Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 2471

Chapter 2471

Chapter 2471

Sophian stopped talking when Allison insisted on doing so.

Allison picked up her phone and called the property agent she knew. Five minutes later, she received the news about how much her property would be worth.

Sophian heard the price from the other end of the line. The price given was way lower than Luke's price.

She thought that even though Allison was not on good terms with Luke, it turned out that Luke was not so heartless after all.

Otherwise, how could he offer a price that was much higher than the market price?

Allison refused to believe what she heard and questioned, "The location of my villa is good. You actually offered me such a price? Are you trying to fool me? Do you have any idea who I am?"

"Ms. Tanner, I'm not trying to fool you. A customer of mine sold a villa like yours at such a price two days ago. The area of his villa is much bigger than yours. The villas in the urban district aren't that popular now. Wealthy people prefer villas in the suburbs. The air is clean and fresh there. Besides, if they're investing in property, they would never choose to get a villa. They would pick condominiums or apartments. After all, there's a higher chance to rent and sell those properties to others," the property agent quickly explained to her.

He did not mean to lower the price, but that was how much the market price was.

Allison knew in her bones that the price would be lower. Previously, when she was purchasing the villa, the property agent had roughly told her all this.

However, Allison bought the villa to move out of Crawford Manor. She would not sell it easily. That was why she did not take what he said to her into consideration. She only thought that it was affordable and

the location of the villa was good. That was why she immediately bought it.

“I got it.” Although Allison understood what he meant, she sounded harsh.

The property agent carefully asked, "Ms. Tanner, since you're asking about the price, are you planning to sell the villa?"

"Who told you that I'm going to sell the property? I just want to know the market price and purchase another one," Allison boasted as she refused to be looked down on by the property agent.

"Really? I have a few properties that are waiting to be purchased. Ms. Tanner, why don't we meet up? Let me bring you to take a look at them." The property agent was delighted to hear that.

"They're all investments that make me lose money! Why should I buy them?" Allison hung up the call after that.

Sophian wanted to say something but hesitated.

Allison noticed that and immediately said, “Spit it out." "Ms. Allison, why don't you just sign this? You can't delay the surgery. Besides, the skincare products we brought here can't last for another month. If we finish them, your skin will..." Sophian stopped talking. The skincare products Allison was using were only available in Seoul as it was the hospital's products. They would not be able to find them here.

"Why should I do that? I'd rather mortgage the villa to the bank than sign the property deed." Allison gritted her teeth hatefully.

Sophian reminded her in a helpless voice when Allison insisted on doing so, "Ms. Allison, if you mortgage the villa to the bank, you'll need some money to pay for. your surgery expenses. Besides, you still have the treatment cost to pay for. Even if Mr. Crawford continues to support you after that, the amount of money you receive might not be able to cover the amount that has to be paid to the bank.

Plus, if Mr. Crawford finds out about this, he might get angry and refuse to pay for your living expenses."

"How dare he?!" Allison burst into anger, but she could not help but think about what she said. "He's my son. He has to pay for my living expenses."

"But the amount he gave you to pay for your living expenses has already exceeded the usual amount." Sophian added.

Allison fell silent.

What Sophian said made sense.

"Ms. Allison, think about it," said Sophian.

"Did he pay you to convince me and speak up for him?" Allison narrowed her eyes and became suspicious of her.

"No!" Sophian immediately shook her head. "Mr. Crawford hates me so much. I don't even dare to see him."

Allison thought what Sophian said was true.

Judging from how Sophian had provoked Luke back then, Luke must be disgusted with her now.

Allison replied, "Let me think about it first. I have a few more days left. Oh, you'll be staying in Crawford Manor these few days. I've asked Mr. Griffin to arrange a guest room for you. Don't walk around the house at night. Even if Luke isn't staying here, Susan's son is still here. Besides, although you don't intend to do anything, if Susan blames you for something, you'll be dragging me into trouble when the time comes."

"Okay, Ms. Tanner. I won't loiter around." Sophian was excited when she heard Allison ask her to stay in Crawford Manor. She would be staying in a guest room here!

Allison and Sophian slept in Crawford Manor last night, but there was no room for her. Allison asked her to sleep on the sofa.

Although the sofa was expensive, Sophian's back hurt after sleeping on it.

"That's all. Look for Mr. Griffin. He'll bring you to your room," said Allison. She had already told the butler.

Mr. Griffin would not dare to disobey her instructions considering it was Madam Allison of the Crawford family who asked him to do so.

Sophian responded and left the bedroom with a smile on her face.

She ran into Luke when she was about to look for Mr. Griffin.

The powerful aura came upon her, and Sophian was so frightened that she recoiled with a shudder.

Luke only shot her a glance. It was just a glance but it could make her tremble with fear. The powerful aura that he gave off was terrifying...

Sophian's heart was filled with remorse when she recalled what she did to him.

She should not have messed with Luke Crawford.

Sophian might be dead if this were in ancient times.

Fortunately, Luke could not do anything to her even though he hated her.

Luke shot a glance at Sophian and shifted his gaze away. Allison was here. He would have expected Sophian to be here too.

Luke slightly turned sideways when they were about to pass by each other.

Sophian noticed that Luke was trying to avoid her, and it hurt her feelings. She mustered her courage and said, "Mr. Crawford."

Luke did not intend to stop as he continued marching forward.

Sophian continued to please him. “Mr. Crawford, there's a high chance that Ms. Allison will sign the contract. You don't have to worry about it.”

“I've never worried about it,” Luke replied with a cold voice and left as he turned around the corner.

Sophian felt like crying when she heard his tone of voice.

Luke was so cold to her.

There was even a hint of hatred in his voice.

Sophian felt helpless.

Mr. Griffin made his way up the stairs and saw Sophian standing at the stairs. He asked with confusion, “Ms. Thomas, why are you here?”

“Oh, Mr. Griffin. I was looking for you. Ms. Allison told me that you've arranged a guest room for me, right?” Sophian came back to her senses and looked at him.

"Yes. Madam Allison has indeed instructed me to do so, but do you mind waiting for a while? I'll make the arrangements after serving this soup to Young Master Luke," Mr. Griffin said politely. Sophian was

the Crawford family's guest, after all. Even though she had done something embarrassing, she was a guest. He should treat her like one.

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