Twin Soul

Chapter 10

Chapter 10: (3/10)

Avery casted [Conjure Ice Gargoyle] five times which also put her mana pool into depletion. Arthur nodded in happiness and said, “You have done the right thing. Always go all out regardless of how weak your opponent may appear to be. Let me see if my luck is with me today.” Arthur activated [Mana Infusion] and casted [Conjure Fire Demon].

Avery smiled and said, “You are such a gambler. Even if you can conjure a Demon General using [Mana Infusion], it won’t be strong enough to defeat five of my Ice Gargoyles.”

Avery stopped smiling after she saw a female Demon who wore full metal armor appeared. A big greatsword could be seen on the Demon’s back. Avery had recognized this female Demon through her study. She is the Demon Lord of the First Gate in Hell Realm and her name is Sizouze. Sizouze had the swordsmanship skill comparable to a Saint-tier warrior and could cast up to all Legend-tier of Fire Magic spells, as well as create unique Fire magic spells. However, due to Arthur’s current level, Sizouze’s actual magical power was suppressed to Master-tier, and she wouldn’t be able to cast any of her custom created unique Fire magic spells. Even so, she should be strong enough to fight with five Ice Gargoyles.

Elite Demons and Demon Lords have incredible strength on the physical side and could cast magic spells. Similar to humans, a minority of demons were born with Elemental Soul to allow them to learn and cast magic spells. However, no demon was born that possessed a Twin Soul. [Conjure Fire Demon] spell can only be able to conjure demons that cast Fire Magic. Some demons can cast Ice, Wind, or Earth Magic. Nonetheless, no demon can cast Light or Black Magic.

Five Ice Gargoyles quickly surrounded Sizouze and began to attack her using their Ice Scythes. Sizouze drew out the big greatsword on her back and started swinging. Just one swing and that was powerful enough to push back two Gargoyles. The other three Gargoyles successfully landed their scythes swings on Sizouze but were unable to break through her tough metal plate armor. Sizouze swung her sword three hundred sixty degrees and pushed the other three Gargoyles back.

One of the Gargoyles casted [Freeze] and put Sizouze in the temporary frozen state for five seconds allowing the other four Gargoyles a chance to attack. However, due to possessing naturally high resistance to Ice Magic, Sizouze broke out of the frozen state in just one second and swung her greatsword to push back the four Gargoyles that attempted to attack her. The Ice Gargoyles casted [Ice Spears] and twenty Ice Spears flew toward Sizouze. Sizouze casted [Flame Wall] and a powerful Flame Wall appeared in front of her to burn all the Ice Spears to ashes before it could touch her. Sizouze casted [Fireball] five times toward the Gargoyles and they casted [Ice Barrier] spells to block it.

Avery knew her five Ice Gargoyles wouldn't be strong enough to defeat a Demon Lord even if the Demon Lord's real power was suppressed. She commanded one of the Gargoyle to attack Arthur while the other four kept Sizouze occupied. Arthur's mana pool was depleted, he won't be able to use [Shadow Clone]. That means the Arthur standing in the dueling ground was the real Arthur. One scythe swing from the Ice Gargoyle will easily cut Arthur’s head off.

Saw one of the Gargoyle was flying toward him, Arthur calmly stood still waiting for it to attack. Four powerful Flame Walls suddenly appeared to surround Arthur to prevent the Gargoyle from getting closer to him. Arthur laughed out loud and said, "Avery, are you seriously think I am stupid enough to let myself be exposed? You won't be able to defeat me until the Demon Lord is killed. Your problem now is… how can you kill Sizouze to get to me?"

After several seconds of pausing, Arthur calmly said, "Sizouze, finish that Conjurer Mage."

Sizouze casted [Flaming Phoenix] toward Avery. One of the Gargoyle quickly casted [Ice Barrier] on her but knowing the Flaming Phoenix will keep resurrecting itself for the next two minutes until it can successfully explode on Avery.

Avery also commanded her Ice Gargoyles to go all out. One of the Gargoyles activated [Mana Infusion] and casted [Ice Prison] to seal Sizouze. Another Gargoyle ready to spam casting [Ice Barrier] on Avery to protect her from the Flaming Phoenix. Three other Gargoyle activated [Mana Infusion] and casted [Blizzard] spells toward Arthur. One [Blizzard] may not be strong enough to break through the Flame Walls that were protecting Arthur, but three [Blizzard] spells casted with [Mana Infusion] would no doubt be able to.

"Hmm… Avery's strategy is not bad. This could work on theory, but in reality…" Kain thought to himself. josei

Sizouze broke out of the [Ice Prison] by releasing her inner firepower to cause a strong explosion and immediately flew out to chop a Gargoyle into two pieces. She then activated [Mana Infusion] and casted [Firestorm] to use it to block the advancing path of the three [Blizzard]. Sizouze spread out her Demon Wings and flew toward three other Gargoyles to strain them. The Ice Gargoyle has physical strength comparable to a ninth-tier warrior. But the ninth-tier is too weak compared to the Saint-tier. No wonder why Sizouze could have easily killed them in the physical fight.

Arthur said, "Sizouze has been waiting for your Ice Gargoyles to use [Mana Infusion] before she reveals her true swordsmanship skills. You still have one Ice Gargoyle left to protect you from the Flaming Phoenix. Its mana pool will be depleted soon from continuing spammed casting [Ice Barrier] spells. I will give you a chance to surrender, Avery."

Kain yelled out loud, "Weakling, just kill her already! Stop pretending to be a gentleman! Why do you keep on giving people the chance to surrender!?"

Avery laughed when she heard Kain say that. “Do you think that I don’t have any kind of trump card to flip the tide of this battle?” Avery asked Arthur. Avery didn’t waste time waiting for Arthur to answer, she activated [Soul Bridge] and a portal appeared in front of her. A Skeleton Warrior walked through and the portal immediately closed after that.

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