Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 2499

Chapter 2499

Chapter 2499

Leia knew that Mandy was merely Luca's substitute.

Someone like Matysh who always had women around him would not make himself feel lonely before he had Luca.

Hence, Mandy became a replacement.

However, she would always be a replacement. Mandy could never truly replace Luca to satisfy Matysh's desires.

After all, men who were smart enough would choose Luca. Women like Mandy were not the ones who could be good wives.

In the end, if any of those wealthy men married Mandy, it must be because he was blinded by her.

“If he has already put it behind him, I wouldn't have had to send your maid away." Mandy rolled her eyes. Leia knew exactly what she wanted to say, but she deliberately mentioned it.

Was she not mocking her for not being able to win a man's heart?

"It's been quite some time since I received any messages from you. I thought he had given up on that woman. Didn't you go on a vacation with him last time? I saw that you were enjoying yourself and having fun when I saw your Stories. Why didn't you seize the chance to make him fall for you?" Leia deliberately mentioned it, reminding Mandy that she had failed to seduce a man.

"All he thinks about is that woman! Stop talking about it. It's frustrating." Mandy frowned. Nine times out of ten, Matysh would take her as that woman when they were making love.

It made her lose interest when he called Luca's name every time.

"Come on, you had the whole month. Why didn't you think of a way to get pregnant with his baby? He might be yours after you have his baby. You could probably become a noble lady." Leia continued to mock her, but she was pretty sure that Mandy did not have the chance to marry into a wealthy family.

"Say no more. There's not even a chance for someone like me. Even if it's Luca or you, his family will turn their noses up at us. If I scheme against him to get pregnant with his baby, I'll end up aborting it or I'll get killed by his men. I won't even have the chance to give birth to his child. After all, not everyone is lucky enough to give birth to a rich man's baby after getting pregnant. Besides, if I really get pregnant, it's hard to guarantee whether the child will be healthy or not. I'd rather not think that much. Otherwise, my brain will explode," replied Mandy, inadvertently mocking Leia.

Previously, Leia was trying to marry into the Hilton family with a child that was not Brody's. However, even God did not help her. She failed to seize the chance.

It reminded Leia of what happened between her and Brody. Everything was going well at first, but fate did not allow her plan to unfold. Something happened to the baby that was not part of the Hilton family...

“Fine. You did the right thing by not getting pregnant. Tell me, what does he want from me?" Leia sounded stiff. If it were not for the baby, she would probably be the honorable lady of the Hilton family now. She would not have to suffer so much either.

"What else can he ask from you? He wants you to cooperate with him. When it's time to make a move, just ask Luca out so that his men can take her away," said Mandy. She had no idea how Matysh was going to do it. After all, Matysh must be discussing this with the person he would be meeting tonight.

Hence, Mandy could roughly tell Leia about his plan. Then, she could make a move when it was the right time.

Leia frowned. The plan was the same as the one back then where she helped the other party kidnap Bianca.

The seemingly familiar feeling upset her.

Although the plan had succeeded back then, Luke did not let her get away with it easily.

That was how she ended up like this.

This time, if she got involved in such a plan again, Luke might make a move on her. After all, she was pretty sure that something was going on between Luke and that woman. That was why she was a little terrified now.

When Leia agreed to help Matysh back then, she wanted a sum of money to get a liver on the black market. Her health was slowly recovering now. Although Jack was no longer kind to her, he would not go as far as ignoring her.

Leia wanted to reject it. She refused to agree to do such a thing.

Mandy noticed that Leia was not saying anything. She immediately said, "Leia, you're not thinking of rejecting, right? You promised Mr. Matysh back then, and you can't bail on him now. Otherwise, we're going to end up badly."

If Matysh found out that Leia was backing out now and did not intend to lend him a hand, he would fly into a rage. After all, Leia was included in all the plans.

In the end, Mandy would have to suffer.

Mandy did not want to give Matysh a chance to punish her just because of Leia. "Leia, there's no turning back now."

"I didn't take his money, so it's not considered a promise. Besides, no matter how strong his family background is, keep in mind that this is A City. This isn't a place where he can do whatever he wants and stir up trouble. He can't do anything to me either. Why should I be afraid of him?" Leia pouted and said unconcernedly. Even if Matysh was mad, she was not the one he would deal with. Mandy would have to deal with him instead. What did it have to do with her?

"Leia, you can't throw me under the bus like that. Think about it. Even though you're recovering now, there are still tons of expenses. Didn't you tell me that Mr. Norman is no longer concerned about you? Are you expecting your father to pay for your living expenses and your lavish lifestyle after you've recovered? Don't be silly. No one will be as generous as Mr. Matysh. You'd better agree with it. Plus, you don't have to do much either." Mandy convinced her patiently. Who would not want money?

Although Leia's family was wealthy, it seemed like the Norman family had nothing much to do with her now.

Leia fell silent for a few seconds. The future ahead would not be easy for her, but it was mainly because of money.

She could get a hefty sum of money for helping Matysh to get Luca. She could spend the money extravagantly without anyone stopping her.

Leia replied awkwardly, "Don't you know that Luca is together with Luke now? The reason why I was sent to New York was that Luke thought I had something to do with his wife being kidnapped, but I was a victim too. I just happened to be at the scene. If you ask me to cooperate with him and invite Luca out, Luke will come after me when the time comes. Who's going to help me then? Even if I have money, I'm no match for Luke Crawford!"

Mandy frowned. She could not help but secretly judge Leia for being a coward.

“Plus, after what happened last time, Luca doesn't even talk to me now. Not even my mother can convince her. There's really nothing I can do for Mr. Matysh,” said Leia.

Previously, it was not only for money that Leia promised to help Matysh. She wanted to risk her life to take revenge on Luke too.

Her life was no longer at risk now, though. Why should she risk her life to take revenge on Luke? She was not that dumb.

"Stop giving excuses. I know you'll think of a way to ask Luca out. I've got an idea to let you help Mr. Matysh without showing your face. Luke won't even doubt you even after you receive the money." Mandy was sharp enough to come up with an idea in the blink of an eye.

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