Twin Soul

Chapter 11

Chapter 11: (1/11)

Kain appeared behind the Executioner Conjurer Mage and casted [Force Punch]. The Conjurer Mage stood still because he knew his Ice Gargoyle would manage to cast [Ice Barrier] to protect him on time. However, he underestimated Kain’s magical power. Kain’s [Force Punch] was powerful enough to break through the [Ice Barrier], blew the Conjurer Mage back twenty feet, and crushed some spine on his back. The Celestial Angel quickly casted [Health Regeneration] and [Mana Regeneration] on the Conjurer Mage while the Ice Gargoyle flew toward Kain to attack him physically hoping to buy enough time for the Conjurer Mage to finish chanting [Conjure Earth Golem].

The Ice Gargoyle casted [Freeze] and [Ice Prison] spells on Kain but those spells were immediately dispelled by Kain’s [Sanguine Tide]. Due to [Bloodlust] being activated earlier, Kain’s current [Sanguine Tide] had enough strength to dispel any magic spells casted by Legend-tier magic casters. The Ice Gargoyle knows its next magic spell would be dispelled by the [Sanguine Tide] anyway that was why it chooses to fight with Kain physically. It put up a good thirty seconds fight using the Ice Scythe but the Gargoyle was then cut to pieces by the power of Kain’s daggers in his [Demon Anatomy I] form.

Kain dashed toward the Conjurer Mage hoping to finish him in one hit but the Conjurer Mage managed to cast [Conjure Earth Golem] while continuing to receive active healing from the Celestial Angel to slowly recover his injury and mana. The Earth Golem appeared and threw a powerful punch toward Kain. Kain used both of his daggers to block the punch then he casted another [Force Punch] spell toward the Golem. The [Force Punch] was not powerful enough to break through the Golem’s [Stone Skin] passive ability but managed to cause some cracks against it.

The Golem repeatedly punches and kicks Kain using its incredible strength on par with a tenth-tier warrior. Kain dodged all of its attacks but he decided to go invisible again using [Shadow Step] instead of fighting back. The Golem knew what Kain was planning and immediately dashed toward the Conjurer Mage to cover him using his big body. Kain understood that he won’t be able to kill the Conjurer Mage if the Earth Golem is still alive.

In his invisible mode, Kain smiled and said, “Rock boy, do you really think that I can’t break through your defense?” Kain deactivated [Demon Anatomy I], then activated [Demon Anatomy III] to transform himself into a giant demon. At the time Kain slammed his powerful fists into the Earth Golem, his [Shadow Step] was forced to deactivate. The Golem didn’t know Kain had transformed into a giant demon but it made no difference anyway. Kain repeatedly punched his gigantic fists onto the Golem. After twelve punches, Kain broke through the Golem’s [Stone Skin] passive ability. But Kain didn’t stop there, he continued to punch the Golem until its body smashed into tiny rocks.

Kain looked at the Conjurer Mage and asked, “Weakling, is there any other spell you want to cast? Are you gonna cast [Conjure Wind Walker] spell too?”

[Conjure Wind Walker], level 45 Conjuration Magic spell to conjure a Wind Elemental Creature that had the appearance of a flying female. The Wind Walker can cast all Wind Magic spells from Novice-tiers to Legend-tiers. The Wind Walker had a massive mana pool but its blood pool is even lower compared to a Fire Demon. The best way to kill a Wind Walker is not to let it cast any Wind Magic spell in the first place or there would be an issue once the Wind Walker activated the [Gust] spell.

“What? You haven’t reached level 45 yet, have you?” Kain mockingly asked the Executioner Conjurer Mage when Kain saw him couldn’t cast [Conjure Wind Walker].

The Conjurer Mage casted [Conjure Thunder Eagle] two times hoping they can be strong enough to keep Kain occupied while he chants for another [Conjure Earth Golem] spell. A Thunder Eagle conjured by a Legend-tier Conjurer Mage is ten times stronger compared to a Thunder Eagle conjured by a Master-tier Conjurer Mage such as Kain. Even so, Kain’s physical power during his [Demon Anatomy III] form is on par with a top Saint-tier Warrior of Toria Continents. Because of that, Kain could easily crush those two Thunder Eagles. Kain then picked up the Conjurer Mage using his right hand and furiously slammed him down on the ground. Not stopping there, Kain repeatedly punched the Conjurer Mage until his parents can’t even recognize who he is. Kain deactivated [Demon Anatomy III] to reserve his blood pools then activated [Shadow Step] to go into the invisible mode.

A second later, the Conjurer Mage revived himself using [Second Life]. “Whoosh, I better go find another Blood Mage to fight with. If that Blood Mage comes back, I will have to activate [Soul Bridge].” The Conjurer Mage thought to himself as he was giving a signal for the Celestial Angel to follow him. But then he suddenly felt pain in his stomach and turned his head around to see a masked Blood Mage had penetrated a Magical Blood Dagger through his stomach from the back.

“Dear almighty Executioner, did you think I would overlook your [Second Life] spell and allow you the chance to activate [Soul Bridge]?” Kain whispered into the Conjurer Mage’s ear before continuously stabbing him using both of his daggers until the Celestial Angel faded away. Kain knew that Executioner Conjurer Mage had really died that was why his Celestial Angel disappeared.

“You have called me an ignorant brat. Who is the ignorant brat now?” Under the mask, Kain was smiling like a mad man because this is the first Executioner he had killed. Kain looked around to find more Executioners to play with.

“Knock. Knock. Lord Hardy.” After knocking on Vonda’s cabin twice, a Saint-tier male Executioner Black Mage called out to her.

“Executioner Lynchfield? Come on in.” Vonda said. josei

Two magic casters walked in, one of them is the Executioner Saint-tier male Black Mage, named Raynard Lynchfield. The other is a Legend-tier female member of the Red, named Enye Larson. Both of them lowered their heads and said, “Lord Hardy.”

“Uhm. I heard loud noises up on the deck. What had happened?”

“A group of more than two hundred Blood Mages had attacked our vessel.”

“Blood Mages? Didn’t they know this vessel is under my command?”

“It appeared the leader of the Blood Mages knew. I heard he called out your name before the attack.”

“Interesting… Keep the Blood Mage that called out my name alive and killed the rest of them.”

“Lord Hardy, I am afraid it won’t be that easy or we won’t dare to bother you.”

“Hmm…? What is the problem?”

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