Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 2565

Chapter 2565

Chapter 2565

“Leave it to Lucy. Just go ahead and pack your stuff." Old Master Rayne gently pushed Wanda's hands.

The maid Luke hired was responsible. There were many things Wanda did not have to worry about. It was just that she was used to worrying about these things, and she could not get used to leaving them to someone else to do.

Wanda nodded and rose to her feet when she saw how dutiful Lucy was. She reminded Lucy, "Please take good care of Old Master Rayne."

"I will, Ms. Rayne." Lucy who stood beside her nodded.

After Wanda left, Old Master Rayne asked Lucy, "Do you know what Luke said to her just now?"

Lucy shook her head. "Old Master Rayne, I came upstairs to look after you when Mr. Crawford came. I didn't hear what they were talking about."

Old Master Rayne's eyes darkened. He could sense a hint of sadness in Wanda's eyes.

Wanda should be happy to go on a vacation. What happened?

Did something happen to Bianca?

It was unlikely that something would happen to her. Even though she could not remember anyone else, Luke would never let anything happen to Bianca.

"Old Master Rayne, the water's getting cold. Do you need me to add some warm water?" Lucy asked in a soft voice when she saw Old Master Rayne sitting there in a daze.

Old Master Rayne came back to his senses and lifted his legs. He shook his head and replied, "It's alright. That's all for today."

"Okay. Let me dry your feet for you." Lucy picked up the towel beside him. She wiped the droplets on Old Master Rayne's feet and dried them. Then, she helped him to get into bed.

"Old Master Rayne, would you like to rest now?" Lucy asked caringly after she kept the foot bathtub and towel away.

Old Master Rayne was still thinking about the expression on Wanda's face. Wanda was his daughter. He could sense her emotions even if she tried to conceal them.

Wanda was not looking forward to the trip.

She must be concealing something from him.

However, even if she was facing a problem, there was nothing he could do to help her with his weak body and poor legs. Hence, it was normal for Wanda to hide something from him.

Old Master Rayne could not help but feel worried, but he knew he would not be able to find out what happened even if he went to ask her now.

He had no choice but to give up.

“Old Master Rayne?" Lucy noticed that he was lost in thoughts. She called him in a soft voice.

Old Master Rayne let out a sigh, nodded, and replied, "Yes. I'll go to sleep."

"Okay." Lucy nodded. After she helped Old Master Rayne to lay down on his bed and covered him with the blanket, she walked out of the bedroom and closed the door.

Wanda stood outside the bedroom door, waiting for her.

Lucy was taken by surprise, "Why are you..."

"Let's talk in the living room," Wanda said in a low voice.

Lucy nodded and followed Wanda to the living room on the first floor.

"Did my father ask you anything?" Wanda asked.

"Old Master Rayne asked me if I heard your conversation with Mr. Crawford. After I told him that I didn't hear anything, he seemed preoccupied," Lucy answered honestly.

"Please take good care of him when I'm not around. Call me immediately if anything happens. If you can't reach me, call Luke," reminded Wanda.

Since Old Master Rayne's health worsened, Wanda had never left him and had always been taking care of him.

If it were not for her sickness that did not allow her to delay the treatment, she could not bear to leave Old Master Rayne alone at home and just let Lucy take care of him.

"Okay. Don't worry. I'll look after Old Master Rayne," promised Lucy.

Wanda nodded. Then, she turned around and headed upstairs.

Lucy followed behind her and asked, "Are you packing your stuff? Do you need help?"

"It's okay. I can do it myself. You can rest early." Wanda shook her head. She could not let Lucy find out that she was heading to the hospital. Otherwise, Lucy might spill the beans and Old Master Rayne would find out about it.

Although Old Master Rayne's health had improved, he would not be able to take it if he found out about it.

If he was anxious and worried about her, it might affect his sleep.

"Okay." Lucy returned upstairs. Her bedroom was right beside Old Master Rayne's bedroom to make it convenient for her to look after him.

Wanda returned to her room and packed some necessities she would be using during her stay in the hospital. Then, she zipped the suitcase.

She heaved a sigh while staring at the suitcase.

Could being admitted to the hospital change anything?

Wanda had no idea if she could survive this.

On the other hand.

Luke returned to the villa. The kids were already asleep. Luca was waiting for him in the living room.

Luca immediately rose to her feet and looked in the direction of the foyer when she heard footsteps. “Mister... Luke, how's Ms. Rayne doing now?"

Luke changed his shoes and walked toward the sofa. Then, he held Luca's hands.

Luca must be the person who was worried about Wanda the most. However, she could not show her concerns and how worried she was due to her identity now. It must be difficult for her.

“I've already told her. Zander will send her to the hospital tomorrow. She'll take the physical examination and receive treatment." Luke gently stroked Luca's hands. Luca's hands were cold as she was worried about Wanda.

“I knew something was wrong." Luca looked down and recalled the moment when she had physical contact with Wanda. She thought Wanda was just weak, but she did not expect things to be so serious.

“Johann is already contacting the experts. She'll be fine." Luke comforted her in a soft voice, knowing that Luca was worried about Wanda.

“Can I visit her when she's in the hospital?" Luca asked. Even though Luke knew Luca and Wanda knew each other well, she was worried and she could not bear to see Wanda get admitted to the hospital and undergo the surgery alone.

She wanted to know the whole progress of Wanda's treatment.

It was not that Luca did not trust Johann, but she wanted to make sure Wanda received the best treatment.

“Sure. You can visit her anytime you want, but take Rain along with you," replied Luke. Many people came in and out of the hospital every day. It was hard to say that Matysh's men would not make a move in the hospital.

“Okay." Luca did not reject him as she knew Luke made such an arrangement to make sure that she was safe.

If Matysh made a move at this time and she got kidnapped by his men, she would be causing more trouble for Luke.

The following day, Wanda got into Zander's car and came to the hospital.

Johann had already got everything arranged in the hospital.

After Wanda placed her suitcase in the VIP ward, a nurse came in and claimed that she would be taking Wanda for a medical check-up.

Wanda nodded and followed the nurse.

When Wanda returned to her ward, she saw Luca sitting in the ward waiting for her. It warmed Wanda's heart to see Luca here. She did not expect her to be here.

If it were not for her, she might feel more depressed.

In line with the past practices, if there was nothing wrong with Wanda's health, she would only come to the hospital for a check-up once every year.

Luca's reminder saved her life this time. At least she would get to receive treatment in time before the cancer cells spread to the other parts of the body.

Johann was the one who told Wanda about this.

“Luca, why are you here?" Wanda asked.

"It's Saturday. I came to visit you," replied Luca. She looked at Wanda's pale face and secretly hoped that she could have noticed that something was wrong with Wanda earlier.

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