Twin Reincarnation: Epics Of The Worldline

Chapter 50 50 Suggesting a sacred duel

Chapter 50 50 Suggesting a sacred duel

Chapter 50 50 Suggesting a sacred duel

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In the same village, there had been peace some moments ago.

The creatures were doing their daily activities.

Males were going out to hunt, couples were having their usual morning coitus, children were playing or watching things around them as usual, and the chief of the village, the one responsible for his people was having a peaceful time with his wives, daughters, and the other family members.

As their daily routine, they were doing the most basic thing in any creature's life.

And no, they weren't having some early morning orgy, but a simple breakfast.

This was a peaceful village with normal beings doing normal things… and then, they appeared.


An executioner that beheaded his people like some emissary of the underworld, a bastard that had already killed the strong males that he, the chief, once trusted with his back.


But worse than this executioner was the fucking bitch, that devil sent grim reaper… no, she wasn't sent by a devil. She was the devil!

The way she killed his kin, the way she burned his women and children, the way she took pleasure in every kill happening, the way she indulged herself in the pure devastation caused by the deaths, screams, curses, and utter hatred of his people was definitely something inhuman.

She was the devil! They both were devils wearing the skin of humans!

Humans weren't like this. They were weak creatures. Everyone in this village knew that.

They were weak, easy to hunt, and delicious to eat.

Their food storage was filled with them so he knew it very well.

And yes there are sometimes some strong humans invading their village but, eventually, they all would back off too after seeing the might of their blessed regeneration abilities!

They would even sacrifice their own people if it meant their survival. They would even sacrifice their children!

That was what humans were! Cowards!

But these… these two were nothing like that. Nothing like them!

One killed his men with only a slash of his sword, beheading them with ease with no hesitation whatsoever in his glowing, devilish, cold blue eyes.

And that was impossible!

How can there be someone so small yet so powerful that they could cut down the heads of his people?! People of his kind known for their regeneration!

Not only was it impossible to simply cut the hard skin of their kind, but some of them were also wearing protection!

There were chains and cuffs of metal made by their blacksmiths! And not even ogres had as much power to simply slice right through them!


The chief of the village looked from the back at the devastation that was taking place before his eyes.

His men, his strong men that faithfully did their assigned work and helped the village whenever they can… now lay lifeless, headless, motionless, on that ground full of their brave blood.

The women that were like the backbone of this village, the smart, caring, fine, fit women that prepared their meals with great care and love.

They were the reason all children in the village could grow up into fine adults, and they were the reason even the fine meat like a human's could taste finer, and more delicious.

They were respected by all and loved by all. But now… their bodies lay on the ground, black from burning, filled with cuts on their fine heads to toe, lifeless, brutally murdered by the devil of blood-red eyes.

The children were in just as bad of a condition.

They were young seeds, the next generations who would take over the work of their fathers and mothers, do things that they did or better ones that would improve the quality of their lives, get strong and help the village with their strength, and if some were more inspired, more determined, and more willing, they might even become the next hero of their village like his eldest son.

But it was enough if they were only stronger than their previous generations.

If they were stronger, their children would be stronger, and then if their throng children made love, the next children would be even stronger.

That was how it worked in all the time he had been the chief. That was how it should have continued to be for the following days, months, years, and decades.



The children that were supposed to carry their legacies and expand their little village were now all dead!

They were dead!!!


She killed them! The devil, the witch killed them!! They were all dead!!!


The chief screamed in agony as his wives and children held him, blocking him from going there, going close to those bodies and those devils.

The atmosphere outside the biggest house in the village which always used to be the center of cheerful sounds and happy noises was now bathed in the sadness, heaviness, and utter hate towards the two that caused all this devastation.

They hated them. No, they loathed them!

Devils! Demons! Fucking dogs!


The chief screamed with pure hate, asking the world why he had to witness such a heartbreaking moment.


His wives also shed tears of blood at the death of their children and grandchildren, cursing the fate that lead them to this time.


His young children cried loudly as they watched everything and saw their mothers and father in that state.


And the eldest of them, the strongest worrier in this village, stood there silently, cursing his inability to do anything at this moment.

He knew his opponents were strong, he knew his opponents were stronger than him as he watched them.

He, as the heroic warrior of the village, could see the way the two devils fought his brothers and uncles. How they filled the gaps left by each other. How impeccably they executed all their movements and how it was impossible for anyone to fight them together.

They had strength, but one was a master of his demon-like sword while the other was a witch, a master of mystic art that only his father could perform in their village.

He knew he couldn't win against both of them if they fought.

He might be able to injure them a little but, his death would be inevitable.


But only… if only it was a duel they fought. A one on one fight that none had managed to beat him in… perhaps. Just maybe…


He looked down and shed tears for the first time in his life.

He was blessed with far greater talents and strengths than his brothers. He was far greater than his own father when it came to pure strength and tactics.

He was even blessed by the voice of this world many times already. Something very, very few had ever managed to hear in their lifetime.

And yet, he was powerless right now.

He was powerless and ashamed of himself as he looked at the two blur figures walking towards them with his tear-filled blurry eyes.

He loathed his own self, cursed inside his mind at the meaningless powers that couldn't even protect the people close to him.

He didn't want to die just like that, and wished, begged, and prayed to anyone that can hear his thoughts to grant him, grant them just one single chance, a simple chance to survive this overwhelming nightmare…

[ "Oh people of strong troll tribe." ]

And ironically, the one that heard his desperate prayers, was none other than the witch, the devil of blood-red eyes, that had brutally killed his brethren.

[ "We present you two choices." ]

A strange voice echoed in their minds, unfamiliar yet instantly recognizable. It was the person standing before them, the same witch, wearing the same smirk that sent shivers down their spines as they witnessed the merciless slaughter of their people. No words were needed to confirm the identity of the speaker; they just knew.

[ "The first is to die hopelessly just like your kin." ]

She looked the chief right in the eye with a smile that screamed their deaths were inevitable if they did anything funny here.

They didn't know what she was doing and they didn't know what in the hell would these devils be plotting.


[ "The second, is to accept a sacred duel with the fate of your tribe on the line." ]

The smirk on her face deepened and the devil of icy eyes and bloody blade beside her stepped forward, and at the same time, her words that they all knew were nothing more than a devil's words… sparked a flame of hope, in the heart of their strongest heroic troll warrior.josei

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