Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 2521

Chapter 2521

Chapter 2521

Luke made a guess at why Vivian wanted Gale and Rain by her side. "Gordan won't hurt you."

"I just want to protect myself. Just take my word for it..." Vivian lowered her gaze. She did not want to be alone with Gordan, so she used it as an excuse to ask Gale and Rain to protect her. She just wanted to have more people around when she met him.

"Okay. When?" Luke agreed without a second thought.

"Let's do it tomorrow morning. I'll go with Luca when she leaves for the office tomorrow," Vivian said. She wanted to sort things out as soon as possible so that Gordan could stop disturbing Luke.

"Mm, I'll let Luca know." Luke glanced at his watch and thought that Luca should still be awake at this hour.

"Thank you." Vivian thanked Luke.

"It's getting late. Go get some rest," Luke reminded her before he headed upstairs.

Vivian followed him up to the second floor.

The two arrived on the second floor and returned to their respective bedrooms.

After Luke washed up, he walked out of his bedroom and opened the door to Luca's bedroom.

Luca was sitting in front of the dresser going through the data files. She looked up when she heard the door open. "Mr. Crawford, you're back. I'll make you a late-night snack."

Luke shook his head, indicating that Luca did not need to do so. "I'm not hungry. Don't worry about it. What are you looking at?"

"I'm looking at my research data. Since I'm moving back to Watson Biopharmaceuticals tomorrow, I'm thinking about doing my own research before the new research project starts. If it goes well, maybe it can be listed on the market." Luca lied with her eyes looking down.

While the lab now offered the opportunity for employees to run their experiments, she could not make the research too personal.

Luke decided to open the lab for everyone to encourage the researchers to do experiments and get better drug research projects.

"Mm. You'll still be going to T Corporation tomorrow, right?" Luke confirmed with her.

"Yes, there are some important documents that I don't trust the moving company to move," Luca said. She planned to carry those more important documents over herself.

"That's perfect. Vivian will meet Gordan tomorrow. Take her with you when you head to the office." Luke said.

Luca asked in surprise, "Vivian has already decided?"

"Mm, she's decided to face him." Luke nodded. He believed that it would be good for Vivian.

"It's not an easy decision to make..." Luca could not help but murmur. "I'm surprised that she made a decision so quickly."

She thought that Vivian would need more time to think about how to deal with Gordan.

"It's considered a long time." Luke saw that there was some stray hair near her ear, so he reached out his hand to help her sweep them behind her ear. "She's Ray's older sister, but she doesn't have much of Ray's thunder-like vigor and wind-like swiftness. As such, her problems with Gordan dragged on until now."

Hearing his comment, Luca could not help but look up at him. She felt like she was about to be sucked into the vortex as she looked into his mesmerizing eyes.

"Vivian is well protected by Mr. Ray, so they don't seem like siblings at all. In terms of relationships, it is not easy for a woman to break things off no matter how bad things are. It hurts her every time she sees Gordan, so it's understandable that things have dragged on until now. I just hope that their matter can be completely resolved tomorrow. If Mr. Norton doesn't love Vivian, he shouldn't keep hurting her," she said with a sigh.

Luca, like Vivian, was timid when it came to romantic relationships as well.

Although their scenarios were different, she was not much better. She could not even bring herself to be entirely honest when faced with the man she loved the most.

"You think Gordan doesn't like her?" Luke asked.

"Mr. Norton may seem very persistent, but I don't feel like he likes her. However, sometimes what we see is not necessarily the truth, such as with Nina and Mr. Percy..." Luca said.

When she was Bianca Rayne, she thought that Percy did not like Nina and that they were only together because of a deal.

Nina had no choice but to suffer in silence. As her friend, since Luca could not solve the situation, she could only choose to keep her opinion to herself.

After she was kidnapped and came back three years later, she still felt that Percy did not like Nina.

It was only a little later that she realized that what she assumed had always been wrong.

Percy was head over heels for Nina, but he expressed it in the wrong way.

'Will Gordan be another Percy? It's hard to say...'

Luca did not know if that could be true either. After all, Gordan, like Percy, was too stubborn and too good at disguising himself.

'It could be that capable men are more stubborn.'

"It's getting late. Let them deal with their matter their way. We should go to bed..." Luke hugged Luca's waist and stroked it back and forth.

Every single stroke was full of his desire for her.

"Mr. Crawford..." Luca whispered while blushing.

"Shall we go to bed?" Luke whispered in her ear. His magnetic raspy voice was seductive.

"Okay..." Luca opened her mouth slightly. Her mouth felt dry, so her voice could not help but tighten...

It was a long night of lovemaking.

The next day.

Vivian, as Luke said, followed Luca to T Corporation.

When she saw Luca holding a sealed box and carrying a briefcase in her hand, Vivian said, "Luca, let me carry it for you."

"No, Warren is right outside the door. We don't have to go too far. I can do it myself." Luca shook her head and walked through the garden with Vivian.

Vivian opened the door and found Warren standing there.

"Warren, please open the trunk of the car," Luca said. The box contained the experimental specimens and some important files.

"Okay, Dr. Craw." Warren opened the trunk quickly.

Luca carefully placed the box in the trunk and made sure that it was stable before she closed it.

"Vivian, let's go." Luca looked at Vivian, who had a timid expression. ‘We just left the house and she already looks like this...'

She could not imagine how nervous Vivian would be when she met Gordan later.

"Okay!" Vivian took a deep breath. Warren opened the door for her, and she got into the car.

Luca got on the other side of the car.

Warren drove them to T Corporation.

Luca took Vivian's hand and said, "Rain and Gale will be by your side. You have nothing to worry about."

"I'm fine. By the way, Luca, when will Gale and Rain arrive?" Vivian asked.

"I'm not sure, but I know that Mr. Crawford has already passed the message. I believe that they won't be late. They should be there before work starts." Luca guessed. The two of them were not the kind who were often late.

“Mm, can I stay in your office before they arrive?" Vivian took a deep breath. Ultimately, she did not want to face Gordan alone.

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