Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 2533

Chapter 2533

Chapter 2533

There was dead silence in the meeting room. The general manager broke the silence and said, "I know every professor is busy with their project at hand. But HQ has signed a contract about talent plans with Capital University. So, the university is hoping that we can send a professor there to become a lecturer. Everyone here is a talent in drug development. I hope you can pick a professor among you to take this job. You only have to teach once a week."

After that, the professors whispered to each other and turned to look in Luca's direction.

Luca frowned. She had a bad feeling about this.

Sure enough, after a while, Dr. Jackson spoke, “General Manager, our projects are still developing. We don't have time to head to the university to give lectures. Besides, some of the professors are lecturing at other universities too. They wouldn't be able to do it either. I guess the most suitable candidate who can take on the job would be Dr. Craw."

Luca secretly let out a sigh. It was as expected...

Luca was the person who had the most spare time in the whole office now. She had completed her project, and there was no new project coming in. Besides, she was not teaching in other universities too.

"Dr. Craw, since everyone thinks you're the most suitable candidate, why don't you go?" The general manager turned to look at Luca.

"General Manager, I don't think it's a great idea. Firstly, I'm not as experienced as the other professors. Besides, I don't know how to teach either. I don't think I can handle it." Luca tried to reject it. She truly was not fit for the job!

Furthermore, would the students listen to her if she taught them?

Luca was aware that her age and experience could not convince the students, especially when it came to good universities like Capital University. The older the professors were, the more popular they would be.

Luca would merely be ignored if she was sent there.

"Dr. Craw, it's not hard to teach. You're knowledgeable and resourceful. The students can learn a lot of things from you even if you simply tell them whatever you know. Besides, it'll only take up one day a week. It's not going to affect you from preparing for the development of your new research," the general manager replied with a smile as though he did not hear Luca had rejected the offer. He immediately made the decision and said, "Then it's a deal. I'll provide your information to the academic department of Capital University. The students will be choosing their classes in two days. I'll ask them to send the teaching materials tomorrow so that you can prepare for your lecture."

Luca was speechless when she heard him taking the initiative to make arrangements for her.

She even had a feeling that the general manager had already planned to let her take the job. Asking the professors about their opinions was just a formality.

Luca turned to look at the other professors. They remained silent, using such a method to agree with the general manager's decision.

Luca was not close to them, so she could not do anything. She bit the bullet and replied, "Okay..."

“That's great. By the way, there's one more thing. Dr. Craw, your research is about to be launched in the market now. Do you mind sharing your research data with everyone so that we can take a look at it?" the general manager asked. After he found out Luca went out for lunch today, he initially thought of entering her office to see if he could find anything.

However, he did not expect Luca to lock the door.

When he thought of grabbing something to unlock the door, Luca came back.

Luca secretly sneered. He had not given up.

"General Manager, those are the company's classified documents," replied Luca.

"I know they're confidential. But we're all working in the same laboratory. The drug is launching soon anyway. Sharing the data might help the others, right?" The general manager tried to convince her by dragging the other professors into this and forcing Luca to reveal the research data.

Luca could not help but fall silent. The research the other professors were working on had nothing to do with her research. There was no need for them to refer to it.

"Of course, I can share the data with the other professors for guideline purposes, but it's strictly for those who are working in the same department only," Luca stressed the last few words in her sentence.

That would mean the general manager was not allowed to see the data.

The smile on the general manager's face froze.

Luca had given in, but not completely. She could let the other professors see the document, but not the general manager.

The general manager looked around the meeting room. Every professor was busy with their research, and none of them were close to him either.

Although he was the general manager, he could not intervene in the matters of those who worked in the research department. These researchers had their own tempers, and the company could not afford to lose these talents.

If the professors wrote down that they were dissatisfied with his management in their resignation letters, he might even lose his job.

Luca noticed that the general manager did not say anything. Then, she added, "General Manager, please understand that if I make it accessible to everyone in the office, no one will be able to bear the responsibility if information is leaked and it results in losses for the company. If you think this isn't going to work, we can ask for Mr. Crawford's opinion and we'll let him decide. What do you think?"

Luca realized the general manager would not compromise easily, so she had no choice but to mention Luke's name.

The general manager forced a smile when he heard Luca mention Luke's name, and he replied, "It's okay, Dr. Craw. Anything you say."

Luca nodded. She kept quiet after she stopped him.

The general manager tidied the documents on the table and said, "We're done discussing everything on the meeting agenda. That's all for today."

Then, he turned around and left.

After he left the meeting room, the smile on his face immediately disappeared. He grimaced with disgust on his face. Then, he handed the documents in his hands to his secretary and said, "Take these."

The secretary dared not to ask anything. She took the documents from him and followed behind him.

The general manager took his phone out and sent a message to the number: [I'm sorry, I still can't get the research data.]

After a while, his phone vibrated. He picked it up and glanced at it. He was being scolded through the message on the screen. [You're a good-for-nothing. Get ready to quit your job if you can't get your hands on the document.]

The general manager's hand trembled for a moment. Quit his job?

If he quit his job there, would he be able to keep his job here? Where could he go if he lost his job here as well?

The secretary asked with confusion when the general manager stopped there without moving forward, "General Manager? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Ask Mr. Link, Dr. Craw's subordinate, to come to my office." The general manager kept his phone. He knew even if he quit his job there, that person would not let him remain in his job position here.

If Luke found out that he was one of them, he would not let him go easily. Eventually, he would lose everything in A City and his efforts would be in vain. No way. He would not let this happen to him.

"Dr. Craw's assistant? Okay." The secretary confirmed with him. Even though she was puzzled, she agreed to it.

After the meeting ended, Luca was forced to have small talk with a few professors there. She was able to leave after that.

Rhett had stayed by her side the entire time, and he said, "Dr. Craw, I think something's wrong with the general manager."

"Yes. He's been acting weird. That's why I asked someone to deliver the safe box from T Corporation here," replied Luca. When she found out the general manager had tried to open her office door, she

informed Warren to bring T Corporation's safe box here.

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