Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 2474

Chapter 2474

Chapter 2474

“What? I'm telling you, you're getting a second child this year. Thea will be happy to have a younger brother or sister to accompany her," Susan urged Louis despite being in front of so many people.

Old Master Crawford loved having his children and grandchildren around. The old master was thrilled when Luke and Bianca gave birth to three kids.

Hence, Susan hoped that Louis and Yuri could put in some effort to get another child.

At least they could fight against Allison's side for the inheritance.

"Mom..." Louis was speechless. He had told her that he was not planning to get a second child back then. However, he felt embarrassed when Susan urged him to have another baby in front of so many people.

"Stop giving me excuses. You just have to. Thea is all alone by herself." Susan became overbearing. She shot a glance at Old Master Crawford, hoping that he could speak up for her. After all, he must want Louis and Yuri to have another child too.

"Even if you're having another child, the clothes can be donated. Who'll know when we're going to have our second child? The designs of the clothes will probably be outdated at that time," Louis immediately changed the subject of the conversation.

"Yuri and you are both healthy. Why should you wait much longer? You're just trying to brush me off!" Susan insisted on talking about them having a second child. She forced Louis to promise her in front of others.

Allison could not help but let out a laugh.

Susan furrowed her brows and turned to look at her. Then, she said, "Does this have anything to do with you? What are you laughing at?"

"He doesn't even want to have a second child, but you're forcing him to have one. Why don't you get pregnant with a baby since you want a child so much?" Allison stroked her hand.

Her face was wrinkled, but the skin on her hands was still fine. At least they did not look that bad.

"What's it got to do with you? Mind your own business. Stop poking your nose into someone else's business." Susan glowered at her and turned to look at Louis.

Louis felt helpless. He did not know what triggered Susan to make her behave like this today.

Previously, when they talked about having a second child, Susan would only nag him when Louis refused to agree with her.

It was nothing like what was happening today. It was as though Susan was holding a knife to his throat, and she would not stop until she forced him to agree to her.

“I didn't mean to meddle in your affairs. Aren't you trying to get someone to speak up for you by by urging Louis to have a second child in front of everyone?" Allison pretended to cover her mouth and smiled. The implication was that Susan should not be blaming others for interrupting when she discussed this in front of so many people.

Susan was dying to ask Louis and Yuri to get another child. That way, their family could get more inheritance when Old Master Crawford passed away.

Although Allison and Luke were not on good terms, as Luke's mother, it would benefit her if he could get more inheritance.

Susan clasped the spoon. How she wished that she could thrust the spoon into Allison's eyes.

"That's enough. Louis, what your mother said makes sense too. Consider it with Yuri." Old Master Crawford defused the awkward situation in time. He knew things would get out of hand if he let things


"Okay. Grandpa, I got it." It would be inappropriate for Louis to say no to the old master in front of others since he already said so. Louis had no choice but to tell him that he would consider it submissively.

However, it was not easy to raise a child. It would be more difficult to raise two.

This was not just about money.

Louis and Yuri had different opinions on educating their child. They had argued with each other many times before because of Thea.

If they had a second child, Louis could not imagine how his relationship with Yuri would turn out.

Yuri came in late. They had already ended the subject of conversation when she sat down at the table. Yuri noticed something was wrong with the look on Thea's face, so she lowered her voice and asked, "Sweetie, what's wrong with you?"

Thea remained silent. She was worried she would get criticized if she continued to speak. She grabbed her spoon and shook her head.

Old Master Crawford said to Mr. Griffin, "Serve the dishes now."

"Yes..." Mr. Griffin hesitated for a moment. Everyone in the Crawford family was sitting there, but there was one more person, the Crawford family's guest.

Where was Sophian?

Was she not joining them for dinner?

Mr. Griffin's hesitation flashed across his mind for a second. Then, he walked into the kitchen and asked Mrs. Nancy to serve the dishes.

Susan knew it would piss Old Master Crawford off if she continued to argue with Allison.

Susan was not planning to start a fight with Allison today. Hence, she did not deliberately provoke her at the dining table.

Allison knew she should behave herself. After all, she wanted money now. That was why she did not try to start a fight either.

Although the atmosphere was not considered harmonious, at least they did not argue with each other. Old Master Crawford could have his dinner peacefully.

Luke and the kids left after dinner.

Old Master Crawford did not make him stay. Allison had no choice but to watch Luke leave as a trace of annoyance flashed across her eyes.

Susan sat in the living room, holding a cup of floral tea. She took a sip of the tea. Then, she sneered at Allison and ignored her.

Allison rolled her eyes at her and made her way up the stairs.

Allison returned to her bedroom, only to realize Sophian was there too. She asked, “Have you eaten?"

“Yes, Ms. Allison," answered Sophian. She did not go downstairs for dinner as Allison had instructed her not to.

Luke would be having dinner too. Allison was worried it would piss him off to see Sophian at the dining table. Hence, she asked Sophian to have her dinner in the bedroom, and she asked Mr. Griffin to bring

her dinner upstairs too.

"Okay. Why are you here, then?" Allison walked toward the full-length mirror and looked at her skin condition in the mirror.

“Ms. Allison, it's time for your treatment," reminded Sophian.

“Oh, I would've forgotten about that if you didn't mention it. Alright. Let me take a shower first. You should go back to your room to take a shower too. Come here to give me the facial treatment after taking your shower," said Allison.

“Okay, Ms. Allison." Sophian nodded. She turned around to glance at Allison when she was about to leave. She asked carefully, “Ms. Allison, has Mr. Crawford left?"

“Yes," Allison replied impatiently when she mentioned Luke's name.

“What are you planning to do?" Sophian asked again.

“What? Don't I have another few days to think about it? I don't believe that the police officers can't arrest that person." Allison was still hoping that after the police officers arrested the swindler, she might be able to claim her money back.

Sophian heard what Allison said. Then, she walked out of the bedroom, closed the door behind her, and shook her head.

That was very dumb of her. Even if the swindler was caught, how many victims were able to claim their money back?

Besides, the amount she got scammed was a huge amount of money.

The swindler would have expected that he might get arrested. Of course, he would have transferred the money elsewhere. The police would not be able to track them down after the money was transferred to other accounts. Allison would eventually have to bear the losses.

If she were Allison, she would seize the chance to sign the property deed when Luke was still planning to clean up the mess for her.

Getting the money was the priority.

Luke drove on the road, rushing to get home.

Lanie sat in the passenger seat with his hands grabbing the seat belt. He waited until the car stopped at the traffic light before asking, "Daddy, is Grandma's matter settled yet?"

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