Twin Soul

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: (9/12)

Each group leader had to study the map of the magical forest carefully and have been repeatedly instructed not to go deep inside the forest to avoid having a possible chance of encounters with Saint-tier magical creatures. Adela was happy to be in Arthur’s group and Jaane was happy to be in Kain’s group. Jaane knew Sofia and Kain cherished each other, but it doesn’t bother her at all. Deep down in her heart, she hoped Kain and Sofia would be happy with each other unendingly.

“I am happy to see the one I loved is happy.” Jaane Almos thought to herself. She was no longer a confused sixteen years old little girl. Jaane is twenty-one years old now. She understood very well the feeling she had for Kain. It was full of passion, cherish, and desire. Kain knew Jaane had some kind of feelings toward him. But Kain thought Jaane was just a little girl who had a crush on an older boy and that would go away soon when she met someone else better. Even though Kain knows that no one else will be better than him (speaking of narcissism at its best).

After three days of traveling, they have reached the magical forest near Redkeep city. On the first day, they will not enter the forest but patrol the perimeter areas as they have planned. Each professor led three groups to start hunting the magical creatures lurking outside of the forest. The weak magical creatures normally don't lurk around alone but rather come in groups that is the reason why all Student Mages are required to have teamwork for their safety.

The first magical creatures group that they have countered were eighty-eight Fire Rats. Each Fire Rat is about one-third (⅓) as big compared to the human average size. They have stripes of red and gray fur colors. Fire Rat can only cast [Flame] spells and they are the weakest species in Fire Elemental magical creatures.

Jaane was about to cast [Stone Skin] spells on the Student Mages in her group but Kain touched her on the shoulder and said, “Just eighty-eight weak Fire Rats, you don’t have to waste mana on any protection spell. Just go ahead and assist other members to kill them.” Jaane immediately stopped chanting for [Stone Skin] spells as Kain instructed. She smiled and nodded at Kain before beginning chanting for [Stonefist] spells.

After killing all eighty-eight Fire Rats, three groups were about to move on but then one of the Student Mage yelled out, “Hey guys, something is coming out from a Fire Rat’s stomach!”

Professor Lawson immediately recognized it was a Fire Stone. She picked up the Fire Stone, put it in her Storage Ring, and said, “It was a Magical Fire Stone. We were extremely lucky to find a Fire Stone from these Fire Rats. Let’s move on for now. I will keep all Magical Elemental Stones until the hunting event is complete.”

Four hours later, the first day of the hunting event was over. Three groups that were overseen by Professor Lawson encountered several groups of Ice Foxes, Wind Squirrels, and Thunder Raccoons. Despite killing all the magical creatures they have encountered, the three groups didn’t find any other Magical Elemental Stone. Even so, the three groups were extremely happy to have gained real battle experiences while helping the citizens of Redkeep city from being harmed by the dangers of encountering those magical creatures. Professor Lawson picked a safe spot for camping. Each Student Mage brought their tents out and they quickly set them up after receiving permission from Professor Lawson. After dinner was over, all Intermediate Student Mages could sleep all night while the Master-tier Student Mages have to take turns to guard the camp to prevent surprise attacks from magical creatures that are active during nighttime.

Sofia was assigned to guard the first watch for three hours. Then it was Kain’s turn to guard the second watch. And lastly, Arthur guarded the third watch. While guarding the third watch, Arthur saw Sofia sneaked into Kain’s tent. Arthur thought to himself, “Oh Kain, please don’t do anything stupid that you will regret later.”

Sex before marriage is considered taboo and violators will face execution. It doesn’t matter how much Arthur liked Kain. If Kain and Sofia break this law, he will have to tell Professor Lawson about it. Arthur slowly and quietly started to sneak toward Kain’s tent but then Sofia suddenly ran out in tears. Confused and felt a little ashamed of what he was about to do, Arthur slowly walked back toward the chair he was sitting on and continued to guard the third watch.

“Kain and Sofia didn’t want to… They were just arguing.” Arthur thought to himself.

Sofia sneaked into Kain’s tent because she wanted to ask him why he was ignoring her lately. Sofia saw Kain touched Jaane’s shoulder earlier today and she got a little jealous. The only reason for a male to lose interest in a female is when that male found another female that he is more interested in. Sofia was afraid what she feared was true. That was why when she saw Kain was being nice to Jaane, she couldn’t help but wanted to confront him about it privately at night time when everybody else was sleeping. Instead of denying the allegations, Kain said, “I no longer have feelings for you. Leave.” Broken-hearted, that was why Sofia ran out of Kain’s tent with tears running down from her eyes.

Kain liked Sofia very much. He doesn’t know if he loved her or not, but she was the only female he genuinely cares for. Kain closed his eyes and attempted to sleep but he kept hearing the threats Etgar had made against him. After the war battle with Vonda Hardy, Kain’s Second Soul went back to the Blood Mages Guild and had a private conversation with Etgar as he commanded him to.

A week ago, inside Etgar’s room where no one else was present except for him and Kain.

“Kain, where is your other self now?” Etgar asked Kain while he was sitting down on the chair and made Kain stand to answer his question.

“In the Mages’ Academy of Nosh. The Conjuration class for the day was just over, my other self was about to do some meditation.”

“Where. Are. Your. Other. Self. Now?” Etgar wasn’t looking for a long answer, but a direct one.

“In the dorm room.”

“Is there anyone else in the dorm room?”

“No, Guild Leader.”

“I will give you one chance to tell me the truth. What was the most stupid thing you have done in your life?”

“I told Aber Hardy of my true identity before I killed him for the first time.” Kain answered truthfully. If Etgar decided to ask him this question, that’s mean he already knew the answer. Lying to the Leader of Blood Mages Guild is a big no-no. Kain had never witnessed the punishment other Blood Mages received for lying to Etgar, but he heard stories about it and wouldn’t want to be the next one. josei


“I also mentioned to him that I can use Black Magic beside Conjuration and Blood Magics.”

“Okay, and?”

“I failed to secure his dead body which allowed him to be revived by the Twelve Wings Angel.”

“Anything else?”

“I looked down on my enemies thinking Blood Mages will be able to wipe them all out that was why I didn’t bother securing Aber Hardy’s corpse after killing him.”

“I supposed there is nothing else.”


“Then let me remind you about what you have forgotten. You have jeopardized the entire Blood Mages Guild because YOU ARE TOO F**KING STUPID! You recklessly revealed your true identity to an enemy, why? Why? Why!?” Etgar casted [Wind Strike] toward Kain and caused bleeding on Kain’s stomach. Etgar didn’t want to use all of his power because that could kill Kain immediately, that was why he only used ten percent of true damage from his [Wind Strike] spell.

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