Twin Soul

Chapter 11

Chapter 11: (11/11)

Sir Raulnor was confused because he expected Kain to make some kind of ultimate move with those two Blood Daggers. But instead, Kain just flew away from the battle. Sir Raulnor quickly understood what happened, he chased after Kain and yelled out loud, “You dared to trick me. Running away from a fight, where is your honor?”

Kain said, “F**k your honor!”

Still chasing after Kain, Sir Raulnor yelled, “Not my honor, your honor! How can you face your allies after you ran away from battle!?”

“F**k my honor as well. I don’t need to face any of my allies. Even if I do, how the f**k am I gonna see them if I’m dead?”

“If I were you, I would rather die instead of running away from my opponent. It doesn’t matter how strong my opponent is, I will never run away!”

“Your taunting won’t work on me. Screw you!”

Because Kain was flying, Sir Raulnor couldn’t catch up to his speed. Suddenly a Vampire Lord flew past Kain and landed on the ground. No, to be exact, that Vampire Lord fell harshly on the ground. Kain didn’t know who it was but it seems like the Vampire Lord was heavily injured and couldn’t move anymore. The Vampire Lord turned back into his true self, and he is Master Mival Ballard. Executioner Lynchfield and The Demon Lord Sizouze flew past Kain toward Master Ballard’s location. Kain looked around and no other Vampire Lord could come to rescue Master Ballard, Kain bit his tongue and thought to himself, “Screw it, he was an asshole to me anyway.” josei

Executioner Raynard Lynchfield in his [Demon Anatomy V] and Sizouze landed next to Master Mival Ballard. They teamed up and attempted to execute him together. For some strange reasons, Mival was just laying there and did not move at all. The execution was stopped because they felt a strong pressure was coming after them. Raynard and Sizouze turned around and saw a human-size Flesh Demon was slamming his fists into them. Raynard and Sizouze swung their swords and both of the human-size Flesh Demon arms were cut down. The Flesh Demon turned into a swarm of bats and flew toward Mival then turned back into the human-size Flesh Demon.

“Don’t...look into… his eyes.” Mival softly whispered.

Kain didn’t know why Mival advised him that, but that must be the reason why Mival was defeated. It was because of Raynard’s eyes. Kain asked, “What happened?”

“You are… not Robert. Who are you?”


“Go… go away. I don’t… need your help.”

“Would you please stop this [I don’t need your help] bullshit? I’m not helping you. I’m just having fun, alright? Now tell me, what happened? What had his eyes done to you?”

“They are… mesmerizing. I am… trapped inside my… head.”

“Can you like… stop stuttering? You made me... stutter too.”

“This… is why I don’t… like you. How… can you joke… at a… time like this? I have to… tried very… hard to speak.”

“I… don’t... like… you…. too.” Kain continued to mock Mival in a stuttering voice.

Raynard and Sizouze analyzed Kain for several seconds and concluded that Kain is not strong. They were afraid Kain was a strong Blood Mage but it seems there was nothing special about him. Sir Raulnor caught up to Kain and surrounded him together with Raynard and Sizouze.

Raynard acknowledged Sir Raulnor and said, “Benes.”

“Executioner Lynchfield.”

“Were you fighting with this masked Blood Mage?”

“I was. Before he ran away.”

“Was he strong?”

“Compared to you, very weak.”

“I see. You may leave.”

“He is my target, Executioner Lynchfield.”

“He is our target now, you may leave.”

Kain shouted out loud, “For those of you who want to live, run while you still can!”

Raynard and Sizouze immediately got into their defensive stances when they heard Kain was making a threat. Sir Raulnor said, “He is bluffing. Don’t trust him.”

Kain was not bluffing, he used ninety percent of the blood pool inside his Blood Pendant to casted [Demonic Hordes] spell. The portal from Hell Realm was open in front of Kain. Fifty-three High-tier demons, twenty-one Elite Demons, three Demon Generals, and Chemosh, Demon Lord of the Fourth Gate walked through the portal.

High-tier demon = Ninth-tier warrior

Demon General = Tenth-tier warrior

Elite Demon = Saint-tier warrior and can cast up to all Legend-tier of magic spells.

Demon Lord = Saint-tier warrior and had the ability to create unique magic spells.

An Elite Demon is stronger compared to the Demon General. But Elite Demons will obey the Demon General’s command because their ranks are considered lower compared to the Demon General. Demon Generals of course have to obey a Demon Lord’s commands.

Kain was so happy that he almost burst out in tears. If there was no Demon Lord in his Demonic Hordes then it would be game over for him. Because [Demon Hordes] is not a summoning or conjuring spell. Therefore, all demons walked through the portals won’t have to be scaled level with the caster. Chemosh, Demon Lord of the Fourth Gate. He had four arms and a bull face with two long horns on his head. Chemosh uses Earth Magic and his physical power is even more powerful compared to Sizouze.

Chemosh looked around, recognized Kain as the Black Mage who casted [Demonic Hordes] spell. Chemosh then continued to look around and locked his eyes on Sizouze for several seconds then turned his gaze back toward Kain and asked, “Human, what do you want us to do?”

Kain said, “Chemosh, keep this Saint-tier warrior, that Black Mage and Demon Lord Sizouze occupy while I run away.”

“Ah... understood.”

Kain used five percent of his blood pool in the Blood Pendant to casted [Blood Iron Spikes] to create a floating ball that has a dark red color. This spell will be able to protect him from ninth-tier warriors. Kain prayed not to stumble into any tenth-tier and/or Saint-tier warrior while he was carrying Mival on his shoulder to escape. Sir Raulnor attempted to chase after Kain, but a Demon General blocked his path. Behind that Demon General were nineteen High-tier demons and seven Elite Demons. Sir Raulnor was forced to fight with them before he could continue chasing after Kain. Under the instruction of Chemosh, thirty-four High-tier demons, fourteen Elite Demons, and two Demons Generals fought with Sizouze while he targeted Raynard.

Raynard ignored Chemosh’s challenge and flew behind Kain but Chemosh casted [Floating Wall], a Saint-tier Earth Magic spell he had created. A flying wall of stone appeared in front of Raynard and prevented him from advancing. Raynard attempted to fly around the wall but the wall also flew after him and continued to block his path. Chemosh could not fly like Sizouze but he had created several Saint-tier Earth spells to annoy the enemies who could fly. Raynard attempted to use his sword to cut down the Floating Wall. But to his surprise, the wall could withstand his almighty power because only some scratches were seen on the wall.

Benes wanted to command some Saint-tier warriors to chase after Kain while he was busy fighting with the Demons. But when he looked around, Benes started to notice his warriors were fighting with magic casters of the Red.

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