Tyrannical Wang's Beloved Wife

Chapter 169.1

Chapter 169.1: One Arrow

Chapter 169.1: One Arrow

How would Jing Wan know that for the people by Li Hong Yuan’s side, to be able to have an opportunity to curry favor with her, in their eyes, was practically a rare honor. One has to know, by winning the future female master’s favor, if by chance you were to accidentally make a mistake, with just one word from her, you can be completely fine. Obtaining her favor, one can change in one shake, float up in promotion, struggling several years less than others. These were all enormous benefits. Moreover, wangye won’t stop them from doing this, in contrast, at certain times, he would even express an attitude of letting them actively go do it. As such, who would not rush forward? If one isn’t vigorous and quick-witted, what if someone else scrambles ahead of oneself? Then there will be nothing to cry over!

However, this task wasn’t one that Eunuch Mu can complete on his own either. Going into the waters to catch fish, this kind of thing, he just was unable to do, and for roasting fish, he also didn’t carry any seasoning on him used for roasting fish. That why, he needed the guards to come share the burden together. As for why the guards had seasoning for roasting fish on them, can tell you, as the leader of the guards, and at the same time, also hold the position as leader of the shadow guards, needing to take on tasks from time to time, he’s long been forced to raise it into a habit. Of course, that was all seasoning for roasting meat. Speaking of which, roasting meat and roasting fish should be more or less the same, right?

In any case, some essential things for the outdoors, if can’t be found anywhere else, one can definitely find it on him.

Thus, Eunuch Mu, even if he’d gotten more than half the ‘contributions’ stolen from him, still could only pinch his nose and admit to it.

Jing Wan’s servant girls also didn’t rest, entering the forest and quickly gathering back a pile of dry firewood, setting up a fire pit, directly and efficiently lighting a fire. Never mind for Bai Shao and Hei Mei, who once frequently roamed through the mountains and forests, where this kind of things was just elementary, even for Jing Wan’s original four servant girls, having mingled with Jing Wan in Qi’an Fu, this kind of thing, they didn’t do any less of either. That’s why, from their movements, one really couldn’t tell they were first-ranked servant girls from the inner manor.

One has to know, the first-ranked servant girls of upper class wealthy households, they were even more delicate than many pretty daughters of humble families.

The little creek in front wasn’t deep to begin with, so naturally don’t count on finding some big fish. To be able to catch a fish was already pretty good.

However, it was very obvious, An Yi’s skills in fish catching still haven’t maxed out, so further don’t need to mention the other few that were just ordinary bodyguards. Even after discovering traces of fish with great difficulty, encircling and blocking off, they still weren’t able to have the fish scooped up, even having the waters stirred up, and losing the fish’s shadow. Master and the future female master were both watching from the shores, but not only did they fail in showing off their skills, they even made it awkward.

“Idiots.” Li Hong Yuan faintly spoke, but didn’t directly lash out.

Jing Wan casted Li Hong Yuan a glance, was this okay to say about your own people? They followed you in and out all day, protecting your safety, so even if there weren’t contributions, there should still be hard work at least. Besides, they’re just bodyguards, and not omnipotent. “If unable to catch, then just forget about it. Why don’t you all just come up.” She was just reminiscing a bit, that’s all, and wasn’t really craving to eat.

Jing Wan’s words, Li Hong Yuan naturally won’t retort, his gaze shifting to that bunch of idiots. Having obtained an ‘advantage’ today, afraid, in the future, they’ll increasingly want to curry favor with Wan Wan. However, seeing the idiots still standing in the water, looking to one another in dismay, and afterwards, carefully looking to him, waiting for him to issue an order, really were appearing increasingly stupid. “Are you all deaf and didn’t hear?”

Very good, the verdict came. In the future, it’ll all be with the female master’s word as the number one priority.

However, with the socks and shoes all wet, and the clothes half wet, even if in the middle of summer, it’s still uncomfortable wearing them. But it was very clear, right now, they could only endure it. And for them, this wasn’t that big of deal either. Want to ask why they didn’t take off their shoes and socks before going into the waters? Hehe, to be ‘indecent’ in front of the female master, this was wanting to die, wanting to die, or wanting to die?

“Miss, how about letting this servant try?” Hei Mei volunteered, carrying a bit of expectation as she looked to Jing Wan.

The two sisters, in the past, grew up in the mountains. That unrestrained carefreeness, afraid, ever since becoming destitute and desperate, they never had the chance to enjoy anymore. After all these years, afraid they’ve long become stifled. Although somewhat inappropriate, however, so what if she lets them occasionally indulge themselves? Jing Wan gently smiled, “Fine, go then.”

Hei Mei was excited, quickly walking to the creekside, crouching down. Pressing her hand on the ground, she sprung herself forward, steadily landing in the waters. Kicking the water under her feet, she unconsciously hooked her lips. It was clear, this kind of feeling made her very much reminisce, and also very much enjoy.

Unintentionally, her true nature was set free even more. With that kind of charisma, carrying unruliness and liveliness, and her rather unique beauty, Jing Wan believed, very few men would not be attracted by her. By the time Jing Wan realized this bit, her heart jumped, and subconsciously looked towards Li Hong Yuan, yet unexpectedly, met with his two eyes, that after scattering the malicious aura, was just like the night sky. Seemingly at times unbeknownst to her, he was still this focused in staring at her the whole time, making Jing Wan can’t help but blush a little. Ever since she encountered this bastard, she would from time to time be teased into blushing. As expected, she was also a face-lover[1] that can’t be more common.

Li Hong Yuan hooked his lips into a smile, “What was Wan Wan thinking of just now?”

“Nothing.” Can she say that she was worrying about him having ideas about her own servant girl?

Have to say, Li Hong Yuan’s gaze really was on Jing Wan’s face the whole time. That split second reaction was practically too obvious, so would Li Hong Yuan not be able to tell what she was thinking? His gaze landed on Hei Mei, who was already in the waters searching for a target. Based on that previous appearance of hers, Li Hong Yuan originally wasn’t planning on having her sent to Wan Wan’s side. However, her martial art skills were indeed stronger than her older sister’s, and also much stronger than the other specially trained servant girls. Thinking that Wan Wan wasn’t that kind of shallow person, he decided to temporarily send her over and see. If she truly didn’t like, they can just switch the person. Just, as expected, Wan Wan was indeed different, practically can be considered ‘changing something rotten into something magical’. Saying this perhaps was a bit exaggerated, but for someone who was originally even a bit unbearable to look at to become an unconventional type of beauty, this was an indisputable fact. “This servant girl of yours is rather beautiful in a special way.”

“Wangye overpraises.” Jing Wan’s voice was a bit cold.

“How about giving her to me?” Li Hong Yuan said with a bit of amusement.

“Keep dreaming.” Jing Wan’s voice wasn’t just a bit cold, but rather absolutely frozen, even containing ice in her eyes. But because she was infuriated, she didn’t really noticed the complete lack of emotions in his eyes.

Those who weren’t in the know, all wiped a sweat for Jing Wan, especially the servant girls, quickly circling forward, seemingly as if Li Hong Yuan were to dare do a bit of something, they’ll go all out against him. Hei Mei who was in the waters was also the same, appearing as if she’ll explode at any moment. However, in her expression, there was also a bit of helplessness. After all, it was her that caused the dispute between miss and the future guye[2].

And those in the know, all couldn’t help wiping a handful of sweat in the bottom of their heart. Master, if you have Miss Luo angered, once she gives you the cold shoulder, you definitely won’t bear to do anything to her, so when time comes, it’s still you that will suffer, and the ones to suffer even more calamity will also be us. You’re already covered all over in dirty water, and to want to wash clean, still don’t know how long it’ll take. Please don’t go looking for death, and also please let us off.

“This is getting jealous?” Li Hong Yuan was like as if he didn’t see their reaction, looking to Jing Wan, calm and unruffled in the midst of chaos.

“Wangye, it’s best to not imagine that your love is reciprocated.” Jing Wan sneered.

Jing Wan’s attitude made even the Commander of the Imperial Guards, who was standing nearby with his hand holding onto the handle of the sword at his waist, all can’t help but look over. The Jin Qinwang previously that was outrageously gentle to his own fiancee had already made him rather shocked inside. However, as the Commander of the Imperial Guards, the time he spent in the palace was very long, so towards Jin Qinwang’s usual temperament, his impression was furthermore deep. Going against him hard-on-hard definitely wasn’t a wise decision. Even he couldn’t help but wipe a handful of cold sweat for Jing Wan. However, he had his own duties. This wasn’t something he should interfere in, nor was it something he can meddle in. After all, the matters between fiancees, he as an outside male stepping in, would only worsen the matter even more, causing trouble with purely good intentions.

“Tsk, Jing Wan doesn’t care for oneself, instead worrying about your servant girl getting defiled by this prince.” Although he’d long known it was this outcome, his heart was still a bit sour. He also thought that since he’d already experienced everything, including death, his heart won’t be able to be hurt by anything. And in reality, ever since starting over again, there really weren’t anyone that was able to shake him up in the slightest, and he was also long prepared to grind to the end with Jing Wan. During this process, regardless of how she will be, it similarly won’t be able to hurt him either, or so he thought. But, in the end, he still overestimated himself, and underestimated Jing Wan’s influence towards him.

Li Hong Yuan’s words made Jing Wan’s anger slightly subside. Afterwards, she finally noticed that his expression was a bit off. He was still the same him, just, she kept feeling that he was somewhat hurt. Was this her imagination?

“Jing Wan in the past has never met me before, and towards my matters, it’s also all heard from other people’s mouths. All say, view what one sees as the truth, and what one hears as false. Not to mention, sometimes, what one sees may not necessarily be true either. So why rashly come to a conclusion? I thought, you would be different from others. I’m imagining that one’s feelings are reciprocated[3]? Perhaps so.”

This show of weakness made Jing Wan instantly feel helpless. This script was changing too fast, she was somewhat unable to follow-up.

Li Hong Yuan reached out to rub her face, unknown as to what kind of mentality this was due to. Jing Wan didn’t avoid. Li Hong Yuan smiled, “Just joking with you, even taking it seriously. ——-I’m going to step away for while.” Li Hong Yuan stood up and didn’t linger, directly leaving. And very soon, his figure was blocked by the trees. josei

[1] 颜控 – I thought of lots of ways to translate this word, face-con, face-philia, face obsessor, etc. It just means someone who is obsessed with face, or more precisely good-looking faces.

[2] Guye – The wife’s family’s address for the future son-in-law, also what the servants address their miss’s husband. Tbh I try to avoid using the pinyin for this as much as possible. It’s pronounced as ‘goo-yeh’.

[3] There’s a lot of nuance lost with this translation of the phrase 自作多情; an alternate definition I found was ‘showering affection on an uninterested party’, but this also isn’t a good fit in my opinion, because both these translations are sorta describing the scenario in which this idiom can be used in. A literal translation would be ‘self assuming lots of affections/feelings’, basically someone one-sidedly assuming that there are lots of feelings/affection in between and one-sidedly expressing all kinds of tenderness and affection out of one’s own wishful thinking. This expression isn’t just limited to romantic feelings but all kinds of feelings. For example, if you try to one-sidedly help your friend, but they don’t acknowledge your help, you can get called this.

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