Tyrannical Wang's Beloved Wife

Chapter 207.2

Chapter 207.2: Preventing Trouble From the Mouth, Returning

Chapter 207.2: Preventing Trouble From the Mouth, Returning

The family ruined and destitute, forced from home and wandering the streets, everything that one painstakingly struggled for all erased without a trace. In her past life, the survivors perhaps could still settle down again, and to say something unpleasant, those that originally were just getting by day to day, waiting for death, perhaps could even borrow this opportunity to live a better life, but what about those in pain from losing their loved ones? However, what about those refugees at present, what will they do? Perhaps, having a worn-out tent to temporarily live in, and having a bowl of thin porridge mixed with sandstone, clear enough to reflect one’s appearance, to drink was already considered very fortunate……………..

Recalling those scenarios, Jing Wan was somewhat absentmindedly lost in thought. Unknown as to what she thought of, tears actually soundlessly fell from the corner of her eyes. And Sun Yi Jia, who was idly chatting with her, was startled, “What’s wrong little sister Wan?”

Jing Wan return to her sense, finally noticing that she’d actually cried, hurriedly using the handkerchief to wipe her tears, smiling, “I’m fine.”

“If you’re fine, why would you cry for no reason then?” Sun Yi Jia was a bit worried.

“Just heard grandfather say, the scope of the flood is too big, with hundreds of thousands of people with no home to return to, and also don’t know how many people will die, so it’s inevitable to feel a bit sorrowful.” Jing Wan lowered her head and took a sip of water, her mood slightly gloomy.

“Little sister Wan has always been a soft-hearted and kind person, so it’s hard to avoid feeling sad when hearing these things, but this kind of thing, we also can’t do anything about either. Don’t worry too much, else it won’t be good to damage your spirit.” Sun Yi Jia consoled.

Jing Wan lifted her head and looked to her, a bit between laughter and tears. What was all this, it’s not like she was a saint bemoaning the state of the universe and pitying the fate of mankind. In reality, it was nothing more than having recalled some things from her past life. Looks like, regardless of when, these ‘lies’ all can’t be reckless said, else it’ll definitely ’cause trouble for oneself’. “Don’t know if we’ll return to the capital ahead of time?”

“Not sure, if the situation is truly too serious, needing his Majesty to oversee in the capital to further facilitate the mobilization on all sides, then most likely will return earlier. If his Majesty’s imperial decree goes smoothly with no obstruction, and there’s no slip-ups in the capital, then staying in the imperial summer residence should also be the same. Because of summer pains, from as long as one can remember, for the most part, we would always come here to avoid the summer heat every year. Unsure whether it was just luck, but we’ve never encountered anything major happening during these two months that would require for us to return to the capital early.” Sun Yi Jia softly said.

“Then, according elder sister-in-law’s words, I’m just unlucky, coming here for the first time and just encountering something major?”

“What nonsense are you saying.” Sun Yi Jia somewhat sternly berated, afterwards reaching out to pinch her, “This mouth of yours, how come you’re just not able to properly guard it, saying all kinds of nonsense. During such times, similar words are especially avoided as taboo. If someone were to hear, and if they were to recklessly pass on the words, perhaps might just have the matter of the flood pinned on your head, and when time comes, will just drag you off to sacrifice to the heavens in order to calm the heaven’s anger. Don’t say I’m just using frightening words to scare people, this kind of thing, it’s not like this kind of thing has never happened before.”

“Elder sister-in-law, I was wrong, really wrong, don’t dare to make careless remarks anymore.” Jing Wan hurriedly begged for forgiveness. She also realized these words of hers were inappropriate. The people at present were just this superstitious.

And the thing Sun Yi Jia mentioned, Jing Wan also knew a bit about. When she was little, her grandmother had told her before, and it actually even happened not long after Qi Yuan’s founding. The cause of that matter was also just a casual joke-like line, but in the end, caused a huge ruckus. However, the reason why it brought about that kind of outcome was still because of factors from many sides.

Before the Great Ancestor’s mountains and rivers completely stabilized, a large earthquake had just happened to take place, precisely during the large-scale drafting for the imperial harem. And the place where the earthquake took place just had a single girl, her talent suppressing the mass, her beauty overshadowing all flowers. But when it comes to status and qualifications, she at most could only be a palace maid. Yet, in the end, she was made into an imperial harem candidate by exception. And when she first entered the palace, the Great Ancestor inadvertently ‘fell in love at first sight’ with her. In merely just a few short days, inside and outside the imperial palace practically all knew of this girl’s existence. Moreover, before the final confirmation, the Great Ancestor already bestowed mountains of things. Such a person definitely was a great threat.

And after that, the earthquake occurred. That girl was merely just worried about her family, and a line of ‘how come an earthquake occurred right after leaving’, just became the start of the tragic fate. Someone just grabbed onto these words, saying she was the Goddess of the Ninth Heaven[1], and when the time came, should’ve just return to the heavens. Yet, in the end, when the heavens came to retrieve her, discovering that she’d left her homeland, her whereabouts unknown, they descended with a thundering rage. Only by having her sent back to the heavens will this disaster finally be settled. josei

How laughable and unreliable of a remark, yet it just had to get worse and worse. Under the manipulation of the people with ulterior motives, the people that knew became more and more, and the people that believed also became more and more. So much so that there was even the commoners’ letter of request presented before the Great Ancestor, asking to have Xuan Nu[1] sent back to the heavens. Regardless how furious the Great Ancestor was, and how unwilling, under that kind of pressure, he had no other choice.

Thus, a prestigious and vast ceremony of sacrifice was conducted, and the beautifully dressed ‘Xuan Nu’ was burned alive.

Although this matter was deliberate yet unintentional, that girl threatened too many people’s interests. In those people’s eyes, it was practically just ‘discontent until gone’. And even if there wasn’t this line from her, afraid someone would’ve still had this matter forcibly planted on her. However, one can still sufficiently prove ‘trouble came from the mouth’. After all, her one line saved quite a bit of troubles for certain people.

Right now was also a special time. One slip-up, and this matter will just be blamed on Le Cheng Emperor’s head. Perhaps not long after, he’ll just issue a ‘decree of guilt’. But if someone were to come shoulder the pot for him, he was still very willing, although this matter getting forcibly tied to Jing Wan was indeed very far-fetched.

But once these strange and ineffable things happen, it really was just very hard to control.

Jing Wan chose to quietly shut her mouth.

And precisely at this time, the servant girl by Luo Old Madam’s side came to invite them to the main courtyard.

Sun Yi Jia’s pregnancy has already passed three months. Although because of her mother’s incident, nearly had a miscarriage, and afterwards, carefully tending to until now, it still finally stabilized, no longer needing to be that careful and cautious.

When they arrived at the main courtyard, they two of them saw Luo Old Madam with a happy look on her face, and by her hand, there was even an already opened letter. And before they even performed their etiquette, Luo Old Madam just excused them first.

“Grandmother, this is having encountered something good?” Jing Wan asked carrying a slight smile.

“Your eldest sister-in-law gave birth the day before yesterday, it’s a son, the mother and child both well.” Luo Old Madam said with a smile.

“This is indeed a joyous matter.” The two of them both said, agreeing by chance.

That was the Luo family’s fourth generation. For this first one to already be a golden grandson, for families that valued an heir, valuing lineage, it was a good omen. In reality, this pregnancy of little Wang-shi’s was already late. Calculating the days, she should’ve given birth about half a month ago. Because her situation previously has always been not too good, they worried that she would give birth prematurely. But who knew that as the date approached, there was actually no movement at all. They weren’t in the capital, so the specifics of the situation, they didn’t know. Just a few days ago, Jing Wan just saw a somewhat worried look on her own grandmother’s face, most likely also worrying whether or not something had happened. However, since on the capital side, they didn’t send a letter to explain, as the elders of the family, they also didn’t send a letter back to inquire either. And as the head of the family, Head Minister Luo, he probably already forgotten about this matter due to the flood. Seemingly everyone was all tacitly prepared for the worst case scenario.

“Grandmother, how’s the child’s body?” Jing Wan somewhat carefully asked.

“The letter said, although just five catty in weight, but when born, cried very energetically. The doctor had also carefully examined the child’s body, just a little thin, with no other problems. After properly tending to, in not long, will certainly be able to raise into a little chubby baby.” Luo Old Madam really wasn’t someone who would completely express their emotions on the outside, yet at this time, one was still able to clearly sense her good mood.

(T/N: One catty is about 600g so five catty is about 3kg, or 6.6lbs)

As such, it naturally couldn’t be better. However, Jing Wan still had a secret worry inside. She wasn’t sure whether or not the first several months was lead poisoning. If it was, will it leave behind some residual effect on the child? However, right now, it was also just thinking about it. She didn’t understand too well either. Regardless whether there was a problem or not, as the Luo family’s child, and even the first branch’s eldest grandson, he will certainly be properly raised to adulthood.

[1] 九天玄女 – Xuan Nu, a high ranking goddess in chinese mythology, also known as the Goddess of the Ninth Heaven; the ninth heaven is the highest level of the heavens.

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