Tyrannical Wang's Beloved Wife

Chapter 592.1

Chapter 592.1: The Empress Governs the Country I


Chapter 592.1: The Empress Governs the Country I

The Empress Governs the Country I (1)

From Li Hong Yuan’s ascension on the second of the second month, to the imperial birthday on the twentieth of the third month, it was almost a whole two months. This was counting from when it was announced to the world. And in reality, from when he first ‘seized the throne’, it was impossible for the regional officials and the various surrounding countries to not know anything at all. The difference was just how much of the truth they knew. However, regardless of what the facts were, the imperial court was already set. As long as Qi Yuan’s regional officials aren’t stupid in the head, then they won’t do anything drastic. Since the new emperor has ascended the throne, then they should just hastily express themselves, sending congratulatory gifts to the capital.

This can be set aside for now. The problem lie in the various surrounding countries. For some small countries, including Zhang who had tried to kill Li Hong Yuan, that was all sending over national letters and gifts as quickly as possible, expressing their congratulations.

Zhang’s things were particularly abundant, even more than what’s normally offered as tribute. Towards their former target of assassination having ascended the throne, who surely harbor a grudge towards Zhang, they were endlessly anxious. Moreover, they didn’t complete Southern Qi’s mission, so if Qi Yuan decides to dispatch an army, Southern Qi most likely will ignore. As such, in the national letter, they did their utmost to emphasize their innocence as much as possible, saying that one of their generals got bribed by Southern Qi, and that that general’s family have already all been arrested. One word from Qi Yuan, and they will just immediately have the person sent over for Qi Yuan Emperor to deal with.

What’s worth pondering over is the remaining three countries. West Xiongnu, needless to mention, nearly ended up just like North Xiongnu several decades ago, getting thoroughly beaten crippled. Because of being very prideful, it was also normal for them to not express anything. Former Wei’s national letter and congratulatory gifts more or less came on time, seemingly appearing to not have any problems. However, based on Former Wei’s poor relationship with Qi Yuan, the things coming a bit early, no matter how one looked at it, it was all like as if having a guilty conscience. As for Southern Qi, it was just arriving late, seemingly not having Qi Yuan’s new ruler taken seriously. It was like as if the ones arranging to kill Li Hong Yuan because of failing to take control of him previously wasn’t them.

Jing Wan got taken to the imperial study by Li Hong Yuan. After slightly pondering for a moment, Jing Wan didn’t refuse.

The great majority of the people all thought that Li Hong Yuan brought Jing Wan along for the sake of having a beauty at the side, or perhaps her Highness wasn’t content with being in the inner palace.

Before Jing Wan looked at anything else, she first just saw the national letters that just arrived from Southern Qi.

She looked over from head to tail, and afterwards, just casually tossed aside. It was just an ordinary national letter, not having any special meaning. “Regarding Southern Qi, Ah Yuan, how do you plan on handling?” Jing Wan has never believed that her husband was one to not hold a grudge, and towards Southern Qi’s matter, just give up on.

However, in terms of addressing him, it has already become a habit, so in the imperial study, this also didn’t change.

That’s why, she didn’t notice the astonishment in the eyes of the servants serving in the imperial study. Of course, these people were all well-trained. Their thoughts won’t easily reveal on their face. The offense of losing one’s manners before the emperor, that wasn’t a joke.

Whether or not Li Hong Yuan noticed, it was unknown, but even if noticing, he also won’t say anything.

Li Hong Yuan turned his head and glanced at Jing Wan, “When time comes, you will know.” It was obvious, he didn’t plan on giving her a clear-cut answer at this time.

This kind of thing, it also wasn’t the first time encountering, so Jing Wan didn’t continue asking. The worst outcome was nothing more than just the two countries going to war, with one devouring the other. Of course, Jing Wan has never believed that Qi Yuan will be the one getting devoured. One has to know, her husband, even in his past life, still won. At the time, there weren’t the current advantages. Everything else aside, the northwest didn’t lose two to three hundred thousand soldiers, and the Northeast Army similarly didn’t have major losses. Those were all people that have truly been on the battlefield, having seen blood and having killed before. Especially the Northeast Army, seventy percent were all veterans. In addition to the various tribes of Zhennu Mountain beyond the northeast borders having already gotten thoroughly beaten crippled, unable to recover for another few decades, they can completely be at ease with boldly transferring troops.

This matter can be set aside for now.

Jing Wan flipped through the other national letters, seeing the one from the Kingdom of Zhang, softly chuckling. However, her gaze was nevertheless ice-cold, and her laughter was also full of mockery. “As a general of Zhang, not completing the mission, and just fleeing when discovering something amiss, as the ruler of Zhang, when something bad happens, just push the responsibility, randomly pushing out some small fry to take the blame, the people of Zhang, from top to bottom, are all quite interesting.”

“Whether or not they’re interesting, there’s no need to go think about. A mere pebble-sized country, can just extinguish them.” Li Hong Yuan nonchalantly said.

To just that easily decide a country’s life and death, Jing Wan also didn’t have any extreme reactions, “Yesterday after returning to the palace, I heard that He Shi Hai was looking for something to do because of being bored to death with nothing to do after the banquet? How about letting him out for a stroll, so as to avoid him becoming senselessly bored one day and start going out of control in the capital.”

TN: All

Right now, He Zhen Wei had quite the imperial favor. Who let him be one of the earliest bunch to ‘turn towards’ Yuan Qi Emperor. In the entire capital, there weren’t many that were able to wrestle with him. He Shi Hai was his youngest son, but even he wasn’t able to control him. From the looks of things, what once happened in the northeast border town might very likely just reenact in the capital.

“Wan Wan’s meaning is to have Zhang given to him to deal with?”

“When having excess energy, just need to let it out a little.” Jing Wan calmly said.

Li Hong Yuan turned to look at her. Zhang seemingly had his wife angered. When his wife really wanted to be ruthless, she won’t even hesitate to stab him, let alone others. However, this matter although had already passed, it’s still best to not bring up again, else the one out of luck will just be him.

“What’s wrong?” Jing Wan asked, slightly puzzled.

“Nothing. Since that’s the case, then it’s decided.” When it comes to attacking Zhang, they don’t even need to look for an excuse. In any case, on the matter of Li Hong Yuan getting intercepted and hunted down, there was already irrefutable evidence. That general from Zhang was still in Qi Yuan’s hands, so trampling you was also rightfully so.

When the officials came looking, they just saw Jing Wan sitting by Li Hong Yuan’s side, quietly flipping through the memorandums.

The others perhaps were very surprised, but Ruan Rui Zhong and Luo Pei Shan just glanced at one another, their eyes just short of blatantly saying: ‘Here it comes.’

It indeed has come, and moreover, even quicker than expected.

Truthfully speaking, compared to Li Hong Yuan who looked rather annoyed, Jing Wan was instead looking over the memorandums very conscientiously. Ignoring the gender, Jing Wan actually looked more like a responsible and diligent emperor.

“Each and every one of you all came to this emperor’s imperial study to be a mute?” With a thud, Li Hong Yuan had the memorandums in hand thrown onto the imperial desk.

“Your Majesty, the ancestral rules state that the inner palace must not interfere in politics. With her Highness being present here, isn’t it inappropriate?” A certain upright minister of the inner cabinet said as such.

The others all lowered their eyes, staring at the ground, seemingly just observing from the side, yet also like as if using this kind of method to express their support.

Li Hong Yuan actually didn’t explode this time, his finger lightly tapping the imperial desk again and again. The sound was very light, yet it made their hearts madly beat, especially that brave warrior, his forehead drenched with fine beads of sweat, feeling as if his heart was all about to jump out from his throat.

“Beloved minister’s words are very reasonable.” Li Hong Yuan rather earnestly nodded.

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