Tyrannical Wang's Beloved Wife

Chapter 215.3

Chapter 215.3: Comparable to Severing All Relations

Chapter 215.3: Comparable to Severing All Relations

Luo Rong Yan blankly stood in the same spot. Towards his wife, his daughter still carried a ‘hating the iron for not becoming steel’ attitude, but towards him, she seemingly just completely ignored?! He always knew that his daughter didn’t like concubines, tongfangs, and such. He once thought that it was because of her mother, but afterwards, he learned that this was just a portion of the reason. In her bones, she just detested these. He once thought, the father-daughter feelings between them were still pretty good. After all, others shouldn’t be able to affect this share of familial love between them, but turns out, this wasn’t the case either. Right now, afraid, it has already turned into disgust.

He’d always thought that his wife and concubines were harmonious, and although he didn’t have many children, it wasn’t few either. Setting the smaller ones aside, his eldest son and eldest daughter were both extremely outstanding. For his entire life, he was free and unfettered, yet was able to obtain what others may not necessarily be able to obtain even with great effort. How could he not be proud, even showing off in front of some friends before. And looking at it now, he was actually very laughable, very defeated, very incompetent, and perhaps…………..even the kind of person that his own daughter looked down on the most.

Luo Rong Yan slightly returned to his senses, seeing his wife silently shedding tears. He knew, it was those ruthless words of their daughter’s that hurt her. He knew she loved him, this bit didn’t need to be doubted. In the past, she’s never really displayed jealousy before, but he’d felt it was normal. Recalling his daughter’s words, he suddenly felt, how abnormal.

“Asking older sister-in-law to please leave. In the future……….this whole family of relative, don’t do some meaningless things, having the relation grinded into nothing. In the Luo family, the person mother loves the most is precisely Wan Wan. If you really make her unhappy, without saying another word, mother will just stand up for her. You think, you, in my mother eyes, can have much weight? Moreover, father deeply respects mother, so mother’s influence towards father is extremely big. Similarly, Wan Wan is also the grandchild father likes the most, not surpassed by anyone.”

As long as one wasn’t a moron, who wouldn’t be able to understand the meaning in these words. It was just calmly stating a fact, but also a warning and threat. She and her husband brought their children and a younger sister-in-law into the capital, traveling thousands of miles. Could it be that it was just for the sake of sightseeing? Naturally, no.

In the beginning, when the Zhang family and the Luo family made marriage ties, Zhang father and Luo Pei Shan were of equal rank. But Zhang father, till his death, was still nothing more than just a high fourth rank, his descendants also average. Yet, Luo Pei Shan right now was a high first rank, and even the Head Minister of Appointments that was the head of the six ministries, extremely illustrious. This kind of wealth and honor, originally should’ve been hers, but at the time, it originally should’ve been her discussing marriage, yet it got stolen by her younger sister. How could she not hate, not get angry. “You……….” Her voice was a bit choked up, and her eyes filled with sorrow.

“Older sister-in-law, don’t put on such an appearance. The marriage arrangements at the time, I chose myself.” Luo Rong Yan coldly stated, “This kind of appearance of yours, not only Wan Wan dislikes, I also very much dislike, pretentious and putting on airs, further at such an age……………”

Luo Rong Yan inherently wasn’t one to have tender feelings towards the fairer sex. The more one cried, the more he felt it was unlucky.

Getting stabbed by an ordinary person, it was probably just getting wounded and shedding blood, but getting stabbed by the person one cares about, and even admire, that was just directly attacking the heart, and would make one painfully wish for death.

Sun Yi Jia coiled around Jing Wan’s arm, quietly walking in front, while Luo Jing Bo followed behind them. They knew Jing Wan’s mood wasn’t good, and thinking about it, it was indeed quite an infuriating matter. josei

When they were about to reach the main courtyard, Sun Yi Jia finally patted her hand and said, “Little sister Wan, don’t worry, on mother’s side, there’s still me. Moreover, I’m still just a daughter-in-law in the end, and although there’s also a layer of misgiving, for somethings, it’s instead easier to take care of.”

(T/N: I guess for Sun Yi Jia, Zhang-shi is still leagues better than her own mother.)

Jing Wan smiled. “Many thanks elder sister-in-law.” That, in the end, was still her mother. She’d stayed a period of time in her stomach and knew the pain she was in when giving birth to her. Speaking of which, they were just people with different systems of values in life, that’s all. There weren’t any other conflict. And although her mother wasn’t a qualifying mother, she still genuinely from the bottom of her heart loved her own children. Jing Wan knew, her own way of thinking, she shouldn’t forcibly impose upon others. Since she won’t listen to her mother’s views, then her mother naturally didn’t need to accept her way of thinking either. Each person had their own way of living.

Along the way, Jing Wan actually thought quite clearly. When unable to endure, the best way was to just stay far away. What the eyes doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over. In the future, it was probably just this way.

When Jing Wan and them arrived at the main courtyard, Luo Old Madam had also taken a short nap and had just gotten up not long ago. “How come came over at this time?” Afterwards, she even noticed that Jing Wan was a bit off. Others perhaps couldn’t tell, but towards Jing Wan, she understood too well. “What happened?”

Rather, it was actually Sun Yi Jia that very bluntly ‘complained’.

Towards that daughter-in-law, Luo Old Madam has long just thoroughly ignored. “What are you bothering with her for? Just do the things you as a daughter should do, the rest, whether it’s hardship or happiness, it’s all her own business. This the so-called, ‘people who walk different paths cannot make plans together’.”

“Grandmother, I’m fine, and this is also the last time.” Jing Wan said with a smile, “That’s right, grandmother, I plan on holding the coming-of-age ceremony after the mid-autumn festival. The various corresponding arrangements still need to trouble grandmother to worry over.”

“Hold the coming-of-age ceremony after the mid-autumn festival?” Luo Old Madam looked to Jing Wan, “I thought this would wait until the spring of next year, but shifting in advance a little isn’t that big of a deal either. This is a big occasion, grandmother will have it arranged grandly for you.”

Jing Wan kept feeling like her grandmother had seen through her, her face slightly reddening, “Many thanks grandmother.”

“In grandmother’s remaining years alive, aside from you, there are no other attachments.”

Jing Wan’s eyes slightly reddened, yet said with a smile, “These words of grandmother’s, if grandfather were to hear, won’t he be jealous?”

“Who cares about him.” Luo Old Madam very unconcernedly waved her hand. Seemingly in her eyes, that old man really wasn’t worth a cent.

The three of them whittled away the time at Luo Old Madam’s place, all the way until it was time for the evening meal.

And the Gu family staying as guests in the Luo Manor also formally kowtowed and paid their respects to the two elders with the highest position and status.

The Gu family, among the younger generation, aside from Gu Lian’er, there was another girl and three boys. Jing Wan rather wasn’t interested in caring whether they were di or shu. It had nothing to do with her after all. As long as they don’t provoke her, then naturally it’s living together in harmony. Since she had the words said that clearly, believe no one will blindly come annoy her either.

Just don’t know whether this maternal uncle-in-law already knew about the things she said or not. At the time, he had a younger sister present after all.

As the younger sister, learning that one’s own elder sister-in-law constantly thought of another man, one definitely would be very angry. But at the time, this girl didn’t have any reaction, and was even one that was short-sighted. As such, the possibility of her not telling her own older brother and using this as blackmail to seek even more benefits from her sister-in-law was instead even higher. Of course, one didn’t rule out the possibility of her truthfully telling him, and this man, if wanting to draw support from the Luo family, naturally will just endure it. After all, it was just thinking in her heart, and not actually giving him a green hat.

The two elders separately gave them greeting gifts, but Luo Old Madam was rather cold towards Gu Zhang-shi. Gu Zhang-shi’s expression was somewhat stiff, and now really didn’t dare go near Jing Wan. If they really were to be swept out the door, then just don’t even think about establishing themselves in the capital. They’d just arrived in the capital not long ago. Such flourishing extravagance, how could she bear to part with.

The evening meal was in the main courtyard, the male and female seating separate.

After the meal, they rather weren’t in a hurry to disperse, moving to the side hall as the servants prepared tea.

Luo Old Madam first asked about little Wang-shi and the child, and when Wang-shi expressed how about having the child brought over for her to see, Luo Old Madam expressed that she will go see tomorrow. The child was still small, carrying back and forth would easily frighten him. She then casually asked about some other matters in the home. Wang-shi has been managing the household for several years, and in these aspects, she naturally won’t make careless mistakes.

However, Luo Old Madam didn’t ask much, but Wang-shi still had each aspect all roughly explained.

The corresponding things for mid-autumn were also all prepared appropriately.

Luo Old Madam nodded her head, “Wan Wan’s coming-of-age ceremony will be held after mid-autumn. Eldest one’s wife, trouble you to work some more.”

Wang-shi rather very straightforwardly agreed, expressing she will handle it appropriately, even saying with a smile, “When time comes, this main guest will certainly be the Grand Elder Princess.”

The Grand Elder Princess was Jing Wan’s adoptive mother, and her status also couldn’t be more noble.

T/N: My suffering finally ends ;;;v;;;) It’s not that these chapters are bad, they are still very well written, and I can see the inherent value in them, at least what the author is trying to get across with them, but I personally just didn’t like translating them, well really I just hate that maternal aunt’s entire family, maybe because they are such cliche villains. Even towards Jing Wan’s parents I can understand them because they are just your average ancient people raised on Confucian philosophy, so I never felt they are completely at fault for how they are, and they inherently aren’t bad parents.

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