Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 2593

Chapter 2593

Chapter 2593

Madam Norman paused for a moment, then she said, "I'm not sure about their situation either. I've been calling them all morning. No one's answering the phone. But Leia, you don't have to worry about your parents. I'm sure they're going to be fine. Everything will be fine."

Madam Norman specially persuaded her, thinking that Leia must be worried.

Leia rolled her eyes. That was pretty helpful.

Then, Leia replied, "Grandma, if you happen to know how Dad and Mom are doing, please tell me right away. I'm worried about them."

"Okay, I will. You're a good child. I'm counting on you to take care of my son and my daughter-in-law," said Old Madam Norman. She thought Leia was doing her duties as a daughter well.

Old Madam Norman had no idea what Leia did to Queenie back then. Jack did not want to piss the elders off, so he deliberately did not mention it.

Therefore, Old Master Norman and his wife still adored Leia a lot, especially when they were in such a situation. Old Madam Norman heard how worried Leia was, and she became furious when she remembered Bianca, who lost her memory and was currently abroad.

"Grandma, don't say that..." Leia looked down as she secretly became more impatient.

What the hell happened to Jack and Queenie?

Deep down in her heart, Leia was hoping something had really happened to the two of them. That way, she did not have to pretend to be nice to anyone in the Norman family and no one would meddle in her affairs.

"Sometimes, a biological child isn't that dutiful either. You're so much better. Your parents made the right choice to adopt you at the orphanage." Old Madam Norman recalled the scene when they adopted Leia at that time.

Leia smirked disdainfully. What was the use of saying these at this point?

Leia wanted to pretend to be a good daughter and butter Jack up, but he hated her so much.

She could not please him no matter what she did.

That was why Leia was not planning to continue with it.

"Grandma, I'm really worried about Dad and Mom. Remember to tell me when you have any news of them," Leia sweet-talked her.

"Alright, alright. You're such a good child." Old Madam Norman grew even fonder of Leia.

The caretaker, who stood beside Leia, heard their conversation. She could not help but suppress the helplessness in her heart as she poured a glass of water for Leia.

Leia hung up the call and took the glass of water that was handed to her. She immediately threw it on the floor and cried out, "It's so hot! Are you trying to boil me alive?"

"I'm sorry, Ms. Norman. The doctor told me that you can't drink any cold water..."

"Must I drink hot water if I can't have cold water? Do you call yourself a caretaker?" Leia glared at her. The caretaker was the only person on whom Leia could vent her emotions now. That was why she vented her anger on her.

"I'm sorry. Let me get you another glass of water." The caretaker picked up the disposable cup and poured some hot water into the cup before adding some cold water to it. Then, she handed it to Leia


Leia took a sip of water and frowned. "The water in the hospital tastes bad. It has an off-putting disinfectant smell. Those who don't know would think that the disinfectant had been added to the water dispenser.'

The patient lying on the bed beside her heard what Leia said and took a sip of the water. She said, "There's no disinfectant smell in it."

Leia rolled her eyes, turned to look at the patient on the bed beside her, and mocked her. "Water tastes the same for poor people like you. I'm not used to drinking this water. You, go to the supermarket downstairs and get me a few bottles of imported mountain spring water."

Leia hated the hospital the most.

However, she had to pretend that she was injured to hide in the hospital. Otherwise, there would be more and more troubles that she had to deal with.

The caretaker squatted down and picked up the shattered pieces of glass on the floor. After she took the tissue and dried the water splashed on the floor, she stood up and said, "Ms. Norman, you can't have any cold water."

"I'm not used to the water provided by the hospital. What should I drink if you won't get the water I want for me? Do you want me to die from thirst?" Leia sat with arms akimbo. "My grandma must've paid you a lot of money. If you don't want the job, give me the money and I'll hire another caretaker."

The caretaker was left with no choice. She heaved a sigh and replied, "I'll go downstairs to get the water for you now."

"Get the most expensive bottles," added Leia.

The patient on the other bed was pretty upset after getting mocked by Leia. She could not help but say in an enigmatic manner when she heard that Leia wanted the most expensive bottles of water, "Why are you squeezing with us in this three-bed ward when you're so rich? Stop pretending to be rich."

"You know nothing." Leia turned around and glared fiercely at her. "If it weren't for the lack of wards, would I have to squeeze in this small ward with people like you? I have a caretaker and a bodyguard. What do you have?"

The middle-aged woman on the ward bed was rendered speechless after Leia said that to her. She immediately pulled the hospital curtains.

"Hmph. Don't talk to me if you're poor." Leia sneered at her and turned to look at the door.

She did not see Luke's subordinate anywhere.

Leia raised her brows. Where was the man who was standing outside the door a moment ago?

Leia got out of bed and came to the door. She looked to her left and right. There was no sign of the man. Could it be that he had left?

Leia stood at the door for a few minutes, and there was still no sign of him. She was sure that the man had left.

Perhaps he was sent to make sure that she cooperated with the police officer to make the statement. Did that man finish the task Luke assigned him after Leia made her statement?

Leia forgot what Luke said to the man when they were in the elevator.

She suddenly felt so much better.

Then, she picked up her phone and called Mandy. She immediately asked a question when the call was answered, “Where are you now?"

“I'm still at the hospital, but I'm about to leave. What's the matter? Didn't you get the money?" Mandy asked. After she deposited the money to Leia, she headed to the plastic surgery department in the hospital for consultation.

Mandy was worried that the wound on her face would affect her nose job. That was why she consulted the doctor. She even went for an imaging test. After knowing that it would not affect her nose, she set her worries aside.

"I received it. Don't ever mention this again next time. I'm afraid I'm being eavesdropped on," said Leia in a low voice. "Can you come to the ward now?"

“No. There's a police officer and a bodyguard there. It scares me seeing them there." Mandy recalled what she saw just now. She almost gave herself away when she was facing the police officer.

"They're gone now. Come here and talk to me. I'm bored," Leia talked to her more intimately.

Leia was convinced when Mandy still managed to get so much money from Matysh after the mission failed. She even helped Leia to get her share.

It seemed like Mandy was worthy of being friends with, after all.

“Okay. Wait for me there." Mandy turned around.

Mandy stood on the first floor, waiting for the elevator. She moved to the side when the elevator arrived on the first floor and let those who were in the elevator out first.

Mandy noticed that the man who had been watching Leia was walking out of the elevator. She looked at the man from behind. He was walking out of the hospital.

It seemed like he was really leaving.

Mandy hurried into the elevator.

When the elevator arrived at the floor, Mandy walked toward the ward number that Leia told her.

Sure enough, the police officer in the ward was gone too.

"Are they gone?" Mandy walked into the ward and sat on the chair beside Leia's ward bed.

“They left after I finished making the statement." Leia frowned and asked when she saw Mandy wearing a mask, “Why are you wearing a mask? No one knows you. Isn't it suffocating?"

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