Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!

Chapter 131 - She Had No Idea That He Watched Her from His Office Window for A Solid Four Years

Chapter 131 - She Had No Idea That He Watched Her from His Office Window for A Solid Four Years

Chapter 131: She Had No Idea That He Watched Her from His Office Window for A Solid Four Years

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Song Yu’s happiness was a sight Zhou Mingyan abhorred; she was fine with Jian Yi casting Song Yu aside and she could live with it if Song Yu married someone else, but she simply could not accept it when she saw Song Yu being happier than Jian Yi and was in a much better position than him.

However, it was virtually impossible because she was with Qi Chengzhi. He would one day be the head of the family, and if Song Yu married him, she would become the matriarch! That was not something worse off at all!

In the future, would Jian Yi not have to answer to Song Yu?!

She did not expect her ploy to fail so terribly and invite upon herself the ridicule of others.

All Zhou Mingyan could do was laugh dryly and explain that she did not mean it like that.



Qi Chengyue was thoroughly unhappy, seeing as she flung her belongings into the bag with all her might. It was messy and almost full.

“What is wrong with your mom! She’s trying to make us look bad on purpose! She thinks she’s so smart, right? We’ve already told her that we’re coming here in the afternoon and going there at night, and yet she came here just to say all that stuff! What the hell is she trying to do? She’s even cooked a tableful of dishes, who in the world told her to do that? We’ve already said that we won’t be having lunch with them!”

Jian Yi frowned and massaged his temples. “She’s anxious to see us.”

“But the way she does it is like our family is the unreasonable one!” Qi Chengyue’s anger increased exponentially, and she continued to feel even angrier inside her heart.

“You need to understand her a bit more. I’m her only son, she’s going to take it to heart. No matter how much you despise the things she did, she’s still my mother. Be patient with her. We won’t be staying with them much after all, so you won’t be meeting her too often. The least you could do if we’re with her is to let her be a little bit happier.” Jian Yi sighed.

Qi Chengyue remained silent due to her anger. Patience went both ways, so if she was patient with Zhou Mingyan, Zhou Mingyan should be patient with her too. Otherwise, why would Qi Chengyue have to always give way for Zhou Mingyan?

She would admit her wrong if she did something wrong, but there was nothing she did wrong in the first place! Zhou Mingyan was the one who made all that fuss, so Qi Chengyue would not be patient and have any of it!

Though her mind thought of all that, she still tried hard to suppress her anger. She tried her best to smile at him as she went over to hug his waist. “I know. I’ll do my best to be a better daughter-in-law. If I did something that isn’t right and your mom scolded me, please don’t condemn me, okay?”

She looked up at him with her tender, pitiful face. It was more than capable of stirring one’s heart.

Jian Yi did not know what to think. He patted her on her back half-heartedly and said, “Okay.”



After Jian Yi and Qi Chengyue left with Zhou Mingyan, Guan Liya ignored Song Yu’s presence and grumbled unhappily. “What kind of person is she! Such thick skin! I’m really worried that they won’t treat Qi Chengyue right!”

Qi Youxuan looked at Guan Liya and said softly, “Auntie doesn’t look like she’s in a good mood.”

“That’s what I’m worried about. If Chengyue was not so naïve, she might be able to bear with Jian Yi’s mother and maybe even please her a bit. Everything will be okay.” The old man drank some tea and said, “But Chengyue is still a spoilt child. She won’t back off from an argument if she has a point. And even if she doesn’t have a point, she still won’t back off. Jian Yi’s mother doesn’t seem like a good character either. Chengyue might be able to bear with her at first, but when push comes to shove and a real argument breaks out, I think it’ll be hard for her and Jian Yi.”

The old lady turned to Guan Liya. “Make sure to phone Chengyue up more often these two days. From the looks of it, I’m guessing his mother will want to ‘teach’ Chengyue how to be a good daughter-in-law. Call her so she has an outlet to vent her frustrations, otherwise, she’ll only have Jian Yi to complain to, and it’ll be trouble if she continues to do that for a long time.”

Guan Liya agreed immediately.

Qi Chengzhi got up, said his goodbyes, and left with Song Yu.



When she was alone in the car with Qi Chengzhi, Song Yu could not help but think about what Jian Yi told her.

Qi Chengzhi looked at her and extended his hand to hold her hand. “What are you thinking about?”

He scrutinized Song Yu’s reaction, but she neither hid from him nor hesitated. Instead, she turned her hand palm up and held his hand.

Once Song Yu looked up and saw his handsome and elegant face, the doubts within her heart dissipated immediately.

His face remained expressionless—he looked calm and composed as opposed to stern. The strength of his grip quieted the storm incited by Jian Yi in her heart.

“Nothing.” Song Yu shook her head and smiled tensely. She looked down at his fair-skinned palms and rubbed her thumb gently against the back of his hand.

Afraid that he might misunderstand, she added on, “I’m just thinking about this and that, nothing in particular. It’s nothing important.”

He held her even tighter than before. “You don’t wanna talk about it?”

Song Yu stared at him in shock. Qi Chengzhi’s gaze was fixed on the road and his expression was unchanging, but the words he said made her feel as though he already knew all about the conversation that happened in the backyard.

Judging from Qi Chengzhi’s demeanor however, she remained unable to discern his inner thoughts.

She did not want Jian Yi’s words to affect her feelings with Qi Chengzhi. In light of her having thought things through and choosing not to believe Jian Yi’s words, there was absolutely no need for her to tell Qi Chengzhi, for it might only make him think that she suspected him and believed Jian Yi.

Song Yu observed the nooks and crannies of his face. It was like a beautiful carving of a great artist. “It’s nothing important. Really. I’m not taking it to heart. And...”

She looked down and took his large hand into both of her own. She then looked up at him with a face that was both quiet and serious. “No matter what happens and no matter what others say, I’ll always believe you.”

She felt his hand tense up as he held her, and it became almost as if it were completely inseparable.

A long silence then ensued. Qi Chengzhi seemed to have no intention of saying anything, so Song Yu dropped the matter eventually.

After some time had passed, Qi Chengzhi suddenly began speaking in an indifferent tone. “Qi Youxuan told me about everything that Jian Yi said to you in the backyard.”

Qi Chengzhi braked the car at the red light, and it was only then that he turned to Song Yu. Those captivating black pupils of his seemed to say, ‘I waited and waited for you to tell me about it on your own accord.’

“Since I didn’t believe a single word he said, I didn’t plan on telling you because I didn’t want you to doubt me.” Song Yu looked him in the eye and did not let her gaze waver. “Although you’re always doing whatever you like, you won’t ever do something bad to me.”

“He may have been able to tell me about the details of that day, but it doesn’t mean that what he said were definitively true. Sometimes, a little bit of truth mixed in with some lies makes it that much more believable.”

The light turned green and Qi Chengzhi placed his hand back on the steering wheel. However, he made a turn in a different direction, stopping by the side of the road.

Curious, Song Yu was just about to say something when his fingers unfastened his seatbelt and his scent came crashing onto her. His enigmatic black pupils were raging with fire, and the inside of which had warmth, gratitude, and an intense emotion that could not be put into words. Song Yu trembled gently under his gaze, and before she could even say anything, he kissed her and stirred her mouth with complete abandon.

Such devilish kisses made her face blush hard.

Qi Chengzhi cupped her face in his hands, treasuring her as though he was holding the rarest jewel ever. Her words, and her unconditional trust toward him, was so touching that his heart nearly popped out of his chest. The warmth within his body began bursting forth uncontrollably.

In the depths of his emotion lies a fear of losing her, thus came his fervent kisses. The back of Song Yu’s head was pressed so hard against the car window that it was nearly hurting.

He had no idea how or why a good woman like Song Yu could exist in the world; he truly wondered how lucky he must have been to have met her. He would feel such regret if he did not have her, and he did not want to entertain the alternate outcome of his failure.

She trusted him unconditionally and wholeheartedly once she fell for him, and she was one hundred percent devoted to him.

Some men would take women like her for granted as time went by—they would not cherish her properly—but Qi Chenghi would treasure her until his own heart began hurting. josei

Finally, his energy somewhat relented, and he caressed her lips with his own. His charismatic gaze met her eyes and he began speaking in a husky voice, “Thank you for trusting me. You must trust me in the future too. Whether it’s the past, the present, or the future, the things that I do will never be something that’s not for your good.”

Song Yu’s soft hand slid across his elbow and up until they reached the back of his hand. Her fingertips squeezed in between his palm and her cheek; she grasped his hand and brought it to her lips, planting gentle pecks all over the joints of his fingers.

Soon after, she lifted her head and gazed upon the closeness of his face to her. Only a few millimeters separated their lips. If she pouted, she would have been able to kiss his lips.

“I won’t believe the bad things that people tell me. I’ll only believe what you say. Other people might lie to me, but you won’t,” she said softly.

Qi Chengzhi kissed her forcefully and his hands took on a mind of their own as they grabbed her waist and advanced toward her ribs.

“We originally agreed to go to your parents’ home, but how about we go back home first, and then go to your parents’ home at night?” His lips caressed against hers and his hoarse voice suggested.

Song Yu’s lips were shuddering uncontrollably, and both her hands pushed him as she said, “Don’t fuss. My mom and dad are waiting for us.”

Chuckling softly, there was still a hint of huskiness in his crisp yet rich voice. With it, his light breaths tickled the corner of her mouth, making her feel an intense tingling.

Song Yu’s red and lovable face was right beneath his eyes. The heated passion that she exuded was warming his lips up, and in the process, intensified the scent emanating from his skin.

Qi Chengzhi’s heart pounded incessantly and he could not resist planting a flurry of tiny pecks all over her face. He did so continuously and without pause. Not a single pore stood out on her silky-smooth cheek. Her face was devoid of makeup, and it was a natural tone reminiscent of an ordinary face, post-facial care. There were none of those artificial colors that were characteristic of so many cosmetics. Whenever he kissed her, his mouth would never be filled with powder or anything of the sort; it was so raw that he could not get enough of it.

He looked at how dainty and beautiful she was, but felt a dread surfacing from the depths of his heart—he was afraid that Song Yu might leave him one day.

A momentary loss of self-control led him to embrace her tightly. Song Yu was startled by his action and she could sense a change in his emotions. She felt soreness in her bones due to his forcefulness, and with great difficulty, she patted him on the back to console him. “What is it?”

Qi Chengzhi took a deep breath and breathed in her fragrant hair. He seemed to calm down significantly after that. His head swiveled slightly, and he planted a kiss on her cheek with all his might. After savoring the sweet smell of her skin, he finally got up.

With the seatbelt fastened, he once again began driving. As he was driving, his handsome fingers held her hand and brought it to his lips so he could kiss them.

He sneaked a glance at Song Yu, whose hair was in a complete mess. Since one hand was held by him, her freedom was somewhat restricted as she used her other hand to tidy up her hair. Some parts were still fluffy and poking out, and she looked quite silly, and endearingly so.

“I’m going to France next Friday.” His voice was still husky.

His business trips were not at all frequent; during the time they got together, he only went overseas twice.

The first time was when their relationship was still in the early stages. It was not too steady yet, and most of the time Song Yu was still passive. Therefore, she did not feel any reluctance to part with him.

On the second occasion, the two of them were officially together, but their feelings were not as intense as it was now. She did miss him back then, but it was a far cry from the emptiness she would feel if he was gone for a few days. She even had a slight trepidation that she would forget what it was like to be alone again if he was not by his side.

The two of them had been together for only a couple of months, but unbeknownst to her, he had become an inseparable part of her life.

It was as though he had assimilated into every inch of her, and if he left, a tiny piece of her soul would disappear too.

“How long will you be gone?” She looked at him but tried her utmost best not to display her reluctance.

Qi Chengzhi was still able to see it in her eyes. He answered crisply, “Five days.”

He sensed her exerting slightly more force when gripping him and saw how she held her head low. Qi Chengzhi’s dry yet elegant thumb rubbed the back of her hand, eliciting trembles from her satiny skin.

“Come with me,” he implored.

Song Yu looked up in disbelief. She squeezed his fingers lightly and said, “I still need to work. Even though I don’t need to check up on Qilin’s hotel project every day, anything can happen at any given time.”

“Ask Zhao Rongcheng for five days’ leave. If he doesn’t agree, I’ll personally look for him,” Qi Chengzhi remarked plainly.

Song Yu giggled, thereby reducing the amount of reluctance in her eyes.

“You’re going there for work. What am I going to do there?” Song Yu shook her head. “Don’t fuss about it, I won’t go. It’s only five days, it’ll pass by really quick.”

Qi Chengzhi turned around and no longer brought the subject up.



Back at Song Yu’s parents’ home, Song Yu felt a tad unaccustomed even though Qi Chengzhi had already slept there for one night. His lanky figure was like a pole in the house, and the originally-small house felt even more cramped with his presence.

Qi Chengzhi came out of his night shower and saw a kifu in Song Donglin’s possession. The latter donned his presbyopia glasses and was studying the kifu. Qi Chengzhi then went over and asked if he wanted to have a go.

Song Donglin was incredibly elated and he immediately told Qi Chengzhi to move a chair over. “Come, come. Song Yu’s mother doesn’t know how to play and neither do the neighbors, so most of the time at home, I’m all alone here studying this. Sometimes I get bored of it too. I never expected you to know how to play.”

“I learned it when I had nothing better to do,” Qi Chengzhi replied.

Song Donglin recalled how Qi Chengzhi had a near-photographic memory. His eyes twitched and he realized it was not a good idea to have around with Qi Chengzhi. At the same time, however, backing off was no option, as it would make him seem like a sore loser.

Unexpectedly, both rounds ended in a draw.

Song Donglin knew that Qi Chengzhi was going easy on him, all for the sake of Song Yu’s pride. After all, it was easy to lose at chess, but the intricate planning and brainpower needed for a draw made it doubly hard to force that outcome.

Song Donglin was pleased that he would go to such lengths just for Song Yu. After two rounds, they decided to call it a day.

“Go and rest. Calculating for a draw isn’t easy, and you’re pretty tired too,” Song Donglin smiled and said.

Qi Chengzhi smiled back. “It’s nothing. If in the future you want to play, please just come and look for me.”

Song Donglin shook his head and waved his hand; it would be awkward to have a go at it again in the future.

Qi Chengzhi went back to Song Yu’s room. She had just finished her shower and her hair was blown half-dry. The instant he entered the room, the smell of shower gel and shampoo greeted his nose.

Song Yu sat on top of the bed rather uneasily. The room was small, to begin with, and love seemed to be in the air the moment he entered. Even her breathing felt somewhat stifled, and she tried her best not to take too deep a breath, lest the atmosphere becomes even more amorous.

Since the night before was the first time that they have ever slept there, the nagging thought of Yu Qianying and Song Donglin’s presence prompted Qi Chengzhi to keep his hands to himself. The most he did was hug Song Yu and sleep. However, on the road back home today, his aura seemed to be turbulent, and she felt like he would not hold it all in that night. There was no doubt that they slept with each other countless times already, and they had already tried everything there was to try, but the feeling was different in her own home, it resembled...the nervousness newlyweds would feel on the first night together.

Qi Chengzhi found it ineffable that he felt the same thing. His heartbeat quickened and his breathing turned unsteady once he laid eyes upon her sitting on the side of the bed.

She was wearing her sleepwear, one that was vastly different from those that he chose for her; it had long sleeves and was more conservative, with a small image of a bear imprinted on it. Her half-dry hair draped over her back and her breasts, while her skin was a tender pink due to the warm water that she used for her bath.

A verse popped up spontaneously in his mind:

‘ Whose skin is white like ice or snow; whose grace and elegance are like those of a virgin. 1

She looked at him with those limpid and innocent eyes, the colors of which were distinctly monochrome. Those big eyes were a blast to the past as it brought to mind her high school days in Jiaxia High School.

At that time, Qi Chengzhi was still Jixia’s headmaster. His office was on the topmost floor of the school’s highest building. The view from his office covered nearly every nook and cranny of the entire school.

Students would congregate at the school cafeteria during lunchtime. He would usually stand beside the window, watching her laugh and chat with her friends while walking. She was graceful and charming when she donned Jixia’s school uniform.

When it was time for sports, he could also see the sports field through his window. He would look at her in her sportswear doing sports on the field.

She had no idea that he assumed the position of Jixia’s headmaster after he returned to the country and watched her from his office window for a solid four years. He resigned only when she left the school due to the Song family’s bankruptcy.

He had no reason to remain thereafter she was no longer at the school, so he took on the role of director at Qilin’s technology division. He continued to keep his eye on her, up until she went to Chengshi, to which he voluntarily requested a transfer to Qilin Properties, assuming the position of its director.

Just like that, he followed her every step of the way and constantly watched her.

That night, she was just like a girl in her late teens. Her face was so pure, so fair, and so tender. The way she looked at him ignited a roaring fire from the depths of his belly, and his rod had begun to stiffen up visibly. His pants were blatantly stretched taut from his towering protrusion.

Qi Chengzhi could not help but wonder if he was a filthy pervert, considering he had such a large reaction toward such a young girl.

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