.

"Hehehe. Why don't you start by apologizing for everything you did to deserve this?" I questioned and took out the red skewer rod and cleaned it with his clothes.

'Oh, to clear things up, he was naked right now.'

And all his extravagant clothes and jewels were being examined by my darling Lucy.

'This bastard's screams were like fake sugar but, my dear Lecy screamed like sweet chocolate ice cream.'

His taste... ah~. If not for these damn limitations, I would have already devoured him. Many times over for sure.

But, we had to do many things in this fucked up world.

'The world of my creation and the world of something that is now very complicated even for me...'

Looking back at the bastard, I warmly smiled at the bastard stained with black blood that also stained the floor in a dirty, unartistic fashion.

"If you confess everything, I will end this hole-making in this filthy body of yours. But until then..."

Picking up a new clean rod, I shoved it into his left eye. josei


And a fountain of blood erupted from this, staining my gloves and the thin magic shield covering my body.

"Ahhhhhh!!! Owwwww!! Not my eyes! Please!" he shouted, and I smiled at the blood-ridden pig.

Having a good stock of gloves was a good thing, and I absolutely didn't like the blood of someone else on my hands.

"Start. The. Confession. You. Pig."


My eyes were still smiling but, the frown on my face was something I couldn't do anything about.

I could read his face, and he was cursing me for being the absolute trash. But he was the true trash this world didn't need.

I already knew I was a bitch that demons would love to have among their ranks.

But they can go fuck themselves if they thought I would ever belong to anyone aside from this bastard of mine.

Taking out the blood-stained gloves off my hands, I went back and took the new pair from my darling.


"Good luck," he said with a hot and straight face and... patted my head?

'This stupid idiot!'

But, my stupid idiot.

"You too." Replying with a red face, I went back and resumed the piercing of this bastard's useless body.

His wounds were healing at a really fast speed, so there was no need to even think about his condition.

It will be good even when I open his back and make a bird out of his ribs.


A demonic laugh echoed in the closed basement room of the normal-looking orphanage, and the confession of a demonic person started.

Well, there were also laughs of a satanic bitch but, those were more melodious than the screams that followed with every word uttered by the pig-like bastard.


[OP: ]

"I... killed the children that reached the restriction age of nature! Ahhhhhhh!!"

The person tied down on the torture table shouted as the girl on the other side shoved multiple metal rods covered with a blue light into his bare body.


This room was dark, only illuminated by the candles on the two sides of the room.

The floor was entirely filled with blood, some fresh while some dried out.



The place was filled with loud noises. One was the screaming or begging voice of a naked, blood-soaked bastard and the other one belonged to a demonic laugh of a young girl.

"I-I took pleasure in seeing them-, aghhhhhhhh!"

In this room, the girl was making holes in this pig's body with Mana needles that vanished after piercing the body of the target.

Six real, iron needles pierced six essential parts of this trash's body.

His eyes, his head, the joints of his shoulders, and lastly, his genitals.

"T-the young-gest ones we-were fun B-but the older-r ones tasted, aghhhhhhhh!!!"

Aside from that, his entire body was covered with small holes that were healing at a faster speed.

This was... a gruesome scene. Too much for others to watch.

The red, stained table that didn't have a mark on it was now half covered in blood, the black blood of the pig tied to it.


The cynical laughter continued, and it filled the entirety of this underground area with these pleasure-filled voices.


His screams that contained utter agony contrasted this happiness perfectly, making this melody unimaginably dark.

His holes were healing at a faster speed and whatever happened during her precious session, she wasn't letting him fall unconscious.

In the moments these small holes healed, it showed the insides of the body, the black, moving organs, the squishy muscles, and still intact skin was something even the narrator felt disgusted to write.

She was lost in her beautiful madness, but there was sorrow in those glowing blood-red eyes.

She was doing this to this inhuman trash bastard but, she still had the unshed tears lingering on the edges of her eyes as she imagined the things he was uttering from that filthy mouth of his right now.

But the wide smile on her face that was filled with pleasure overshadowed these tears.


The screams continued and, with every second passing, it seemed like hours had passed in this newborn hell, even to the one quietly watching all this in the corner.

His cold blue eyes just glowed as he watched her, and though she had almost killed him with those things, the last thing was still far away from him.

Just this much wasn't enough for what shitty things he had done to those little children so this blue-eyed boy, her Lucy, wasn't just sitting still there for nothing.

He was waiting for something, the air surrounding him was dense and, the bloodlust oozing out of his body was not something a child like him should have. Especially this cold, sharp, and still raging hot kind of bloodlust.

But... his wait ended when the cry from the front stopped.

"Hehehe. Looks like he's finished with stage one."

The creepy girl said and then took some steps back.

"Lucy~! Your turn~!" She shouted and took out the blood-stained gloves and threw them at the small pile of gloves on the other side of the room.


She snapped and flames erupted from the small pile of blood-dripping gloves in a corner of this blood-covered, dimly lit basement.

The fire burned and illuminated his face as he stood just before the trashy pig with a red wooden sword in his hand.

Now, the shining blue eyes, attractive, angry, and still purely serene, were looking down on the half-conscious pig bastard… with pure loathing, his blood boiling, tears burning into his cold eyes, and, chaos raging into his mind...

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