Tyrannical Wang's Beloved Wife

Chapter 314

Chapter 314: No Lack of Smart People

Chapter 314: No Lack of Smart People

If the Pei clan really wants to borrow Jin Qinwang to rise again, the best way was also the simplest, and perhaps the only way, by putting forth all of the Pei clan’s strength, helping him to the greatest extent, true and honestly. Don’t be causing random mischiefs, and no matter how big this ambition was, don’t reveal it either. Once the matter is complete, at worst it’s still accomplishing thirty percent. Even if it didn’t reach the anticipated height, based on the Pei clan’s special relation with Jin Qinwang, and the Pei clan’s great deal of talented individuals and concrete background, to once again become an illustrious clan in both reality and name was also only a matter of time.

The Pei clan leader precisely thought too much, schemed too much, and his ambitions also too big, having himself viewed too highly. Little did he know, the Pei clan’s strength, in Li Hong Yuan’s eyes, was actually even less than nothing. Moreover, Li Hong Yuan was the kind of person that possessed a very strong desire of control. For you to instead want to control him, then you can only just heheh.

Jing Wan just wanted to see the beauty, and this goal can be considered to have been met. As for her like or dislike towards this Miss Pei, because she didn’t know the other party’s specific thoughts, for the time being, still outside of consideration.

If just powerless to make one’s own decision, or being forced by the family, or perhaps having the family clan’s rise and fall carried on one’s shoulders, then still can be forgiven, but if………….

Seeing that it was about time, Jing Wan didn’t keep them any longer. Just, as they were leaving, she gave the two of them each a present, can be considered a greeting gift.

Afterwards, she let Gong mama personally send them out.

Just, on the walkway outside, they unexpectedly encountered Li Hong Yuan who was coming over to look for Jing Wan.

Even if they’d never seen Li Hong Yuan before, at this time, they should still be able to guess who he was, hurriedly stopping to greet.

Li Hong Yuan turned a blind eye and was just about to pass them, when he suddenly stopped by the Pei clan young lady’s side, “Lift your head.”

Generally speaking, this was actually very rude, but the other party’s status was esteemed, so there was simply no possibility of refusing. Moreover, wasn’t this precisely the situation Miss Pei wanted? After all, this was one’s future husband. Regardless as to what mentality she was stemming from, Miss Pei strangely tensed up, her palm faintly sweating a little, and her face unconsciously growing red. She seamlessly lifted her head, yet her line of sight shifted downwards, and didn’t directly look at Li Hong Yuan.

Li Hong Yuan studied for a moment, and seeing this behavior of hers, mocking hooked the corner of his mouth, turning to leave.

That Miss Pei’s heart was somewhat in a mess, not too certain what Li Hong Yuan’s first impression towards her was, shouldn’t be terrible, right?

Miss Pei was still lost in thought when Miss Min who was next to her pulled her, “Big sister Xiu Ying?”

Miss Pei returned to her sense, “It’s nothing, let’s go.”

Gong Mama glanced at her, inwardly sneering. Wangye just glanced at you once, that’s all, what else can there be? Really think wangye is a lustful lecher? Noticing you is just taking a fancy to you? The young ladies raised by the Pei clan really are increasingly lacking. Compared to Imperial Noble Consort back in the day, how was it just inferior in beauty? However, the Pei clan having ideas about wangye, afraid, wasn’t just one or two days either. This girl perhaps was specially instructed specifically for the sake of accomplishing certain goals. As such, the other party was just able to easily accept the fact that one was going to marry one’s biao uncle as a concubine? Large influential family? Illustrious clan? The greatest joke under the heavens!

Gong mama didn’t go down the third floor, just curtsying at the entrance of the stairs, and without waiting for the other party to speak, just turned back.

Miss Min opened her mouth, seemingly not knowing what she should say. Pausing for a moment, she ultimately softly opened her mouth in discontent, “Isn’t this a little too rude, and also Jin Qinwang…………” josei

“Yuan Yuan, guard your tongue.” Pei Xiu Ying softly interrupted Miss Min’s words, “Let’s go.” She reached out and held the other party’s wrist.

Li Hong Yuan went to go look for Jing Wan. Jing Wan was still sitting in the same place, propping up her chin, lost in thought.

Li Hong Yuan reached out and waved his hand in front of her face, “What is Wan Wan thinking about this seriously?”

Jing Wan lifted her head to look at him, hooking a shallow smile, “In the middle of reflecting on a beauty’s graceful bearing. Since Ah Yuan came over at this time, presumably also saw the person?”

Li Hong Yuan nodded, “Why the need to reflect on? If Wan Wan likes, I’ll let someone go peel that beauty skin and let you hang before your eyes, can even look at it daily.”

Jing Wan choked, is there a need to be this cruel? “This human skin is just a thin layer, think it’s the same as animal skin, able to be kept for a long time? It’s still better to keep on the person. At least it’ll be kept fresh.”

“Kept fresh?” Li Hong Yuan appeared as if contemplating, “Wan Wan is right. I’ll let someone research this, and when able to be kept fresh, it’s not too late to peel then.”

Can we not talk about this?

Li Hong Yuan also knew to stop before going too far, moving on and not mentioning again.

The Pei clan and the Min clan’s two young ladies returned to the Min clan’s boat. As Miss Min’s older brother, and also someone that has admired Pei Xiu Ying for a long time, knowing that they boarded the usually loose and lustful Jin Qinwang’s vessel, how can he peacefully sit still. Learning that the two of them have returned, he naturally just impatiently rushed over. Seeing that the two of them didn’t have any areas out of place, he finally suppressed that fretfulness, revealing a warm smile, appearing nonchalant, but in reality inquiring about Jin Wangfei’s purpose in meeting them, just fearing a situation outside of the circumstances appearing.

Pei Xiu Ying however directly claimed to be a bit tired, taking her leave to return to her own room.

Gentleman Min naturally hurriedly nodded in approval, very elegantly seeing the person off. Afterwards, he pulled along his younger sister, all kinds of inquiring. Jin Wangfei and whatnot, he was completely uninterested in. What he was concerned about was just Jin Qinwang. And what was Jin Qinwang like? It was nothing more than meeting once at the very end, the other party saying one line, that’s all. But precisely because of hearing this one line, Gentleman Min just directly exploded, for a time losing his rationality, wanting to charge onto that biggest government boat to look for Li Hong Yuan to fight.

Miss Min was also too lazy to bother with him. In any case, every time someone goes to discuss marriage with big sister Xiu Ying, he would all go crazy once. The wood plank between the two boats have already been removed. If you have the ability, why don’t you go.

Miss Min although was a carefree person, it didn’t mean that she was stupid. As an onlooker, she perhaps saw even clearer than Pei Xiu Ying, who was an involved party. She at least was seventy percent certain, Jin Wangfei wanted to meet big sister Xiu Ying. She was nothing more than just meeting in passing. And big sister Xiu Ying’s attitude was also very strange. There was surely something she was unaware of here, but regardless of what secrets there were inside, she was all uninterested in finding out, just glancing to her own older brother in pity. Big sister Xiu Ying isn’t someone you can have delusions about, so best save it. Every time always going crazy behind their backs, never mind the Pei clan and big sister Xiu Ying all not knowing, even if they know, they still won’t bother with you.

Since unable to go looking, Gentleman Min just randomly cursed on his own family’s boat, mentioning by name, having Li Hong Yuan cursed through and through. It was also fortunate that on the boat, it was all his own people, else with him like this, even if not dying, it’s still having to shed a layer of skin.

Afterwards, the journey was rather smooth, without any troubles appearing. Arriving in Chuanzhou Fu, it was similarly getting welcomed by the various officials lining up in the streets.

This time, the important officials of the entire Shannan Prefecture, aside from that Prefectural Minister of Education currently being detained in his own home, were all fully present.

Li Hong Yuan’s gaze swept over them one by one, and didn’t say much. Tomorrow was already the provincial exam, so Li Hong Yuan didn’t deliberately hold up the time again either.

Perhaps a custom forming from the previous two places, this time, they similarly prepared a villa.

As the main examiner, with Li Hong Yuan, this big boss, all not present, the opening banquet naturally wasn’t held. Li Hong Yuan didn’t bother with the others, directly calling over the deputy examiner for this exam, throwing out the three original sets of exam questions, letting him pick one on his own, have the third round moved to the first, and quickly prepare the exam questions required for tomorrow.

Although this didn’t conform with the rules, but at this time, no one would still be so foolish as to go explain the rules to Jin Qinwang. Speaking of which, this deputy examiner even relaxed a breath. If they really were to go according to the usual order, even if printing and not transcribing, they still won’t be able to have the exam questions ready by tomorrow. When time comes, can one even say it’s Jin Qinwang’s fault? Naturally no.

The deputy examiner also didn’t dare to slight, and at this time, didn’t turn down either, randomly picking one from the three similarly sealed envelope. Soon after, he personally asked Jin Qinwang to send a few guards.

Li Hong Yuan let Li Su Yan pull a few people to ‘escort’ him back, directly heading to Gong Courtyard[1]. The original examiners were all waiting there. Learning Li Hong Yuan’s decision, they all relaxed a breath. However, even so, they still need to quickly have the exam questions for the third round prepared.

Because the time was pressing, they also couldn’t be too bothered with the rules, all setting to the task.

Since the provincial exam was important, Li Hong Yuan not meeting with the other officials practically was legitimately justified. But in reality, even if there wasn’t this matter, Li Hong Yuan saying he doesn’t want to meet, that was still bold and confidently.

[1] 贡院 – The name for the examination hall where the imperial exam takes place, specifically the provincial exam and metropolitan exam. The final court exam takes place in the imperial palace. Gong Courtyard’s literal translation is ‘recommendation courtyard’, as the word 贡 in this context means ‘to recommend’. The name is derived from ‘recommending someone of talent to the imperial court’.

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