Twin Soul

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: (3/12)

Some brainless people prefer to speak with the person they wanted to kill several minutes before actually killing them. Not Etgar though, he wanted to eliminate his enemy as soon as possible to prevent any potential bungle.

In confidence, Etgar stated out loud, "Like I have told the Hell Fiend earlier. I have planned every step ahead of you all. Executioner Light Mage, you are just a unit in my chess game! Vampire Lords, you can now convene your vampires! It is time to massacre them all!"

Etgar Revenmar, Master Lora Cathloy, Master Katherine Bolton, Master Nonek Gresser, Master Luusi Cobb, Kron Marivaldi, Fenton Bridger, Daisy Rowland, Arla Mercier, Master Robert Weaver, and lastly Master Mival Ballard. Total eleven Blood Mages who have transformed into Vampire Lords casted [Blood Extricate] then [Convene Vampires] and spells. Three minutes later, more than eighteen thousand vampires were convened.

Etgar created a clone of himself using [Replica] then flew high in the sky and said, “My children, let’s feast!” He then casted [Darkness] spell and commanded other Vampires Lord to do the same. Eleven layers of [Darkness] not only allowed all vampires to fight with their maximum power but boosted their physical strength up to three hundred percent. As long as Etgar has a clone of himself, Markus’s [Purification] and [Mana Cannon] can never truly kill him. Etgar's clone swam into the sea to find and carry the corpse of Vonda Hardy then flew toward one of his five ships to prevent any Executioner Light Mage from having a chance to revive Vonda using [Resurrection].

Former Executioner, current Leader of the Red, Lord Vonda Hardy was dead. Executioner Markus Berethryl and/or any Executioner White Mage can revive her but how can they do so while having to deal with over eighteen thousand vampires and eleven Vampire Lords including the strongest Blood Mage, Etgar Revenmar? There is no answer to this question. If the thirty minutes mark passed, Vonda won't be able to revive anymore.

After careful consideration, Markus gave the command as the stronger Executioner here, "All attacks at full force! Revive Lord Hardy at all cost!" josei

After being convinced by Sir Raulnor, warriors that have been fighting with magic casters of the Red got back into fighting the Blood Mages instead of other allied magic casters. However, that was too late already. The moment they realized that they have a mission to complete which is escorting Lord Vonda Hardy safely to the Kingdom of Winhardia, the bad news of Lord Hardy was killed by the leader of the Blood Mages. If they failed to protect Lord Hardy, their families back in Flumen city will be held responsible as well. Nearly a thousand warriors, as well as two hundred magic casters, were still alive at this time. The survival chance they have against eighteen thousand vampires is zero percent.

Aber was terrified by the horrific picture he was watching. Lord Hardy is dead. The strongest member of the Red on this vessel is Enye Larson and the strongest Executioner here is Markus Berethryl. Both of them seem to be struggling against the Vampire Lords. Executioner Raynard Lynchfield was having an advantage against a Vampire Lord earlier but now he is losing since the Demon Lord Sizouze that he had summoned was killed by Demon Lord Chemosh who was summoned by the masked Blood Mage. The good news was that Sizouze managed to kill all High-tier demons, Elite Demons, and Demon Generals before she was killed by the Demon Lord Chemosh. The bad news was that now Chemosh and the Vampire Lord teamed up to fight with Executioner Lynchfield. Executioner Lynchfield's mana pool was near depletion that was why he couldn't summon another Demon Lord. Sir Benes Raulnor helped the Saint-tier warrior to kill five Four Wings Angels already but the female Blood Light Mage kept summoning more. Sir Raulnor was dashing toward the female Blood Light Mage (Master Andrella Whistler) to attack her but a Vampire Lord (Master Robert Weaver) appeared to block his path. After fighting with that Vampire Lord for nearly six minutes, Sir Raulnor appeared to be on the brink of exhaustion because his movement got slower and slower while the Vampire Lord showed no sign of backing down.

Aber looked at his sister and asked, "Sister Violet, what should we do? Should we go help them?"

"We should run. You are not a member of the Red. And I am not a warrior under Sir Raulnor's command. We won't be prosecuted when we get back to Bifjorkian Theocracy."

"What about our honor?"

"Little brother. there is no honor left if you die! Executioner Wayne Palmer was a level 50 Ice Mage who was at least five times stronger than you but he died in just seconds. You and I are too weak for this so let's just escape while we still can. We can’t stay to hide on this vessel because it is sinking. There are some floating vests in the storage that we can use to swim away. I will go get it."

"I agreed, Sister Violet. You should escape from here and bring the bad news back to the Bifjorkian Theocracy. I will stay to help. I won’t leave knowing this could affect my honor."

“Little brother!”

“I have made my decision, Sister Violet. I will kill as many Blood Mages as I could and if I were destined to die today, then so be it.”

“Agghh!!!” Violet screamed in anger at Aber’s stubbornness.

Kain had been keeping his eyes on Aber ever since he saw him was coming onto the deck. When Kain saw Aber started walking away, he thought Aber was planning to escape from here. Kain thought to himself, "Aber Hardy, you once told me that you are stronger than me in every way I could imagine. Let's see if that is true now." Kain casted [Shadow Step] and sneaked away from Andrella despite knowing she would probably beat him up later for disobedience.

Aber casted [Summon Ice Guardian] and commanded the Ice Guardian to protect it and himself. Together with the Ice Guardian, Aber calmly walked toward the battlefield while chanting for some spells. An Intermediate-tier Blood Fire Mage detected Aber was walking toward her while she was fighting with a ninth-tier warrior. She casted [Flaming Familiar] toward Aber but he didn’t have to do anything knowing his Ice Guardian will protect him. Violet suddenly jumped in front of Aber and cut the Flaming Dog in half before it could explode.

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