Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 2576

Chapter 2576

Chapter 2576

After Rain ended the conversation, Warren asked all of a sudden, “Ms. Rain, are you nervous?"

Rain was caught off guard, so she just blinked. "Nervous about what?"

"I've been working with you and Mr. Gale for so long, and it's the first time where my mission is to protect someone, so I'm a little nervous," said Warren.

When he was driving Luca to places, all he had to do was check his surroundings, so he was not nervous about it at all.

Now, the situation was different. The meeting last night made him anxious about what could go wrong and potentially put Luca's life in danger.

Although he had good driving skills, he was still nervous about protecting the woman Luke cared about most.

Rain shook her head and leaned forward to pat his shoulder. "Don't be nervous. Believe in yourself. Your driving skills are the best on our team. Just drive like you normally do and leave the rest to us."

Warren nodded, and he seemed to calm down a little after Rain reassured him.

"By the way, do you remember the route we set yesterday?" Rain asked again as they had worked out a route to Norman Residence.

If they followed that route, Matysh's people were less likely to make a move.

She actually hoped that Matysh's people would make a move today as they had been in hiding for a long time, and it was time they ended it once and for all.

If Matysh made a move today, they could just turn them over to the police and it would all be settled.

However, Luke's orders were to ensure Luca's safety.

Therefore, the route they chose was mostly on main roads so that Matysh's people would have a lesser chance to make a move.

"I do. It's already in my head," said Warren as they had decided which route to take last night.

The car following behind them would follow that route as well.

In order to lower Matysh's guard, only one car would follow them from the mansion to Norman Residence, but there would be a backup car waiting for them every few miles.

Even the president of the country might not even have this kind of treatment.

"Okay." Rain saw Luca open the door, so she hurriedly opened the car door and rushed out. "Good morning, Ms. Craw."

“Good morning, Rain. I'm sorry to trouble you today," said Luca as today was supposed to be their day off, but they had to come to protect her, so she felt a little bad.

"Don't worry about it. Come on, get in." Rain opened the car door.

Luca bent down and got in.

After Rain closed the car door, she spoke into her earphones, "We're ready to go. The car at the entrance, prepare to follow."

Then, she got in the car from the other side.

After buckling up, Rain said to warren, "Let's go."

"Alright." Warren drove off.

After leaving the neighborhood, Luca noticed a car following behind them.

She knew that it was Luke's people and that they were following behind them to keep her safe.

After finishing the soup yesterday, Luke did not go to sleep right away. Instead, he called for a short meeting.

She guessed that the meeting was for today's plans.

Luca asked, "How many cars were prepared today?"

Rain was slightly shocked that Luca seemed well aware of their plans, so she said, "Except for the car behind us, there are five others, and they'll follow us one by one every few miles."

Luca nodded. As expected, Luke had spent a lot of money on her.

Although she was Luca now, she received the same treatment she got when she was Bianca.

"Ms. Craw, why aren't you surprised?" asked Rain when she saw how calm Luca was.

"I had already guessed that Luke would hire quite a number of people," said Luca.

If Luke did not value her, he would not have objected to her using herself as bait to capture Matysh.

Besides, getting rid of Matysh was beneficial for Marcos, which in turn would benefit T Corporation's future collaborations with M Group.

"You know our boss very well." Rain sighed externally and internally. Of course, Luca knew Luke well.

There was no doubt that they were a married couple.

Although they had been apart for three years, they still knew each other inside out.

The car had passed by two intersections, but nothing had happened yet. They did not notice anyone following them either.

Rain could not help but wonder. "Now is a good chance. Why aren't they making a move?"

Luca was observing her surroundings as well. They did not notice anyone on their tail, and neither did she.

The vehicles around them came and went, except for the ones arranged by Luke.

It was all too strange.

Were they wrong about Leia?

Did Matysh really not have anything to do with her?

Luca shook her head. She did not believe it. Besides, Leia had worked with people from the Island of Despair, and she was the one who made her like this...

Thus, she did not believe that Leia was not evil. Plus, Leia knew Mandy. There was no way it was all coincidence. Something must have gone on behind the scenes.

The phone in Luca's hand rang.

She looked down and saw that it was Luke.

“Mr. Crawford.." Luca picked up the phone and called him Mr. Crawford respectfully as Rain was sitting next to her.

Luke did not comment on it. "How are things over there?"

"We're almost at Norman Residence, but it's been quiet so far, and we didn't notice anyone following us," Luca reported.

"Don't let your guard down," said Luke.

"Okay," Luca responded.

After ending the call, Rain asked, "Was that Boss? What did he say?"

"He said not to let our guard down.." Luca relayed the message.

"He's right. The people spying on Matysh had called to inform that Matysh had left his hotel alone early this morning without his lover, Mandy. Plus, he caught us tracking him down, so he shook us off his tail. That's not normal. I'm guessing that he must be up to something," said Rain casually.

During this period, they had been keeping an eye on Matysh.

He rarely left his hotel, and even if he did, he would bring Mandy with him because of the language barrier.

It was unusual that he left the hotel without Mandy and even got rid of their people today.

Luca frowned. It seemed like their suspicions were right.

Rain just finished speaking when Luca's phone rang again, but this time, it was Queenie who called.

She answered the phone, "Good morning, Mrs. Norman."

"Good morning, Luca. Where are you now? Are you coming?" Queenie's voice was as gentle as ever like a spring breeze brushing against her ears.

"Yes, I'm on the way. I'll be there in about 10 minutes," Luca estimated.

"Okay, then I'll have the maid wait for you at the door." Queenie was relieved to know that Luca was coming over as she had not called all morning, and with Leia rambling non-stop, she almost thought that Luca was not coming.

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