Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 488

Chapter 488

Chapter 488

Chapter 488 Your Third Child Is Very Lucky

The doctors and nurses following behind Johann treated him like a god who worked wonders.

Luke felt nervous even though he trusted Johann's skills.

"How is Bianca now?"

Johann yawned lazily and said with a smile, "Don't worry. With me here, I can save your wife even if she's one foot in the grave. Your third baby is safe, and she doesn't need to amputate. Are you satisfied with the result?" "Thank you, Johann." Luke's words of gratitude were genuine.

He was usually an emotionally reserved person, and he seldom thanked others. For Bianca, he had thanked Johann multiple times.

That made Johann somewhat surprised. "Tsk tsk, it's rare that you thank me."

Luke was in a good mood. He was generous toward the doctor who had saved his wife. "Tell me what you want. I'll fulfill your wishes to the best of my ability."

Before Johann could reply, several nurses came out of the operating theater while pushing a surgical stretcher.

Bianca remained unconscious after the operation.

Luke found it hard to breathe, and he felt a slight ache in his heart.

He took a step forward and wanted to touch Bianca's face, but Johann blocked his way.

Johann rolled his eyes at Luke. "Sis has just finished an operation, and she's very weak. You have a lot of germs on your hands, and it's best not to touch her now."

Luke helplessly placed his hand down. It was the first time that he was not angry at Johann for reprimanding him.

His gentle and delicate woman was lying on the stretcher, unable to move.

He could not stop his heart from aching for her.

"Mr. Crawford, we'll be sending Ms. Rayne to the ward first," a young nurse reminded him.

The nurse looked at Luke shyly, at the same time jealous of Bianca's luck.

Everyone in A City knew about their stories. Who was to say which version was true?

That did not stop women from being jealous of the Cinderella who was able to find her Prince Charming.

"Let me do it." Luke took over the surgical stretcher from the nurse's hands. His expression was full of dearness.

He pushed Bianca to the ward.

The female nurses became even more envious. They had always thought that Luke Crawford of T Corporation was heartless, but they did not expect him to pamper a woman that way. No other man would be willing to push their woman from the operating theater to the ward.

Johann shook his head as he watched Luke's back.

That man was mired too deep in the trap of love. There would be no redemption for him.

At night, in the hospital ward.

The moonlight outside was serene and gentle.

All was quiet in the ICU ward, except for the gentle hum of the ventilator, the soft lamplight, and the man's loving gaze...

Luke stood in front of Bianca’s bed. The lamp on the wall cast a long shadow on him, covering the entirety of Bianca's frail body.

He was not his usual unemotional self. His brows were tightly furrowed, and his gaze was transfixed on Bianca's dried lips. A long time later, he dipped a cotton swab in some water and moistened her lips.

Bianca's lips used to be tender and supple, like a fresh ripe peach. It had never been so dry.

Luke carefully tucked her into the blanket. He took her left hand that was not connected to a drip and placed it next to his lips.

Bianca's fingernails were as pale as her face.

Johann came into the ward, followed by the hospital director.

Johann greeted Luke, then asked for Bianca's condition and checked her vitals after the operation.

Then, he smiled at Luke and said, "Your third baby is really tenacious.

Usually, the baby would have to be aborted after such a serious accident, and the mother would need a curettage procedure, which might lead to infertility in the future. I didn't expect that the baby would cling on to the mother so stubbornly."

Johann was indeed quite surprised.

The baby should not have survived the car crash. Miraculously, it still had a heartbeat when he tried to resuscitate Bianca.

Luke's body finally gave a response.

He placed his palm on top of the blanket, covering Bianca’s abdomen. His gaze turned gentle as he looked at the slight bulge.

Their third baby had suffered such a misfortune even before it was born.

After Bianca gave birth, they would make it up for the baby by pampering it.

"Thank you for your hard work today." Luke turned around to look at Johann. The gratitude in his eyes was palpable. "When will she regain consciousness?’

Johann smiled cheerfully. ’Don't worry. She'll be awake by tomorrow. My day has been hard indeed; I had just finished a major operation overseas, and your emergency call summoned me back here. I'm almost collapsing from exhaustion after two major operations back to back. How about some compensation, Bro? For example, you can give me a sweet kiss..." 2 "You can get lost now!' Luke frowned, and the gratitude in his eyes lessened.

Johann smiled. "Tsk tsk, ditching me after I've outlived my usefulness.

You're so cruel!" "Um, Dr. Stiles, are you free tomorrow? Can I trouble you for half an hour to discuss some academic problems..." The respected hospital director was currently passing things to Johann like his lackey.

The hospital director had complete admiration for Johann.

The old hospital director was one of the most influential doctors in A City. He was renowned both in and out of the country, which led him to be prideful. Today, he realized that he still had much to learn.

The young doctor looked no more than thirty years old, but his medical skills were shocking.

However, the hospital director was also surprised that such a skillful doctor had never appeared in major international conferences.

Johann smiled elegantly at the hospital director. "You don't have to be so formal with me, Director. I'm only an unremarkable doctor. Right, my last name isn't Stiles. It's Park."

Many people had referred to him as "Doctor Stiles’ using his middle name, and Johann was used to it.

His true last name was Park.

Of course, he was very unwilling to mention that last name. Those memories belonged in the deepest corner of his mind.

"Sis is stabilized now, so you don't have to worry too much. I'll go home and rest. I’m so tired..." Johann Park covered his mouth and yawned as he spoke. Then, he left the ward.

Naturally, the hospital director followed him out.

After they left, Luke's gentle gaze turned cold and hostile.

'Who is the one who dares to harm my wife? 1 'They must have a death wish!' i

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