Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 2591

Chapter 2591

Chapter 2591

Mandy stood straight and looked at how hilarious Matysh looked when he was so desperate to get Luca.

Lust was destructive to men. Matysh thought he had everything under his control when, in fact, he would only be getting himself killed by a woman.

Luca was the one who would get him killed.

She was in the same boat...

Mandy sneered. "Matysh, if you're going to prison with me, which one of us is going to suffer a much greater loss?"

Matysh glared at her and asked, “What are you up to?”

Mandy picked up her phone on the floor with a cold expression on her face. Her phone was protected by the phone cover. It was still fine after being thrown on the floor. She turned on her phone, pressed the button, and showed Matysh her phone screen. "This is the voice recording of you discussing with those men how to kidnap Luca and how you wanted me to cooperate with you. If this recording falls into the police's hands, you're definitely going to prison. Think about it. I've got nothing to lose. Going to prison means nothing to me. But your nephew will take over your family business in Russia if you go to prison. Kidnapping is a serious crime. Will you be able to deal with your lust and sexual desires when you're in prison?"

"B*tch, how dare you do this to me?!" Matysh clenched his fists. When he doubted whether the voice recording was true or not, he saw Mandy pressing a button.

"I've already set a scheduled send for this recording. If you don't deposit the money into my bank account within an hour, the recording will be sent to the police station. Those useless men you found

even got Jack and his wife injured. The police officers will get things done real quick. It'll be too late even if you manage to book a flight ticket now or buy a helicopter to leave A City immediately. Before you can leave the borders of A City, you'll be arrested and sent to prison. Well, would you like to listen to it?" Mandy smirked. She could feel the sharp pain coming from her swollen face when she smiled, but she did not care.

She played the voice recording.

It started with the conversation between Matysh and the mob boss.

"B*tch!" Matysh snatched the phone away from her. When he was about to destroy the phone, he heard her saying, "Go ahead and destroy it. Even if you give me the money after destroying my phone, the recording is still going to be sent to the police."

Matysh was stunned for a moment.

Mandy was pleased. “You don't know the password even if you have the phone. You can't do anything with it."

Matysh clasped the phone tight. His face turned livid with rage knowing that Mandy had something on him.

"You have 45 minutes left to think about it," reminded Mandy as she glanced at the clock on the wall.

"B*tch! I won't let you get away with this," threatened Matysh. Those who offended him had never ended up well.

Mandy was not afraid of him threatening her. After spending some time together with Matysh, she realized that he was only wealthy. He did not wield any influence in A City.

"You're in A City now, not Russia, where you can do whatever you want. Have you decided?" asked Mandy.

Mandy knew he would give her the money.

Matysh would not risk getting thrown into prison. Judging from his personality as well as how arrogant and condescending he was, he would go insane if he was sent to prison.

Matysh's face turned gloomy. He had slept with so many women, and he finally knew that a woman's heart was the deadliest poison.

Matysh was able to wield his family's power and influence to get rid of those women back then.

This was the only time when he could not wield his family's influence as he was in A City. After all, A City was different from Russia. He could not bring his power and influence to Russia here.

Hence, his fate was in Mandy's hands, and he had no choice but to compromise.

"Cancel it," Matysh instructed her in a stiff voice and handed the phone to her.

Mandy took the phone from him. The way she looked at him was no longer gentle. It was full of disdain instead. "Deposit the money into my bank account, then. As for Leia's share, I'll transfer the money to her bank account. Keep in mind that it must be an instant transfer. Once the money is deposited into my bank account, I'll cancel the scheduled send."

The reason why Mandy was concerned about Leia was that Leia was still useful to her. Hence, she wanted to help Leia to get her share.

Matysh had no choice but to take it lying down. He picked up his phone and transferred the amount of money he promised he would give her through instant transfer.

After Mandy made sure that it was an instant transfer, she took her time to cancel the scheduled send.

"Alright, you don't have to go to prison now." Mandy stared at the man expressionlessly. Even though she managed to make some money after staying by his side for such a long time, she suffered a lot for it.

Hence, even though Matysh did not get what he wanted this time, Mandy thought she deserved to get paid for it.

"Delete the voice recording!" Matysh's face turned livid with rage. He did not expect to be betrayed by a woman after living for such a long time.

Mandy looked at the money in her bank account. She raised her brows and said, "Delete it? No way. I'll keep the voice recording for myself. Just in case someone comes after me one day, the voice recording can be..."

"Are you threatening me?" Matysh raised his brows. He did not expect Mandy, who used to be one call away, to be so shrewd now.

He had been fooled!

"I dare not to. You're the mighty Matysh Abaza. Even though you don't wield any power or influence in A City, you've got money. As long as you've got enough money, there'll be a lot of people who are willing to do things for you. You said I was threatening you. Well, if I don't have the voice recording, I'm truly afraid I'll be killed in reprisal." Mandy was not silly. She had met so many men before, and she knew how to deal with them well.

Matysh was considered unfortunate. He always had his guard up against her. The more defensive he was, the more Mandy thought that she needed to have something on him to keep herself safe.

That was why the voice recording existed.

Mandy saw the look on his face and said, "Don't worry, I won't give it to the police or the others. There's also the conversation between us recorded on the phone. If you're arrested because of the recording, I'll be caught too. Now that I have the money, I'm not that silly to get us into trouble. You don't have to worry about it in the future either. I've received the money, so we should go our separate ways. We shouldn't keep in touch with each other anymore. I won't come to you even if you miss me. That's all."

After that, Mandy turned around and walked out of the hotel room.

Then, there were noises of glass shattering coming from the hotel room along with Matysh's rage-filled roars, "B*tch! F*cking b*tch!"

"Hah." Mandy stroked her face. If it were not for Matysh giving her a huge amount of money back then, she would have gotten even with him for slapping her.

However, she was happy when she glanced at the amount in her bank account.

Mandy put on a mask. After she left the hotel, she hailed a ride and headed to the hospital.

She went to check her face at a medical aesthetic clinic and applied the medicine to her face. After making sure everything was fine, she called Leia. "Where are you?"

"I'm at the hospital," Leia replied in an impatient tone.

Mandy was startled for a moment, then she asked, "I'm at the hospital too. Where are you?"

"I'm at the Department of Hepatobiliary, Ward 254," answered Leia as she shot a glance at the police officer and Luke's subordinate who was sitting on the sofa.

As long as she refused to cooperate and give a statement, the police officer would not leave. She reckoned that she would not be able to kick Luke's subordinate out of here either.

What was Mandy up to by wanting to look for her now?

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