Tyrannical Wang's Beloved Wife

Chapter 476

Chapter 476: Invitation, Rules

Chapter 476: Invitation, Rules

“You can just decide.” In Li Hong Yuan’s eyes, whether it’s going bigger or going smaller, it inherently had no difference. That was just for the sake of finding pleasure, and opening the race ground to earn money and whatnot, it was merely seeing that his wife was happy, thus playing along. Even if in the future, they very much need money, he can still look for from other areas, needless to do anything now. If it was up to him, his things, even if left molding and growing weed, he still won’t bring out to share with others. However, who let his wife be happy to do so, thus it didn’t matter. Speaking from another perspective, this was also a ‘good opportunity’. The bigger it was, the easier it would be to make a move. For certain people, if they don’t take the opportunity to do a bit of something, Li Hong Yuan would instead be very disappointed.

Throughout the entire capital, to want to know who all were relatively good at playing around and good at horseback riding, one will know just by investigating, or perhaps have one’s ‘capable generals’ under one just go ask, without even needing to deliberately investigate, and perhaps one will just be able to know the answer.

In reality, the people below really did know. However, for the sake of striving for perfection, not wanting to have anything overlooked, they still went and carefully investigated. This kind of thoroughness obviously had already become a habit.

As one can well imagine, those people that were far from reaching this social stratum, when receiving an invitation with Jin Qinwang’s official seal, just how shocked they were, especially when they were inherently still the kind of wastrel son that didn’t engage in proper work.

And naturally, as these people’s elders, that expression was also quite interesting. No matter how his reputation was, he was still a true and honest qinwang, deeply favored by the emperor. Even if he was just letting you go to entertain him, for many people, that was all an enormous honor. For those bastards that were disdained by their family all day long, hating that they can’t beat them three times a day, suddenly obtaining ‘favor’ that they perhaps would’ve never been able to obtain for all their life, that feeling really was……………

If purely the type that was spoiled by the family, it was still okay, perhaps even praised and boasted by their mother or grandmother at home, saying that their darling son, precious grandson was outstanding, and these people probably had their tails all raised into the skies———-So what if their other brothers were impressive, were they able to obtain Jin Qinwang’s invitation? Able to enter Jin Qinwang’s estate? Able to be invited by Jin Qinwang to race horses together?

But, if the type that was intentionally raised into a useless shu son by the di mother, then those di mothers most likely will vomit blood. Originally, they’d finally had the person pressed down, yet now, they were using this kind of method to rise up again. And regardless of what they were considering for, as the head of the family, they would all somewhat attach importance. The ones with big ambitions naturally will give even more support. With the shu son rising up, the di son certainly won’t have as many benefits as before. Moreover, if Jin Qinwang gets carried away on a whim not just once, there will be many more times. Then, towards these shu sons that have crawled up, as the di mother, they really didn’t dare to touch again in the slightest. If touched, perhaps it will just be severing their own husband’s certain paths. As such, they might not even be able to keep their position as the main wife.

And for those wastrels of the upper class noble families, their thoughts were a little different. After all, Jin Qinwang had money, knew how to play, and for those that have witnessed his excellent horseback riding skills, even if scared of him, they were actually still a bit itchy inside. Unfortunately, Jin Qinwang has never took them to play. However, this time, he actually invited the to race horses. In the depths of their hearts, that was uncontrollably getting excited. Moreover, towards their old man that wanted to break their legs, they can also be smug for once. This was openly going out to play. And for those that got confined, it was further being giddy to no end———–Pops, it’s not me that wants to go out, it’s Jin Qinwang inviting me. Don’t want me to go out? Fine, why don’t you go reply to Jin Qinwang’s invitation then.

Encountering this kind of bastard, as the old man, they would certainly want to whip them to death, but Jin Qinwang’s face, they really can’t not give. That’s why, seeing their own bastard’s smug face, they could only forcibly endure.

They rather wanted to have the bastard detained in the home, but they couldn’t, because these bastards had another invitation in their hands.

Jing Wan, unknown as to whether or not it was her mischievousness acting up, not only sent the head of those upper class families an invitation inviting all the youngsters of the family, but also gave their family’s ‘best one’ a separate invitation. Want to detain? Hehe………..

However, fortunately, it wasn’t just inviting the ‘best one’. Thus, they naturally had their family’s most outstanding and most capable one also sent over to at least watch over a little, and don’t let them cause some irremediable trouble. Moreover, every family’s situation was all the same, thus it was also a pretty good opportunity to make social connections.

And for those whose status didn’t reach that level, with one invitation, they can even bring along five people, so naturally it was each having their own considerations. Even the di mothers that were disgruntled at the fact that the shu son might rise up still had their own calculations inside. Even if the shu son stood out in front of Jin Qinwang, it was also just that, but if it was their own child making connections with those upper class noble descendants, then they might just soar into the skies. Thinking of this, the flames ignited inside, the indignation and unwillingness also thrown aside. Thinking of how to let their own child stand out was the most important right now.

And for those young ladies and young madams, as well as those yet to grow up little beansprouts, their thoughts were even more simple, just having curiosity inside, wanting to go for a look. After all, last year, when Jin Qinwang’s estate was building the horse farm, it was also considered large-scale. Even with Jiangnan’s matters at the time, and his Majesty in a thundering rage all day long, it didn’t stop the construction either. Moreover, that was part of the imperial estates. Very rarely would one have the opportunity to go, so having this opportunity, it was naturally wanting to go satisfy some of their curiosity, as well as a bit of their vanity.

That’s why, in the end, whether it was the benefits greater than the detriments, or the detriments greater than the benefits, it really couldn’t be generalized.

Since these people were all invited, then Jin Qinwang’s brothers and sisters naturally can’t be missing, regardless of whether or not they’d moved out of the palace. In reality, the ones still in the palace further looked forward to it. After all, if they want to leave the palace, it was countless times harder than a young lady of the boudoir going out. It was practically taking whatever they can get.

That’s why, the horse race this time, compared to what Jing Wan thought was going bigger, was even more lively. It can be said that anyone that was able to come all came.

All the participating horses were sent in advance to the estate two days before the official race, and allowed one person to tag along.

The horses that gathered here in the end, when Jing Wan saw that spectacular scene, her feelings were a bit hard to describe, “The invitations that were sent out, in total, it was still less than a hundred, right? So these two hundred some horses, where did they come from?”

“Replying to wangfei, some of the gentlemen sent over quite a few horses.” The steward that was in charge of these horses tactfully said.

“Heh, this was one person preparing to ride several horses? However, it doesn’t matter. Originally didn’t plan on letting those young masters personally take the field anyways. In any case, the ultimate goal was gambling on the horses, and not gambling on the person. If they have the confidence, having all the horses sent out isn’t a problem either. Each family can only send out one horse, the rest, if they want to send out, let them pay the entrance fee. Since this is the first time, the entrance fee can be a bit cheaper, one thousand taels per horse. Additionally, one family’s horse cannot appear in the same race. This wangfei is also considering for them, no? After all, some people perhaps wish to have just their own compete together. At the same time, it’ll also be convenient for them to make bets on each of their horses, no?”

Towards their wangfei coming up with another idea to make money on the spot like that, they were also impressed.

Have to say, certain people, towards their own horse, that was full of confidence. Two days later, the young masters that were preparing to race, after receiving the staff’s explanation——-This way was also good. Wasn’t it merely just a one thousand taels entrance fee? No problem. Moreover, after receiving approval, they just waved their hand, letting their own attendant return home and have their other baby at home also brought over. josei

Speaking of which, those that were good with horses absolutely weren’t just youngsters. For some people, that was having excelled their whole life. Even if afterwards, they can’t personally ride anymore, they were still willing to raise a few precious horses. And this kind of person, if able to have the opportunity, was also quite willing to have their own treasures pulled out for a stroll and show off.

That’s why, this place, they really didn’t need to worry about it not flourishing.

Although the ones that came were all youngsters and small children, the amount of people that showed up truly wasn’t any less than those very important banquets. The inherent goal was just to have fun. As such, Jing Wan also dressed very casually, wearing whatever that was convenient. The ones that she needed to receive were just those zhoulis of hers, and after seeing Rui Wangfei, she was also quite surprised. Having finally gotten pregnant again with great difficulty, and even during a special period……..The fetus wasn’t even stable yet, yet just dared to run out to wander around. Exactly was it really having nothing to fear, or actually have some other thoughts? Jing Wan’s gaze slightly flickered, not saying anything, just letting the servants properly serve. The things prepared for her were all very common and absolutely won’t have any mishaps, and moreover, had all gone through the people by her side’s hands.

However, perhaps because she was really happy, Rui Wangfei appeared much more gentle, and it wasn’t the kind of smile that was perfect from head to toe. At least, in Jing Wan’s perception, it was quite real.

“Sixth sister-in-law, this estate of yours is truly managed beautifully.”

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