Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 2075

Chapter 2075

Chapter 2075

The mellowness of the butter spread in her mouth. Luca took another bite and watched Luke out of the corners of her eyes.

She knew that Luke did not like sweets.

However, there were only desserts and fruits in the mini bar.

Luca said softly when she noticed that Luke was just staring at the desserts, "Mr. Crawford, if you don't like sweets, you can try the chocolate cake."

Luke pointed to the little chocolate cake and said, "This one?"

"Yeah." Luca nodded. The cake was mainly made of dark chocolate and cocoa powder, so it would not be as sweet as other cakes.

Luke took a bite, and the aroma of rich chocolate and cocoa attacked his taste buds. It was not too sweet, so he could still accept it.

He slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

Luca noticed the arc of his smile and could not help but ask curiously, "Mr. Crawford, what are you smiling at?"

"Rainie's favorite as a child was chocolate," Luke said.

Luca nodded. She knew that.

Her little girl loved sweet things, especially chocolate. However, after three years, Rainie did not seem to be a big fan of chocolate anymore. It was probably because the little girl had grown up and started to pay attention to her figure.

After all, she danced ballet, and it had strict weight requirements.

"Eventually, she stopped having it." Luke savored the chocolate cake in front of him and mentioned those things she missed.

Luca had a rough idea of why, but she still wanted to hear about the kids. Hence, she played along and asked, "Why?"

"Tommy cried day and night after my wife was kidnapped. Sometimes, he needed chocolate to calm down. Rainie said that as his older sister, she should take care of her younger brother. Hence, she gave all the chocolates in her pocket to Tommy. Since then, she stopped eating chocolate," Luke said. It was because of this that Rainie became more sensible and gave all the good things to her brother.

It was just to make Tommy feel less uncomfortable for a while.

Luca was calm on the outside, but her heart felt as though it was being cut by a knife when she heard what he said.

Her children suffered so much pain because of her. They were supposed to be surrounded by sweetness and happiness but were forced to be haunted by such a huge trauma.

She had heard about the fake Bianca from Nina.

After the fake Bianca lost her memory, she became extremely eccentric and did not care about the children. All she cared about was Luke.

She would lose her temper if anyone in the villa, whether it was a servant, Old Master Crawford, or even a child, did something that made her unhappy.

The three children were alienated from the fake Bianca because of her unstable temper and unkindness.

Even though she was present, it was as though they did not have a mother.

They were still a lot of people who loved and cared for the kids, but they had seen the fake Bianca go crazy. She was like a ticking time bomb. Luca believed that the three children were traumatized by it.

This trauma would not fade over time...

In such an environment, they were forced to mature...

Luca was already sad because she had made her children suffer so much. She felt much worse when she heard Luke mention the reason why Rainie gave up liking chocolate...

She looked up and saw the snow falling outside the window. She thought of the past.

It took some time for her to be reunited with Lanie and Rainie. They became close because they were related by blood. It did not take much effort to get them to accept the fact that she was their mother.

Later, a person who was carefully prepared by Abel appeared in their lives.

Luca could not help herself from clenching her hands into fists when she thought of how the fake Bianca had destroyed the image of a mother in the kids' hearts.

Luke noticed a change in her mood.

He did not mention anything about it. He had deliberately said what he said to cause her mood to fluctuate.

Even if Luca did not think about him, she would think about the children.

Luke put one of the snacks in front of her and said, "Have some more."

"Okay." Luca nodded absent-mindedly and took a bite. She did not pay attention to the taste.

Luke looked at the screen in front of him. When they were about to reach the destination, he turned around and asked Luca, "Did you bring any hangover prevention medicine?”

Luca snapped out of it, glanced at him, then opened the small bag she brought with her. She took out a bottle of medicine.

"I did bring it."

Luke asked, "Can you give me a pill? We'll have to drink at the event later."

Before he could ask, Luca had already unscrewed the bottle cap and handed a white pill to Luke.

"Thank you." Luke took it, uncapped a bottle of water, and swallowed the pill with it.

Luca looked at him and took a pill herself. As Luke's plus one, she knew that she would have to drink as well.

Luke handed her another bottle of water. "Don't drink if you can. It's not good for your health."

"Mr. Crawford, I can't say no to some drinks..." Luca raised her head to take the medicine and took a sip of water.

Luke was stunned. 'Yes, there are some instances where we'll have no choice but to drink.'

He regretted asking her to be his plus one.

It was too late to regret it, but after he weighed the pros and cons, he still decided to let Luca be his plus one. He would just have a drink on her behalf.

The car stopped.

Luke pulled back the curtain and looked out. They had arrived.

"Are we here?" Luca asked as she pulled aside the curtains.

"Yeah." Luke looked at her and pointed at the corner of her mouth. "Your lipstick is smudged."

"I'll touch it up." Luca took out her vanity mirror and lipstick to touch up her makeup.

Jason got out of the car and opened the door on Luke's side. "Boss, we've arrived at Mr. Marcos' manor."

"Wait." Luke did not get out of the car. He just sat there and looked sideways at Luca.

He did not get out of the car until she had fixed her lipstick.

Luke went around the front of the car and opened the door on Luca's side.

Luca saw him stretch out his hand to help her out. She lowered her gaze, put her hand on his, and got out of the car.

Those who got out of the car behind them watched all of this silently. They could not help but sigh at how great they looked together.

Although they could not ask much about the relationship between Luke and Luca, it was okay to take a look at them.

After Luca stood firm, she took off Luke's coat and looked at the man in front of her. "Mr. Crawford, can I leave this coat in the car?"

"Okay," Luke said. Since they had arrived at the manor, the coat no longer served its purpose.

Luca put the coat carefully in the car.

Jason closed the door. He then motioned for the driver to pull over and wait for them to get out.

Luke stood beside Luca and slightly bent his arms, signaling Luca to grab it.

Luca noticed his movement and sighed helplessly, but she still took his arm and tidied her shawl.

'It's so cold...'

Luca thought to herself although it did not seem so cold whenever she stood next to Luke.

Jason could not help but sigh in admiration when he looked at them. He took a step back so as not to spoil the beautiful scenery.

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