Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 2479

Chapter 2479

Chapter 2479

Luca was already at a loss. After she heard Allison speak ill of her, her face darkened.

What Allison meant was she would drug the kids.

Although the kids did not understand the implication of her words, they did not like taking medicine.

Allison said that to make the kids dislike her.

Luca really wanted to refute what Allison said.

However, there was no way she could do so. She was in no position to accuse Allison of saying such things.

Tommy turned around and glanced at Luca. Then, he smiled and looked at Allison. “Grandma, Ms. Luca knows we don't like taking medicine. She won't add drugs to the food she makes. Besides, even if Ms. Luca gives us medicine, it's for the sake of our health."

Tommy knew that their mother would never hurt them.

Allison's face turned livid with rage.

Luca could not help but mutter to herself. She was moved by Tommy, who spoke up for her. However, his words were pissing Allison off.

Tommy rolled his eyes. His gaze was shifting from side to side between the two of them. Something came into his mind and he immediately said, "Grandma, why don't you try Ms. Luca's homemade cookies too?"

"I dare not to," Allison rejected him right away. The hatred she felt for Luca was getting stronger.

The last time she met someone she hated so much was Bianca.

She did not expect another woman, Luca, to show up beside Luke after Bianca was gone. Every woman who approached Luke was tougher to deal with than the next.

Still, every woman Allison arranged to approach Luke would fail miserably.

After she said that, her phone notification rang.

Allison's heart skipped a beat when she heard her notification. She picked up her phone and glanced at it. The money had been transferred into her account. She finally received such a huge amount of money.

It took a load off Allison's mind the moment she received the money. She stood up and said, "I don't want to stay here any longer. It's uncomfortable. Sophian, let's go."

Sophian was surprised. She thought Allison would continue picking on Luca, but she decided to leave instead. Then, she immediately replied and kept up with Allison. "Okay, Ms. Allison."

After that, they left together.

Tommy turned to look at Luca, “Ms. Luca, did I say something wrong?"

“No. Would you like to have some cookies?" Luca felt sorry for the child that he had to live in such an environment and learn how to read people's emotions.

Kids should be innocent and naive, but as Luke's kids, they were bound to be more precocious than the other kids.

“Yes!" Tommy's mood was lifted as he quickly nodded when he heard Luca mention cookies.

“I'm going to prepare the ingredients now," said Luke. She turned to look at the entrance. Allison and Sophian had already left.

Luca had always known that Allison had a sharp tongue. Hence, her rationality told her not to keep her words in mind. If it were not for her bad relationship with Luke and even if there were times when she was kind, she did not show any possessiveness over him. Otherwise, Luca would have thought Allison had a personality disorder.

“Ms. Luca is the best!" Tommy followed behind Luca like a lost puppy, waiting for her to finish baking the cookies.

On the other hand.

Allison took Sophian along with her and left Luke's villa.

When they closed the door, Sophian was still looking behind her.

Allison knew how Sophian felt, so she asked, “Why? Are you reluctant to leave?"

"No, Ms. Allison. It's a pity that you left without teaching that woman a lesson," replied Sophian. Allison had received her money now. She did not have to be afraid that Luke would threaten Allison and not give her the money when she caused some trouble.

“Do you think I don't want to do it? But what kind of excuse should I come up with? Should I blame her for seducing my son? Many women have done the same thing. If I really use this as an excuse, I'll have to scold every single one of those women as well." Allison put on her coat. Although her mood was affected by Luke and Luca, at least the money in her bank account had solved her urgent matter.

Sophian paused for a moment. She could not help but wonder if Allison was mocking her.

“Ms. Allison, you're right." Sophian had no choice but to bite the bullet and go along with Allison.

Allison shot her a glance and said, “I wasn't talking about you."

“I know." Sophian forced a smile.

"It's my fault. I shouldn't have given you so many chances. Luke has always hated the women I arranged for him. Your style and behavior are the same as that woman's. You're not that bad either. Perhaps you can get a chance if you depend on yourself." Allison walked toward the entrance of the neighborhood. The driver was not allowed to drive in, which was why she had to walk out.

“Ms. Allison, it's not your fault.." Sophian said embarrassingly, but she was secretly blaming Allison for it.

Allison knew Luke would rebel against Luke, but she still made such arrangements for her, which made her fail.

It was just like what she said. If Sophian created the chance to run into Luke, it might work on him.

Now, however, Luke hated her so much. There was no way she would have the chance...

The only chance she could get was by helping Luke and Allison mend their broken relationship. That way, she would have a chance to win his heart after that.

“Come on. Hurry up. It's freezing out here. What kind of sh*tty neighborhood is this? How can they not allow cars to come in?" Allison urged Sophian to walk faster.

When Allison came in, she was planning to ask the driver to drive into the neighborhood, but the security guard at the entrance stopped them and told them that vehicles belonging to outsiders were not allowed to enter the neighborhood without the tenant's permission.

Many celebrities and famous entrepreneurs were living in this neighborhood. It was to protect their privacy.

It blew Allison's top when she found out about it. She was part of the Crawford family. Could it be that she would go around spreading rumors like what those reporters did?

However, even though she was mad, she knew what mattered the most. That was why she got out of the car and walked in.

Now, it was a long walk to get out of here.

"Okay, Ms. Allison." Sophian immediately kept up with her. She caught a glimpse of someone on the ground floor of the apartment in the corner of her eye. Then, she widened her eyes in surprise, "That's Ca..."

Allison turned around and saw how astonished Sophian looked. She looked in the direction of Sophian's gaze and saw a handsome man put his hand around the waist of a sexily dressed woman. They both walked into the apartment together.

Allison pouted. She must be a woman of easy virtue for dressing like that on a winter day.

"Ms. Allison, she's a celebrity, right? She's the hottest celebrity now. What's her name again?" Sophian was unfamiliar with the celebrities in the country, but she had some time to watch a few TV shows when she came back here.

The celebrity was the main lead in one of the TV shows she watched.

"What's so surprising about it? Tons of celebrities live here." Allison had no interest in such things.

"Ms. Allison, you're so calm," exclaimed Sophian.

"As the daughter-in-law of the Crawford family, I have to act like this. Let's go." Allison also understood why the guard did not allow outsiders to come in.

If someone saw what these celebrities were doing, they would make it to the headlines anytime.

However, even if they were in the headlines, it would not be as surprising as the headline of Luke living together with that woman.

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